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Superflex is a superflexible thinker. I can be a superflexible thinker too. The Unthinkables like to make my brain do things that show others I am not.

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Presentation on theme: "Superflex is a superflexible thinker. I can be a superflexible thinker too. The Unthinkables like to make my brain do things that show others I am not."— Presentation transcript:

1 Superflex is a superflexible thinker. I can be a superflexible thinker too. The Unthinkables like to make my brain do things that show others I am not thinking about them. I will defeat the Unthinkables and show others my expected behaviours. When I defeat an Unthinkable, I will get a Superflex coupon. I will put the coupon into my Superflex Thinking book. I can take the coupons home to show my mom and dad. They will be happy that I defeated the Unthinkables. I can use the coupons to make choices. I did it ! I will be a superflexible thinker. Superflex Award

2 My Coupon Book Earning Coupons 2 2 2 2 2 4 Action Number of Coupons I will enter the classroom, hand in my agenda and coupon book without being asked I will take down my chair, sit down quietly and start to read at the beginning of the day I will stand with my hands by my side for O’Canada. I will start my work right away. I will continue to work until my job is done. I will put my finished work in the basket on the teacher’s desk. Coupon

3 i L ghtning L Beginning the assignment Working on the assignment Handing the finished assignment to the adult L ig hti

4 My Coupon Book I will listen to the adult. I will try my best. If I listen to the adult and try my best, I will get a coupon. I will put my coupons into my coupon book. I can take my coupon book home to show my mom and dad. I can use my coupons to choose from my choice board. I will give my coupons back to the adult at school after I get my choice.



7 Schedules

8 Don’t be the Schedule Goal: Independence Remind student to “check your schedule.”

9 John’s Schedule To DoDone JK Change


11 Quiet feet Quiet mouth Wait Quiet Mouth Quiet Hands Quiet Feet

12 Checklists



15 Smell Vision Taste Touch Hearing Vestibular Proprioceptive

16 Sensory Integration Dysfunction The information tends to be analyzed by the brain in an unusual way that may cause pain or confusion Confusion Pain

17 Sensory processing disorder not only affects the way the brain interprets the information that comes in but also affects the way a person with autism responds to that information with emotional, motor and other reactions Sensory Integration Dysfunction Hypersensitivity (Over responsiveness) (Sensory defensiveness) (Hyper vigilant) Sensory InfoInterpretationResponse Hyposensitivity (Under responsiveness) (Sensory registration problems) (Failure to orient)






23 Social Triad of Impairments Communication Restricted, Repetitive & Stereotyped Patterns of Behaviour, Interests and Activities

24 109 102 101 153

25 What fraction of lanes of the pool is filled with Team A? What fraction of race is finished after certain number of laps?


27 Difficulty accepting errors

28 Determining SIA Ask the Ask the student Ask the Ask the parents

29 Don’t Assume Basketball

30 Inappropriate SIA Violent Games Twin Towers Underwear

31 Complicated delicate Expand core elements Shift gradually Consider feelings Encourage, praise, reward progress

32 Fashion Design

33 Plumbing

34 Do not use SIA as punishment tool

35 Restricted / Repetitive Patterns of Behaviour and Activities

36 Rituals do not have practical value in the environment

37 Ritual knowledge can assist with interfering behaviours


39 A Solution to Inappropriate Cafeteria Behaviour



42 slip “The driver said if I keep behaving like that, I would get a slip.

