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I’m Not Crazy…. I’m Just Not You!!. l Welcome to Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Workshop l History l What MBTI Measures and What It Doesn’t Measure (gifts,

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Presentation on theme: "I’m Not Crazy…. I’m Just Not You!!. l Welcome to Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Workshop l History l What MBTI Measures and What It Doesn’t Measure (gifts,"— Presentation transcript:

1 I’m Not Crazy…. I’m Just Not You!!

2 l Welcome to Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Workshop l History l What MBTI Measures and What It Doesn’t Measure (gifts, strengths, Uniqueness and Preferences) l What are the Dichotomies and 16 types

3 What will we cover today l History l Assessment l Validation Materials l Exercises to Demonstrate Type l How Type Effects Communication l Exercises to Demonstrate Types and Communication/Teamwork

4 History and Introduction to Type Devised by Mother Daughter Team for Returning GI’s Set up Dichotomies to reflect Carl Jung’s theory of Psychological Types Dichotomies E/I; S/N; T/F; J/P 16 Combinations Measures Personality Preference Assessment….not a Test (no right or wrong)

5 Why Do We Care about our Type? l With Greater Self awareness, the more power you have to create the life you want. The MBTI is a powerful personality profile that gives you insight into your own and other preferences for how you learn, how you make decisions, for how you communicate, and for managing time and energy. This effects every aspect of your life.

6 Extroversion/Introversion

7 Extraversion/Introversion Characteristics (these are complementary attitudes toward the world) l Feels pulled outward By External Claims and Conditions l Is Energized by Other people l Acts then (maybe) reflects l Is Often Friendly, Talkative, Easy to Know l Feels Pushed Inward by External Claims and Intrusions l Is Energized by Inner Resources l Reflects, Then (Maybe) Acts l Is Often Reserved, Quiet, Hard to Know An Extravert…An Introvert…

8 l Expresses Thoughts and Emotions Freely (May be at Risk of Saying too much) l Needs Relationships l Gives Breadth to Life l E’s may Seem Shallow to I’s l Keeps Thoughts and Emotions Private (May be at Risk of Saying too little) l Needs Privacy l Gives Depth to Life l I’s may Seem Withdrawn to E’s Extraversion/Introversion Characteristics An Extravert…An Introvert…

9 Balance l Extraversion Needs Introversion for Balance l Introversion Needs Extraversion for Balance l In Our Lives and In Our Selves

10 Balance l Extraverts use Both E and I But they Prefer E l Introverts use Both E and I But they Prefer I How clear is your Preference?

11 Key Words: E/I l Extraversion l Active l Outward l Sociable l People l Many l Expressive l Breadth l Introversion l Reflective l Inward l Reserved l Privacy l Few l Quiet l Depth ExtravertIntrovert

12 Sensing/Intuition Characteristics (these are ways of taking in information) l Sees Specific Parts And Pieces l Lives in the Present Enjoying What’s There l Prefers Handling Practical Matters l Likes Things That Are Definite, Measureable l Sees Patterns and Relationships l Lives Toward the Future, Anticipating What Might Be l Prefers Imaging Possibilities l Likes Opportunities for Being Inventive A Sensor…An Intuitor…

13 l Starts at the Beginning Takes A Step At A Time l Works Hands On With The Parts to Understand the Overall Design l Enjoys Using And Refining the Known and Familiar l S’s may seem Materialistic and Literal Minded to Ns l Jumps in Anywhere, Leaps Over Steps l Studies The Overall Design to Understand How the Parts Fit Together l Enjoys Experimenting With The New and Different l N’s May Seem Fickle, Impractical Dreamers to S’s Sensing/Intuition Characteristics (these are ways of taking in information) A Sensor…An Intuitor…

14 Balance l Sensing Needs Intuition for Balance l Intuition Needs Sensing for Balance l In Our Lives and In Our Selves

15 Balance l Sensing Types use Both S and N But they Prefer S l Intuitive Types use Both S and N But they Prefer N How clear is your Preference?

16 Some Key Words: S/N l Details l Present l Practical l Facts l Sequential l Directions l Repetition l Enjoyment l Perspiration l Conserve l Literal l Patterns l Future l Imaginative l Innovations l Random l Hunches l Variety l Anticipation l Inspiration l Change l Figurative SensingIntuiting

17 Thinking/Feeling Characteristics (these are ways we make decisions) l Goes by Logic l Is Concerned with Principles Such as Truth and Justice l Sees Things As an On- Looker From Outside A Situation l Takes a Long Range View l Goes By Personal Conviction l Concerned with Values such as Relationships, Harmony l Sees Things As a Participant from Within a Situation l Take an Immediate and Personal View A Thinker…An Feeler…

18 l Decides with their Head l Good at Analyzing Plans l Spontaneously Critiques l T’s May Seem Cold and Condescending to F’s l Spontaneously Appreciate l Decides with their Heart l Good at Understanding People l F’s May Seem Fuzzy- Minded and Emotional to T’s Thinking/Feeling Characteristics (these are ways we make decisions) A Thinker…An Feeler…

19 Balance l Thinking Needs Feeling for Balance l Feeling Needs Thinking for Balance l In Our Lives and In Our Selves

20 Balance l Thinking Types use Both T and F But they Prefer T l Feeling Types use Both T and F But they Prefer F How clear is your Preference?

