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Mary K. Greer Enneagrams Finding Your True Self Mary K. Greer Have you ever asked yourself: What am I really like?What makes me so difficult? Why do.

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Presentation on theme: "Mary K. Greer Enneagrams Finding Your True Self Mary K. Greer Have you ever asked yourself: What am I really like?What makes me so difficult? Why do."— Presentation transcript:


2 Mary K. Greer Enneagrams Finding Your True Self

3 Mary K. Greer Have you ever asked yourself: What am I really like?What makes me so difficult? Why do I say the things I do?Why do I do the things I do? Why are some people so difficult? Why do I get along with some people, but not with others? What must I do to change?What do I have to do to become psychologically and spiritually whole?

4 Mary K. Greer The Enneagram is a tool of self- exploration. We all have a hidden self The goal of life's psychological and spiritual journey Where do I find the answers?

5 Mary K. Greer Why study Enneagrams? Teaches –compassion –acceptance and understanding Gives –self-understanding –insight into how you live and function in the world Enables us to –break free from worn-out coping strategies –learn alternatives to our own patterns of behavior

6 Mary K. Greer History of the Enneagram Predates modern psychology Roots in Buddhism, Judaism (especially in the Kabballah) and Eastern Orthodox Christianity Used by Catholic retreat programs

7 Mary K. Greer Theory of the Enneagram Nine pointed diagram. It tells us about different types of people. Typology is a system of classification of data in an effort to improve understanding. Finding your personality "type" can explain you to yourself and to others but your uniqueness is not lost.

8 Mary K. Greer Personality Box Trapped in a personality Resistance to being “typed” See your "limited" personality so you can fulfill your potential.

9 Mary K. Greer Enneagram Fundamentals Each point of the Enneagram represents one personality style or type. Personality type – consistent and habitual pattern of thought, emotion, and behavior

10 Mary K. Greer Nine personality types are defined by numbers and names. All personality types are equal in value. Lines and arrows show how a personality type can change and relate to another type.

11 Mary K. Greer Personality Types Reformer or Perfectionist (Type 1) Helper/Giver (Type 2) Performer/Achiever (Type 3) Individualist/Actor (Type 4) Thinker/Analyst (Type 5) Loyalist/Devil’s Advocate (Type 6) Enthusiast/Epicure (Type 7) Leader/Boss (Type 8) Peacemaker/Mediator (Type 9)

12 Mary K. Greer How did I become my personality type? Your unique energy Unconscious decision made in childhood Interaction of your temperament and your relationship with caregiver

13 Mary K. Greer Decisions Made by Each Type Reformer/Perfectionist (Type 1) –be perfect –do everything right Helper/Giver (Type 2) –be helpful –meet others’ needs Motivator/Performer (Type 3) –always achieve and accomplish

14 Mary K. Greer Decisions (cont’d.) Individualist/Romantic (Type 4) –be different in a special way, then others will value the difference Thinker/Observer (Type 5) –be knowledgeable and understand everything Loyalist/Questioner (Type 6) –be faithful, loyal, and dependable

15 Mary K. Greer Decisions (cont’d.) Enthusiast/Epicure (Type 7) –be fun-loving and happy –brighten other people’s day Leader/Boss (Type 8) –be strong and powerful so that people will respect you Peacemaker/Mediator (Type 9) –never rock the boat –always smooth things over

16 Mary K. Greer Brief Description of the Nine Types Perfectionist (Type 1) is realistic, conscientious, and principled. They strive to live up to their high ideals. Examples: Gandhi, John Paul II, Martha Stewart, “Church Lady” Giver (Type 2) is warm, concerned, nurturing, and sensitive to other people’s needs. Examples: Mother Teresa, Eleanor Roosevelt, Ann Landers, Dr. McCoy

17 Mary K. Greer Descriptions (cont’d.) Performer (Type 3) is energetic, optimistic, self-assured, and goal-oriented. Examples: Bill Clinton, Barbra Streisand, Jane Pauley, Sting Individualist/Romantic (Type 4) has sensitive feelings and are warm and perceptive. Examples: Paul Simon, Edgar Allan Poe, Michael Jackson

18 Mary K. Greer Descriptions (cont’d.) Observer/Thinker (Type 5) has a need for knowledge and is introverted, curious, analytical, and insightful. Examples: Albert Einstein, Bill Gates, John Lennon, Stephen King Loyalist/Questioner (Type 6) is responsible, trustworthy, and value loyalty to family, friends, groups, and causes. Examples: Bruce Springsteen, Richard Nixon, Princess Diana

19 Mary K. Greer Descriptions (cont’d.) Enthusiast/Epicure (Type 7) is energetic, lively, and optimistic. Examples: Liberace, Robin Williams, JFK, Howard Stern Boss/Leader (Type 8) is direct, self-reliant, and protective. Examples: Martin Luther King, Saddam Hussein, Donald Trump

20 Mary K. Greer Descriptions (cont’d.) Mediator/Peacemaker (Type 9) is receptive, good-natured, and supportive. They seek union with others and the world. Examples: Abraham Lincoln, Walt Disney, Marge Simpson

21 Mary K. Greer Analyzing the Enneagram Wings Triads –Heart – image-based-2,3,4 –Head – fear-based-5,6,7 –Gut – anger-based – 8,9,1

22 Mary K. Greer Effects of Security and Stress Types change under stress and in security Types under stress move with the arrow Types in security move against the arrow

23 Mary K. Greer Passions and Virtues TypePassionVirtue 1PerfectionistAngerSerenity 2GiverPrideHumility 3PerformerDeceitHonesty 4IndividualistEnvyBalance 5ThinkerGreedNonattachment 6LoyalistFearCourage 7EnthusiastGluttonySobriety 8BossLustInnocence 9MediatorSlothRight action

24 Mary K. Greer

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