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Being a Chinese Tutor Can You Translate Them?. Being a Chinese Tutor.

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Presentation on theme: "Being a Chinese Tutor Can You Translate Them?. Being a Chinese Tutor."— Presentation transcript:

1 Being a Chinese Tutor Can You Translate Them?

2 Being a Chinese Tutor

3 We learn English in order to communicate with the world. Interestingly, Chinese is the hottest Second Foreign Language overseas.

4 You could also help foreigners pronounce Chinese if you know how to transit ㄅㄆㄇ into the spelling system they understand.

5 Ready? Here we go!

6 ㄅ b

7 ㄆ p

8 ㄇ m

9 ㄈ f

10 ㄉ d

11 ㄊ t

12 ㄋ n

13 ㄌ l

14 ㄍ g

15 ㄎ k

16 ㄏ h

17 ㄐ j

18 ㄑ q

19 ㄒ x

20 ㄓ zh

21 ㄔ ch

22 ㄕ sh

23 ㄖ r

24 ㄗ z

25 ㄘ c

26 ㄙ s

27 ㄧ i(y)

28 ㄨ u(w)

29 ㄩ ü(yu)

30 ㄚ a

31 ㄛ o

32 ㄜ e

33 ㄝ ê

34 ㄞ ai

35 ㄟ ei

36 ㄠ ao

37 ㄡ ou

38 ㄢ an

39 ㄣ en

40 ㄤ ang

41 ㄥ eng

42 ㄨㄥ ong

43 ㄦ er

44 ㄧㄚ ia

45 ㄧㄝ ie

46 ㄧㄠ iao

47 ㄧㄢ ian

48 ㄧㄣ in

49 ㄧㄤ iang

50 ㄧㄥ ing

51 ㄨㄚ ua

52 ㄨㄛ uo

53 ㄨㄞ uai

54 ㄨㄟ uei

55 ㄨㄢ uan

56 ㄨㄣ uen

57 ㄨㄤ uang

58 ㄨㄥ ueng

59 ㄩㄝ üe

60 ㄩㄢ üan

61 ㄩㄣ ün

62 ㄩㄥ iong

63 Can You Translate Them?

64 I believe you want to imply what you have learnt into practice.

65 Please separate the class into 5 groups, and see if your group can finish the exercise correctly!

66 好的 Hao de ˇ

67 很高興 hen gao xing ˇ ˋ

68 沒關係 mei guan xi ˊ –

69 不必客氣 bu bi keqi ˋ ˊˋ

70 再見 zai jian ˋˋ

71 End of Activity Two

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