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PDL and Healthy Schools Network Meetings Autumn Term –October 2014 Glyn Wright County Inspector/Adviser for Personal Development Learning, HCC Julie Thompson.

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Presentation on theme: "PDL and Healthy Schools Network Meetings Autumn Term –October 2014 Glyn Wright County Inspector/Adviser for Personal Development Learning, HCC Julie Thompson."— Presentation transcript:

1 PDL and Healthy Schools Network Meetings Autumn Term –October 2014 Glyn Wright County Inspector/Adviser for Personal Development Learning, HCC Julie Thompson Senior Public Health Practitioner, Public Health, HCC

2 & Helping children and young people to: Be Healthy, Stay Safe, Enjoy and Achieve, Make a Positive Contribution Have Economic Well Being Extended schools Extra curricular activities Outdoor Education – e.g Trailblazers MAKING SENSE OF PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT LEARNING Study Support Drugs education incl. alcohol and tobacco PSHE-PW Personal Social Health & economic Education (PSHE-PW) Sex and relationships education (PSHE PW) Work related learning PSHE EW Enterprise education PSHE EW Financial capability PSHE EW Individual learning plans & e-profiles E-Profile AND PORTFOLIO – ASSESSMENT, RECORDING and ACTION PLANNING Careers education and guidance PSHE EW Functional skills: Communication Numeracy ICT Working together Improving own performance Problem solving Physical activity Religious education Education for sustainable development Citizenship and Rights Respect and Responsibility, Personal learning and thinking skills: Team worker Self-manager Independent enquirer Reflective learner Creative thinker Effective participator Social, Emotional Aspects of Learning SEAL PSHE PW Volunteering/ active citizenship e.g. peer mentoring Safety Education

3 Programme The team PSHE –new Ofsted guidance – July 2014 SMSC – new Ofsted guidance – July 2014 Change 4 Life Revisiting the whole school food policy Revitalising RRR in your place Training opportunities Peer mentoring

4 PDL/Healthy Schools Team Glyn Wright County Inspector PDL Donna Smith Seconded teacher to the Fire Service Stephen Morton T&L Adviser PDL Ian Wright HC3S Healthy Schools Coordinator (School meal uptake) Julie Thompson Senior Public Health Practitioner Eleanor Jakeman PDL Consultant – peer mentoring

5 Contact details Glyn Wright, Admin support for PDL/Healthy Schools - Sarah Cook, Tel: 023 Julie Thompson, Donna Smith, Ian Wright, Stephen Morton, Eleanor Jakeman,

6 NEW Spring term 2014 – Curriculum & Qualifications All schools must publish their school curriculum by subject and academic year, including their provision of personal, social, health and economic education (PSHE). To support schools in doing this, the PSHE Association has published its own guidance on drafting and reviewing a school's sex and relationship policy and a suggested programme of study for PSHE. Academies and free schools are also required to publish information similar to that required by the regulations relating to their curriculum through their funding agreements.

7 School Meals in Hampshire Hampshire Healthy Schools and HC3S working together

8 Universal Infant Free School Meals – the first few weeks Share experiences in your place. News from HC3S –£6.2m spent –200 extra staff taken on –Most infant schools have doubled their uptake or better –Review by HC3S at half term and then targeted support for some schools –Working through Hampshire and also into Dorset and Wiltshire.

9 Good Practice with School Meals Involve the children Sit children at tables to wait Lay tables up with water, bread, cutlery, beakers Put vegetables on plates Adults as role models Review lunchtimes with the children, e.g. in circle time

10 The importance of the Census Days – 2 nd October and 15 th January Numbers eating on those days determine the allocation made for the second payment in May 2015 HC3S will support with making it as popular as possible Same census system as used for other financial allocations

11 When the phone rings…. Ofsted will not judge the standard of the school meals on offer. They are not food critics. They will look at the dining experience of the pupils, the quality of the dining environment, the pupils’ lunchtime behaviour. They will look at the contribution that lunchtime makes to the culture of the school.

12 Revisiting the whole school food policy Exploring why schools should have a whole school food policy.

13 RRR update Stephen Morton and Minnie Moore – supporting schools Back to Basics with RRR new course running. The course is aimed at schools who want to pick up on, or revisit, the essentials of RRR and enable it to become more embedded in the school. Places are available for booking on the Learning Zone at x?eventid=165211 x?eventid=165211 Contacts: -Minnie Moore -Stephen Morton

14 Healthy Schools Update - engagement with the process 84 schools have submitted whole school review and achieved Hampshire Healthy Schools Status 8 schools have renewed their whole school reviews after the recommended 2 year interval 6 schools have achieved the Challenge Award Training held biannually- October and February 2015 Network meetings held in four venues each term – book through HTLC

15 The new Pupil Premium Network Meetings (HTLC0079) that have recently been set up that may be of interest to you. Please find details of these meeting via this link: ?courseid=47091 ?courseid=47091 You can book a place on line or by calling the HTLC bookings line of 01962 718600

16 The next meetings Basingstoke – 10 March 2015 Gosport – 11 March 2015 Winchester – 12 March 2015 New Forest – 18 March 2015

17 Change 4 Life Ready, Steady, Cook! From September pupils up to the age of 14 will learn about healthy eating and nutrition as part of the curriculum. C4L have produced resources to help primary school teachers develop practical cooking skills in the classroom. Teachers’ cooking guide; teachers’ recipe pack; Core competencies for young people at key stages 1 & 2 or 3 & 4; Portion sizes and food groups


19 Training opportunities Well being in schools – half day briefings – 11 th November PDL Managers conference – 28 th November Embracing UIFSM and improving lunchtimes with Jenny Moseley – 11 th December Teaching SRE and Drugs at KS 1 and 2 – 13 th November Getting to Grips with Managing PDL – Jan/Feb 2015 Policy development course – 30 th January 2015 Back to Basics with healthy Schools – 6 th Feb 2015 Monitoring and assessing PDL – 6 th March 2015

20 Peer mentoring conferences Launch of the New Arrivals Ambassadors – 21 st November Secondary Peer mentoring/educating conference 27 th March 2015 Junior Peer mentoring conference – 19 th June 2015 Book through HTLC for the above conferences For in school training book Eleanor through

21 Anti bullying ABW theme 2014 is “Let's stop bullying for all” (including those with disabilities). Dates: 17 - 21 November 2014 What are you planning to do in your place?

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