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Georgia Relay Partner Training Turn Georgia Relay Users into Lifelong Customers.

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Presentation on theme: "Georgia Relay Partner Training Turn Georgia Relay Users into Lifelong Customers."— Presentation transcript:

1 Georgia Relay Partner Training Turn Georgia Relay Users into Lifelong Customers

2 What is Georgia Relay? A free public service that allows Georgia residents who are deaf, hard of hearing, deaf- blind or have difficulty speaking to communicate by phone. Administered by the Georgia Public Service Commission Service provided by Hamilton Relay American Disabilities Act 1990

3 How A Georgia Relay Call Works The Relay caller places a call through Georgia Relay, typically through the use of an assistive communication device. A Communication Assistant (CA) speaks and/or types what is said between you and the Relay caller. Speak as you normally would, just a little slower. Talk directly to the customer, not the CA.

4 Secure, Confidential Calls All calls are kept strictly confidential by law No records of calls are kept CAs must type everything you say exactly as you say it CAs must remain impartial, and cannot get involved in the conversation

5 Relay Calls Are Good For Business By learning how to handle Relay calls you have the opportunity to: Convert callers into customers Increase sales Build customer loyalty Get word-of-mouth referrals from satisfied Georgia Relay users

6 Types of Relay Calls Traditional TTY Relay: Users type and read their phone conversations on a text telephone (TTY). VCO (Voice Carry-Over): Users speak directly to you, then read your response. HCO (Hearing Carry-Over): Users listen directly to you, then type their response. STS (Speech-To-Speech): Users with difficulty speaking listen and speak directly to you with the assistance of an STS-trained CA.

7 Types of Relay Calls Captioned Telephone (CapTel ® ): Hard-of-hearing users talk directly with you, while also viewing your words as text captions on a CapTel phone. VRS (Video Relay Service) : Users communicate with sign language using a videophone or webcam. Spanish Relay : Users can request Spanish-to-Spanish and Spanish-to-English Relay service.

8 Answering a Traditional Relay Call Step 1. When you answer a Relay call, the Communication Assistant (CA) will identify the call and give their CA number – “Hello, Georgia Relay CA 2643.”

9 Answering a Relay Call Step 2. If you you are unfamiliar with Relay, the CA will explain how Georgia Relay works.

10 Answering a Relay Call Step 3. The call will proceed with the CA voicing everything to you that the Relay user types.

11 Answering a Relay Call Step 4. When the CA says “Go Ahead,” it’s your turn to respond. Speak slowly and directly to the caller, not the CA.

12 Answering a Relay Call Step 5. When you are finished speaking, say “Go Ahead.” The CA will then type everything you said back to the customer.

13 Answering a Relay Call Step 6. The CA will continue relaying the messages back and forth until both you and the customer are finished with the conversation.

14 Making a Relay Call Step 1. Dial 7-1-1 to reach Georgia Relay.

15 Making a Relay Call Step 2. Give the CA the telephone number of the customer you wish to call.

16 Making a Relay Call Step 3. Once the CA has connected you, your conversation will proceed as a normal Relay call.

17 Answering a Video Relay Call 1.When you answer a Video Relay Service (VRS) call, the VRS CA will identify the call and give their CA number. The VRS CA is a qualified sign language interpreter and is based at a special VRS center. 2.Talk as you normally would. The VRS CA will use sign language to relay everything you say to the Relay user via video link. 3.The VRS CA will voice back to you the Relay user’s signed responses.

18 Making a Video Relay Service (VRS) Call 1.Dial the VRS customer’s area code and phone number, just like a traditional phone call. 2.The call will automatically connect through a VRS provider’s center. 3.Once connected, a CA will relay your conversation back and forth as normal.

19 Making and Receiving CapTel ® Calls With all Captioned Telephone (CapTel) calls, there’s no need to wait for cues from a CA. The customer listens while reading captions and responds directly to you.

20 Making and Receiving CapTel ® Calls Be sure to ask your customer how best to reach him/her in the event you need to call back. You must either: Dial the customer’s phone number directly -or- First dial the captioning center (1-877-243- 2823), then enter the customer’s phone number.

21 Calling Tips Don’t hang up. There will be a short pause when you pick up, similar to a telemarketing or solicitation call. However, a CA will quickly identify themselves to you with traditional TTY and VRS calls.

22 Calling Tips Speak slowly and clearly so that the CA can capture everything you say. It is not necessary to speak loudly. Speak directly to your customer, not the CA. The CA will not acknowledge you if you try to speak to him or her.

23 Calling Tips Say “Go Ahead” after each thought. This signals that you are finished speaking and it is the Relay user’s turn to respond. Be aware that the CA will type everything that is heard —including background noises and voice intonations—to ensure equal access.

24 Calling Tips Be patient. Georgia Relay calls take a few minutes longer than regular calls. Know your customers’ Relay preferences. Before getting off the call, ask your customers which type of Relay service they prefer you use when contacting them.

25 Calling Tips Ask for help if you have trouble understanding a conversation. Typed messages from TTY users who use American Sign Language (ASL) may not translate well into spoken English. If you have trouble, ask the CA for an ASL translator.

26 Relay Call Fraud: Protect Your Business Criminals can pose as Relay callers to conceal their identity and place orders with stolen/fake credit card numbers and cashier’s checks.

27 Fraud Warning Signs Beware of callers who: Refuse to provide a name or phone number Order unusually large quantities Don’t ask common questions Have no concern for price Want order shipped immediately through a third party and/or to an overseas location

28 More Fraud Warning Signs Beware of callers who: Use multiple credit cards, sometimes with numbers that are close together Can’t provide a 3-digit credit card verification code Wish to pay with a certified check Refuse to wire money directly to you Pressure you to “act now” on the sale

29 Preventing Call Fraud For all transactions: Always confirm the buyer’s full name, address and telephone number. For credit card payments: Ensure that the credit card is valid and the user is authorized before ending the call if possible.

30 Preventing Call Fraud For check payments: Ask for a check drawn at a local bank or local branch. Never accept a check for more than your selling price. For wire transfers: End the transaction immediately if the buyer insists that you wire back funds.

31 Report All Suspicious Calls To: Federal Trade Commission 1-877-FTC-HELP Georgia Relay Customer Service 1-866-694-5824 (Voice/TTY)

32 Employee Support Questions: 1-866-694-5824 (Voice/TTY) Learn more:

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