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[23 September 2009] St Columb’s College Mr Thomas Bradley.

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Presentation on theme: "[23 September 2009] St Columb’s College Mr Thomas Bradley."— Presentation transcript:

1 [23 September 2009] St Columb’s College Mr Thomas Bradley

2 Why Invest in Staff Training?

3 Gender Gap Subject %G - B Art20.5 Religion16.7 Technology16 English15.6 French15.6 Spanish14.8 Geography6.4 History5.7 Science3.6 Maths0.9

4 Boy - Girl A. I think reflectively, plan and organise B. I tend to be overly cautious C. My interest spectrum is based upon relationships and people D. My interest spectrum is based upon objects, systems and facts E. I am a doer first and a thinker second F. I am a thinker first and a doer second G. I have a short concentration span H. I am easily bored and likely to be disruptive when bored

5 Teaching and Learning Boys are less likely to remain focused on a task for a long period of time. According to Bleach K. (1999) Why The likely Lads Lag Behind, a typical 13-14 year old boy concentrates for only four or five minutes compared with 13 minutes for girls

6 School Development Planning Personalising Learning and Teaching : Adding value to the learning journey through a whole school approach

7 Personalised Learning is… …about tailoring education to ensure that every pupil achieves and reaches the highest standards possible. It is also about personalising the school experience to enable pupils to focus on their learning and involve the community

8 Vision SDP (staff consultation) government (Empowering Schools Strategy), governors (sustainable strategy) teachers (Staff development) pupils (baseline) enjoyment of learning parents MER

9 PRSD Areas of desired development eLearning for use with classes through Moodle Use of and PARS as a MIS Digital classroom promoted using interactive whiteboard/tablet pc/ starboard/Qwizdom Teaching of CCEA Task Subject specific software used for differentiation and SEN

10 Financial Support for Provision £70,000 pa invested by school 1 network manager 1 full-time technician 2 part-time technicians Leadership Team

11 Learning & Teaching & ICT Does it Work? Enhanced teaching though informed use of ICT Builds on assessment Push the boundaries Work Collaboratively Pupils can transfer skills to different situations

12 Mary Jo O’Carolan ICT Development Officer with responsibility for staff development

13 Our journey in embedding ICT in the beginning …. An extension to the school 5 new computer suites 1 network 1527 pupils 100 teachers A pc put on every desktop

14 Staff Development Peer support provided (time allocated) Offered ECDL to all teaching & support staff All departments given a support person to help them Full staff training provided on email, using the internet etc IT DID NOT WORK!!!!!!!

15 What next to get the staff involved? ………… ……….. …….. Online registration – compulsory SDP

16 Staff Development Established an ICT team to help each department Asked departments to specialise in software and/or hardware Shared good practice at every opportunity Mapped ICT across the school

17 School Layout & Access Invested in new equipment (starboards, whiteboards and pcs) Now have 3 networks Put an ICT suite in each major area in the school Left 4 open access suites Established an online booking system

18 ICT Specialisation in St Columb’s 2009–2010

19 Staff Development by Person We send staff on courses – local & international Give them time then to train other members of their department Encourage them to train during our exam time Try and link this to PRSD Buy in external support if needed

20 Monitoring, Evaluation & Review Asking for feedback after training Tailoring it to suit the needs of the individual or department Ask for external evaluation:- DEL ( National Training Award ) Becta ( ICT Charter Mark )

21 How is success achieved? Vision Strategic leadership Investment in people Investment in resources Recognition of achievement

22 ( Hope you enjoy the visits )‏

23 Examples of good practice PE Modern Languages A day in the life of the music department


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