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Presentation on theme: "YUAN CHING SECONDARY SCH"— Presentation transcript:


2 Key Personnel Principal: Mrs Saraspathy Menon
Vice Principal 1: Miss Jenny Ng Vice Principal 2: Mdm Ivy Koh HODs: Mdm Azlinah (English Language) Mdm Chong Shur Chin (Mother TL) Mr Tan Kok Chiew (Science) Ms Kwa Bee Hoon (Humanities) Mr Daniel Ong (School Staff Developer) Mr Lim Fang Kwan (PE/CCA) Mr Loh Peng Yeong (ICT) Mr Peterson Ramsay Colin (Pupil Management) Mr Leung Yulun (Pupil Development – Covering, SH/Character Development) Mr Liew Kok Keong (Mathematics – Covering)

3 Key Personnel Subject Heads: Mr Derek Soong (Pupil Management)
Mrs Erh Ka Min (Data Management) Mdm Ow Chin Fong (Project Work & Env Ed) Mr Ong Sheo Yuan (Craft & Technology) Ms Lee Pern Pern (English) Lead Teacher: Mr Chew Chong Kiat Admin Manager: Mr Tan Eng Cheng Operation Managers : Mr Govin Mr Voon Soon Tuck Full-Time School Counsellor: Ms Shanti Letchimi Allied Educator: Ms Susanti Bte Salim (LBS)

4 Sec 2 Form Teachers Sec Two Level Heads
Sec 2E1 Mrs Pamela Ho Mr Ma YaPing Sec 2E2 Mr Daniel Kuan Ms Shanti Armugam Sec 2E3 Ms Santhi Sathyamoorthi Mr Anthony Tay Mr Loh Peng Yeong Sec 2N1 Mr Tan Ying Yang Mr Goh Chai Eak Sec 2N2 Mdm Rozita Beram Mr Ko Chen Wei Sec 2T1 Mdm Zubaidah Ariffin Miss Juliana Ho Mr Ong Sheo Yuan Sec Two Level Heads


6 Enriching Minds Unleashing Potential Impacting Lives
OUR SCHOOL MISSION Enriching Minds Unleashing Potential Impacting Lives

7 Every Individual a Thinker an Achiever a Global Citizen
OUR SCHOOL VISION Every Individual a Thinker an Achiever a Global Citizen

8 Efforts Today Rewards Tomorrow 今日耕耘 明日长青
OUR SCHOOL MOTTO Efforts Today Rewards Tomorrow 今日耕耘 明日长青

9 Our Strategic Thrusts Engaged learners
Differentiated learning to cater for different abilities Assessment for Learning (Checking of understanding) Close monitoring for early intervention Confident students of good character and citizenship Emphasis on Character & Values Education (e.g. through VOTM, Sec 2 camp) Development of Student Leadership Mass participation of school events to promote Physical well-being and Aesthetic education Enabled and empowered staff Partnership for excellence Parent Support Group (PSG) Parents’ participation in school’s events (e.g. Cross-Country, Sports Day), Meet-The-Parents Session, Breakfast with Principal Management by Knowledge Providing an enriching learning experience and sustaining value added academic performance Nurturing confident students of good character and developing all round talent to achieve niches of excellence Building a vibrant learning community among staff Establishing close partnership with the community and be a school of choice

10 ROLE OF THE STUDENTS Adopt the school motto and vision to be your own:
Efforts Today, Rewards Tomorrow - Discipline to Learn; Motivation to Succeed; Honesty to Strive; Diligence for Results A Thinker - Dare to Question; Thirst for Knowledge; Seek Wisdom An Achiever - Dare to Dream; Drive for Excellence; Passion to Innovate A Global Citizen - Humility to Serve; Confidence to Concede; Graciousness to Accommodate

11 ROLE OF THE PARENTS Know your child’s school activities
- Instructional/enrichment programmes, CCAs, school events Participation in your child’s school life - Establish bonds with our school through form teachers, Meet-the-Parents sessions, Parent Support Group Be involved with your child’s learning - Communicate, encourage, motivate, monitor; know his friends/outside school activities Be aware of signs of misconduct - Take proactive action; work with form teachers, school management