21 Some Key Words: T/F l Thinking l Head l Objective l Justice l Cool l Impersonal l Critique l Analyze l Precise l Principles l Feeling l Heart l Subjective l Harmony l Caring l Personal l Appreciates l Empathize l Persuasive l Values ThinkingFeeling

22 Judgement/Perception Characteristics (Life Styles) l Prefers An Organized Lifestyle l Likes Definite Order and Structure l Likes to Have Life Under Control l Enjoys Being Decisive l Prefers a Flexible Lifestyle l Likes Going with the Flow l Prefers to Experience Life As it Happens l Enjoys Being Curious… Discovering Surprises A Judger…A Perceiver…

23 l Likes Clear Limits and Categories l Feels Comfortable Establishing Closure l Handles Deadlines, Plans in Advance l J’s May Seem Demanding, Rigid, Uptight to P’s l Likes Freedom to Explore Without Limits l Feels Comfortable Maintaining Openness l Meets Deadlines By a Last Minute Rush l P’s May Seem Disorganized, Messy, Irresponsible to J’s A Judger…A Perceiver… Judgement/Perception Characteristics (Life Styles)

24 Balance l Judgment Needs Perception for Balance l Perception Needs Judgment for Balance l In Our Lives and In Our Selves

25 Balance l Judging Types use Both J and P But they Prefer J l Perceiving Types use Both J and P But they Prefer P How clear is your Preference?

26 Some Key Words: J/P l Judgment l Organized l Structure l Control l Decisive l Deliberate l Closure l Plan l Deadlines l Productive l Perception l Flexible l Flow l Experience l Curious l Spontaneous l Openness l Wait l Discoveries l Receptive JudgingPerceiving

27 What is YOUR Myers Briggs Type ?? __ __ __ __ ???

28 How Communication is Effected By Your Myers Briggs Type? l And Tips to Improve Communication.

29 Communication Styles of E/I l Arrive at their best solutions through discussion with others/need feedback l Move quickly in conversation from one topic to another l Speak up frequently l Want to include others in decision making l Not know what they think until they hear themselves say it…process information out loud l Like to be alone to think things through/get feedback in writing l Pause and collect their thoughts l Hesitate to speak up l Prefer to inform others of their decisions l Need time to ponder to know what they think? Extraverts…Introverts…

30 Pitfalls of Communication: E/I l Misinterpret quiet approach as withholding information l Be surprised when colleague announces decision l Not read written feedback but think it means time to discuss l Not respond to need for privacy l Respond to withdrawal by increase contact l Push to make a decision before he/she has had time to think in depth l Feel overwhelmed with facts or possibilities l Assume everyone knows what you are thinking l Surprised when written communication begins discussion l Not respect need for contact l Respond to increased contact by withdrawing further l Resist attempts to hurry decision by not being available Extraverts…Introverts…

31 Communication Styles of S/N l Like evidence (facts, details) presented first l Like suggestions to be straightforward and feasible l Rely on direct experience to provide information l Like an orderly step by step approach to conversation and problems l Want practical and realistic applications/ it ain’t broke, don’t fix it l Refer to specific examples l Follow agenda l See solutions as needing to conform to existing constraints l Like global schemes with broad issues first l Want to consider future possibilities and challenges l Use insights and imagination as information l Rely on a roundabout approach in conversations and solutions l Like suggestions to be novel and unusual/ /think “out of the box” l Refer to general concepts l Agenda is starting point l See constraints as challenges to work around or even ignore Sensors…Intuitors…

32 Pitfalls of Communication: S/N l Believe colleague is ignoring opportunities l Get caught up in generating possibilities l Irritate S’s by jumping around topic to topic l Believe S’s don’t want change or stuck in the past l Believe N’s are ignoring key facts l Immediately shoot down new ideas as unrealistic l Irritate N’s by repeating facts or instructions or talking slowly and carefully l View colleague as impractical l Ignore big picture while solving the immediate problem Sensors…Intuitors…

33 Communication Styles of T/F l Form opinions after a logical analysis of the problem l Strive to treat everyone fairly, which means equally l Strive to be objective l Be assertive and competitive so that the “best idea wins l Authority in how the decision will be implemented l Ask tough questions to uncover inconsistencies that must be resolved l How decisions affect the bottom line l Form opinions after considering their own or others values l Fairly means according to individual’s particular needs l Strive to understand issues from others perspective l Try to achieve consensus for “best” solution l Consider how to get buy in to implement decision l Ask gentle or clarifying question to see what matters to others. l Consider how decisions effect morale, commitment and enthusiasm Thinkers…Feelers…

