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Creating Opportunities for Pedagogical Exploration Presented by Megan Crewe.

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Presentation on theme: "Creating Opportunities for Pedagogical Exploration Presented by Megan Crewe."— Presentation transcript:

1 Creating Opportunities for Pedagogical Exploration Presented by Megan Crewe

2 Today’s Students Information Saturated Society Technologically Directed World Diverse and Complex Family Dynamics Unique Global and Australian Challenges Knowledge Economy Unique Vocations and Careers


4 Where I grew up, learning was a collective activity. But when I got to school and tried to share learning with other students that was called cheating. The curriculum sent the clear message to me that learning was a highly individualistic, almost secretive, endeavour. Henry A Giroux

5 Programs V’s Pedagogy and Curriculum TASK:  Make a list of the programs that your school has implemented in the past 5 years.  Now make a list of those you have discontinued within the same time frame.

6 How do we define what works and why?  Revisit Vision and Mission Statements  Review Strategic Plans  Begin the process of critically analysing all programs currently implemented  RETURN TO YOUR ROOTS

7 “The curriculum sets out a learning entitlement for all young Australians but is written on the assumption that teachers and schools are best placed to decide how to organise learning for young people, taking account of their individual needs and interests.” Implementing the Australia Curriculum 2011

8 Events Patterns of Behaviour Systems and Structures Mental Models Vision LEVERAGELEVERAGE Levels of Perspective (Kim)


10 Engagement Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi explains engagement in terms of FLOW… “Flow does not happen without the application of skilled performance - it is not effortless, but requires strenuous physical exertion, or highly disciplined mental activity.”

11 Making Time  Review staff meeting structures  Explore varying modes of communication that would free up valuable shared time  Explore different groupings of staff

12 A Return to Our Roots ~ How did we get here?  An open sharing time about what brought each staff member to teaching.  An open sharing time about each staff member’s passion for teaching.  Acknowledging and celebrating gifts and talents – individual and collective

13 Gifts and Talents

14 Common Understandings  What does it mean to be a  Critical Thinker?  21 st C Learner?  Life Long Learner?

15 Adaptive Learner Reflection Analysis Risk Taking Global Awareness Resilience Transference of Skills Collaboration Discriminating

16 Educational Theory 1. De Bono A. Useful strategy teachers can use to get students to develop their questioning techniques. It helps teachers to get an understanding of the students knowledge on a particular topic. 2. Dewey B. Theorist is renowned for his contribution to the field of ethics. This remains a commonly used tool in discussions, and is a type of pedagogy in which a series of questions are asked not only to draw individual answers, but also to encourage fundamental insight. ethicspedagogy  3.Gardner C. Intelligence develops in a series of stages that are related to age and are progressive because one stage must be accomplished before the next can occur. For each stage of development the child forms a view of reality for that age period.  4. RyanD. Inventor of the term ‘lateral thinking’. This theorist has developed a range of 'deliberate thinking techniques' - which emphasize thinking as a deliberate act. 

17 Educational Theory Education should emphasize self- directed activity to stress the importance of adapting the child’s learning environment to their developmental level. Education is to teach worthwhile issues through knowledge of different subjects. Each child builds on the previous stage of cognitive development, increasing the child’s ability to solve more complex problems. Education and teaching are always about an object and should have content. Maria Montessori Thomas Aquinas Jan Piaget Aristotle

18 Further Ideas Pedagogical reflection journal

19 Further Ideas The Great Debate Topics to consider…  Traditional V’s mixed age groupings  The school day should be extended  Social media should be banned in schools

20 Further Ideas Staff book club

21 Further Ideas Hot Spots  Values are essential to education because…  What/Who inspires you? Why?  Name 3 things you wish for your students.  Name 3 essential life skills.

22 Further Ideas Action Research project Professional Conversations and Reflections Goals Teaching Actions Evidence

23 What gives you a sense of life in your work? What is your passion?

24 Megan Crewe Ph: 0422 894 608

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