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Joint Logistics Education & Development Forum Fort Lee … home of the Army Logistics University Group Leaders Presentations.

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Presentation on theme: "Joint Logistics Education & Development Forum Fort Lee … home of the Army Logistics University Group Leaders Presentations."— Presentation transcript:

1 Joint Logistics Education & Development Forum Fort Lee … home of the Army Logistics University Group Leaders Presentations

2 Yellow Team Competencies: 1.Developing collaborative system 2.Business Acumen 3.Critical Thinker 4.Strategic Planning Process 5.Knowledge Management (IT, C2, Decision Support, Engineering Principles) 6.Strategic Vision

3 Yellow Team Educational Execution: 1.Logistic Credentialing Board who deems common educational practices as worthy. 2.Integrated Faculty 3.Developing Distance Learning methodology 4.Diverse Student Body

4 Red Team Discussion 1. Who is the customer? 2. What does the customer want? 3. How do we hear the voice of the customer? 4. How to train to avoid surprises? 5. How to access information? 6. How do we deliver people who can think? 7. What is it you can’t teach and who can you not teach to? 8. Move a single voice of the customer. Competencies: Customer Requirements (Competencies) Communications Feedback

5 Red Team Discussions Customer: - The Joint Logistician (Internal and external) - The warfighter on the ground. (O4, and below), O5/O6 in the Joint Command Comments: Joint is an environment where you would demonstrate competencies. O3 and below will become Cross/Multifunctional. You can’t wait until they are in a joint billet to train them. Hard to find Logisticians with an operational and acquisition background. Move away from calling it joint logistics within only a DOD billet.

6 Red Team Discussions Requirements O2/O3O4/O5/O6 Technical FunctionalFinancial Management SCMStrategic Vision Operational LogisticsRisk Management Technical ManagementLife Cycle Logistics DistributionLeadership LMSTechnical Management Life Cycle HR ILS Functional ComponentILS Functional Comp Maintenance SupportConflict Resolution MetricsOperational Logistics DeployableCross Functional Leadership Metrics Cross FunctionalSCM Conflict ResolutionLabor Relations Business Experience LMIS Distribution Business Experience Deployablility

7 Red Team Discussions ADDITIONAL ITEMS TO ADD TO COMPETENCIES Contract Management Creativity and Innovation Customer Service Source of Benefits Analytics –Forensics –Metrics –Assessment

8 Senior Logistic Leader Core Competencies –Logistic Management –Human Resource (Capital) Management –Global logistics –Logistics Management IT / security knowledge –Risk management –Strategic vision/Strategic thinker –Joint program management –Contract Management / contingency contracting –Conflict resolution / negotiation –Ability to work cross-functionally / culturally / organizationally within a team / partnership as a formal and/or informal leader –Understanding of outcome based performance metrics and how they drive business –Business acumen (financial management) Note: “Senior Leader”/ 0-5/0-6 & civilian equivalent Underpinning is Service technical logistics knowledge

9 Where can Academia Help? All Areas Included in many MBA programs Other options in terms of delivery of education –Executive programs –Collaborative research –E-learning –Symposium

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