34 Pitfalls of Communication: T/F l Focus on the bottom line that ignore people l Fail to listen to others cause supporting own position l annoy others by trying to pin them down l Be aggressive in stating beliefs l Fail to appreciate colleague’s contribution l Ask question in ways that are perceived as attacks l View disagreements as illogical l Focus so much on harmony that miss the bottom line’s impact l Fail to present objective evidence l Annoy others by checking with others before deciding l Withhold info when questioned/become defensive l See colleague as unappreciative l Aren’t assertive in giving opinion l View disagreement as lack of loyalty Thinkers…Feelers…

35 Communication Styles of J/P l Comes to closure quickly and reluctant to change decisions l Dislikes surprises and wants advance warning l In meetings, focus on task completion l Want to agree on schedules, timelines and deadlines l Establish rules for who makes decisions l Wants to achieve results on one project and move on l Postpone decisions because of a search for options l Enjoys surprises and adapt to last minute changes l In meetings, focus on the process l Willing to discuss timetables but resist tight deadlines and unchangeable schedules/too much structure l Want autonomy and flexibility l Enjoy starting tasks and leaving them open for last minute changes Judgers…Perceivers…

36 Pitfalls of Communication: J/P l Confuse the plan with the project l Premature closure and Unwilling to change decision l Dislike distractions when on a project l Plan the work and work the plan l Unwilling to set a plan l Massage a problem and generate new problems l Will jump from one project to another l Design the plan but may not follow through to closure l Reconsider decisions over and over Judgers…Perceivers…

37 Team Tips for E/I Respect and Draw on Each Other l Try not to be redundant l Control your tendency to blurt out whatever comes to mind…1 item at a time l Frequent check ins with I’s l Take time to Stop, look and listen l Don’t assume if paused they have finished l If need feedback from I, alert them in advance so can process l What you may consider meaningless may be crucial to someone else l Share ideas as they come to your head… l Don’t hold others to the 1st words they say..may be processing l Break into conversations l Agree on what needs to be in writing and what can be discussed ExtravertsIntroverts

38 Collaboration at its best: E/I l E’s can get I’s moving; I’s can help E’s prevent fatal error by moving too quickly l E’s can break the ice; I’s can complete the sculpture l E’s can present the argument; I’s can craft it

39 Team Tips for S/N Respect and Draw on Each Other l Question…it ain’t broke since there may be broad implications and they may not see the part that is broke. l Identify which facts can be used to help make new ideas more feasible l Rank possible solutions based on cost and benefits l Assemble relevant examples…. rather than relying on generalizations when drawing conclusions l Identify what impact new ideas will have on day to day operations l Identify how new ideas may need to be modified to be achievable SensorsIntuitors

40 Collaboration at its best: S/N l S’s can help N’s avert a fatal flaw without all the information; N’s can help S’s see the possibilities where there is incomplete information l S’s can help fix today’s problems; N’s can see tomorrow’s trends l S’s can help you learn from the past; N’s can help see the future l S’s can help define the “how” aspects, N’s help identify the “why” aspects

41 Team Tips for T/F Respect and Draw on Each Other l Communicate with words that have the desired impact l Don’t respond when you’re feeling hard nosed and critical l Prepare first by listing all the things the person did well l Listen to the person’s feelings and show you understand by using similar experiences l Recognize that some may want support not analysis of a concern l Agree on a goal that will satify the bottom line and the needs of others l T’s recognize that F’s may take criticism personally l Give feedback in ways T’s understand …logically and with enthusiasm l Don’t respond when your feelings are strong l Listen to the T’s side and communicate your understanding of their logic l Explain your feelings in objective terms and show the logic of them l Suggest alternatives that can be made into a matter of policy l Encourage F’s how to better handle what they perceive as criticism ThinkersFeelers

42 Collaboration at its best: T/F l T’s and F’s need a language to bridge the gulf l T’s “care” in ways that are misunderstood by F’s because a different language and words and meanings are being used l T’s can “care” and F’s can “think” and we need to work together to see it in the other

43 Team Tips: J/P Respect and Draw on Each Other l Encourage J’s not to be too structured, or too controlling l Show J’s the possible consequences or rushing to judgement too quickly and the value of process vs outcome l Allow people to work in their own ways while still holding them accountable for the final product l Seek feedback on feasibility of timelines l Encourage P’s to see the priorities for J’s and importance of meeting them l Encourage P’s to guard against unfinished work esp. if it effects others l Help P’s convey a sense of order to J’s to minimize their discomfort. l Plan for a period of brainstorming and let the process emerge JudgersPerceivers

44 Collaboration at its best: J/P l J’s can help plan; P’s can help J’s adapt when the plan runs into unexpected problems l J’s help P’s avoid the stagnation of unfinished business l P’s help J’s react quickly when a truly better opportunity presents itself

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