12 we can make every individual in Yuan Ching
Together we can make every individual in Yuan Ching A Thinker An Achiever A Global Citizen

13 Sec 2 Streaming Objectives:
To match a pupil’s ability to the appropriate subject combination To match a pupil’s aspirations with the appropriate course

14 Post-secondary Education
Junior College Academic-oriented Lecture-Tutorial System Independent Learning Polytechnic Institute of Technical Education (ITE)

15 Criteria For Promotion/Transfer Sec 2 Express
Results Outcome Pass in EL and in the average of all subjects Promoted to Sec 3 Express Pass in EL but fail in the average of all subjects OR Pass in the average of all subjects but fail in EL (less than 50%) Laterally transferred to Sec 3 N(A)

16 Criteria For Transfer/Promotion/Advancement Sec 2 Normal (Academic)
Results Outcome 70% or higher in the average for all subjects Laterally transferred to Sec 3 Express Grade 5 or better in EL and 2 other subjects OR Grade 5 or better in 4 subjects Promoted to Sec 3 N(A) Has not met minimum attainment level and at or above maximum age Advanced to Sec 3 N(A) Has not met minimum attainment level and below maximum age Retained in Sec 2 N(A)

17 Criteria For Transfer/Promotion/Advancement Sec 2 Normal (Technical)
Results Outcome 70% or higher in the average for all subjects and deemed able to cope with the N(A) course Laterally transferred to Sec 2 N(A) Grade D or better in 2 subjects, one of which is EL or Mathematics Promoted to Sec 3 N(T) Has not met minimum attainment level and at or above maximum age Advanced to Sec 3 N(T) Has not met minimum attainment level and below maximum age Retained in Sec 2 N(T)

18 Subject Combinations Offered (Express course)
Sec 3 Express (Total of 7 or 8 subjects) Common Subjects: English Language Mother Tongue / Higher Mother Tongue Mathematics Science Combined Humanities (Social Studies with an elective)

19 Subject Combinations Mathematics Elective Subject Science Subjects
Additional Mathematics Science Subjects Chemistry Physics Biology Science (Physics/Chemistry) Science (Chemistry/Biology)

20 Subject Combinations Humanities Elective Subjects Aesthetics Electives
Social Studies with Geography Elective Social Studies with History Elective Principles of Accounts Aesthetics Electives Design & Technology Food & Nutrition Art

21 Subject Combinations Offered (Normal Academic course)
Sec 3 Normal Academic (Total of 6 subjects) Common Subjects: English Language Mother Tongue Mathematics Science (Physics/Chemistry) Combined Humanities (Social Studies with an elective)

22 Subject Combinations Mathematics Elective Subject
N Level Additional Mathematics Humanities Elective Subjects Social Studies with Geography Elective Social Studies with History Elective Principles of Accounts Aesthetics Elective Subjects Design & Technology Food & Nutrition Art

23 Subject Combinations Offered (Normal Technical course)
Sec 3 Normal Technical (Total of 6 subjects) Common Subjects: English Language Basic Mother Tongue Mathematics Science Computer Application (CPA) Aesthetics Elective Subjects Design & Technology Art

24 Details of subject combinations & pre-requisites
Details of the subject combinations, the pre-requisites and the subject synopsis for the various subjects can be found in the handout given out today.

25 STREAMING PROCESS Students will be ranked at the end of Sec 2
Allocation of subject combination will be based on Merit (overall performance and performance in individual subjects) Eligibility Preference The number of students opting for the particular subject combination Availability of resources

26 Option Form The option forms will be issued in October after the Final Term Examination. Three options will be given. Use them wisely. If the student is not successful in any of the options, Promotion Committee will decide. The deadline for submission of the Option Form is after the Final Term Examination at a specified date indicated in the option form.

27 How Parents can help. . . Discuss with your children – their aspirations and advise them accordingly Encourage them to focus on the Sec 2 studies and aim for their preferred subject combination for Sec 3 Discuss with Form Teachers on child’s progress regularly


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