43 Dress Up Coupon



46 Please remain seated

47 A lways T otally I nteresting S ometimes M ysterious U nique

48 Common Social Differences Has difficulty recognizing the feelings and thoughts of others (mindblindness) Uses poor eye contact Has difficulty maintaining personal space; physically intrudes on others Lacks tact or appears rude Has difficulty making or keeping friends Has difficulty joining an activity Is naïve, easily taken advantage of, or bullied Tends to be less involved in group activities than most same-age peers Has difficulty understanding others’ nonverbal communication (facial expressions, body language and tone of voice Has difficulty understanding jokes

49 Common Behavioural Differences Expresses strong desire for routine or “sameness” Expresses desire for repetition Has eccentric or intense preoccupation / absorption in own unique interests Asks repetitive questions Seems to be unmotivated by customary rewards Displays repetitive motor movements (“flaps” hands, paces, flicks fingers in front of eyes, etc.) Has problem handling transition and change Has strong need for closure or difficulty stopping a task before it is completed

50 Common Communication Differences Makes sounds repeatedly or states words or phrases repeatedly (non- echolalic) (e.g., humming Displays immediate or delayed echolalia (reciting lines from movies, repeating another person’s question or statements, repeating sounds, etc.) Interprets words or conversation literally and has difficulty understanding figurative language Has difficulty with rules of conversation (e.g., interrupting others, asking inappropriate questions, poor eye contact, difficulty maintaining conversation) Fails to initiate or respond to social greetings Has difficulty using gestures and facial expressions Has difficulty starting, joining, and / or ending a conversation Has difficulty asking for help

51 Common Communication Differences Makes irrelevant comments Has difficulty expressing thoughts and feelings Speaks in an overly formal way Gives false impression of understanding more than actually does Talks incessantly Uses advanced vocabulary Uses mechanical, “sing-song” voice, or speech sounds that are unusual in other ways (e.g., prosody, cadence, tone) Has difficulty following instructions Has difficulty understanding language with multiple meanings, humour, sarcasm, synonyms Has difficulty talking about others’ interests

52 Common Sensory Differences Responds in an unusual manner to: sounds (e.g., ignores sounds or overreacts to sudden, unexpected noises, high-pitched continuous sounds, or complex / multiple noises) pain (e.g., overreacts or seems unaware of an illness or injury) taste (e.g., resists certain textures, flavours, brands) light or colour (e.g., focuses on shiny items, shadows, reflections, shows preference or strong dislike for certain colours) temperature smells (e.g., may comment on smells that others do not detect) Seeks activities that provide touch, pressure, or movement (e.g., swinging, hugging, pacing) Avoids activities that provide touch, pressure, or movement (e.g., resists wearing certain types of clothing, strongly dislikes to be dirty, resists hugs) Makes noises such as humming or singing frequently

53 Common Cognitive Differences Displays extensive knowledge in narrow areas of interest Displays poor problem-solving skills Demonstrates poor organizational skills Withdraws into complex inner worlds / fantasizes often Is easily distracted by unrelated details – has difficulty knowing what is relevant or makes off-topic comments Displays weakness in reading comprehension despite strong word recognition ability Knows many facts and details but has difficulty with abstract reasoning (weak central coherence) Has difficulty applying learned skills in new setting Has academic skills deficits Has attention problems Displays very literal understanding of concepts Has difficulty understanding the connection between behaviour and resulting consequences (cause and effect)

54 Common Motor Differences Has balance difficulties Resists or refuses handwriting tasks Has poor handwriting skills Has poor motor coordination (accident prone, difficulty using fasteners, etc.) Writes slowly Has deficits in athletic skills Walks with an awkward gait Displays unusual body postures and movements or facial expressions (e.g., odd postures, stiffness, “freezing” facial grimacing) Has difficulty starting or completing actions (may rely on physical or verbal prompting by others)

55 Common Emotional Differences Is easily stressed – worries obsessively Appears to be depressed or sad Appears anxious Exhibits rage reactions or “meltdowns” Injures self (e.g., bangs head, picks skin, bites nails until they bleed, bites self) Makes suicidal comments or gestures Has difficulty tolerating mistakes Has low frustration tolerance Has low self-esteem, makes negative comments about self Has difficulty identifying, quantifying, expressing and / or controlling emotions (e.g., can only recognize and express emotions in extremes) Has limited understanding of own and others’ emotional responses Had difficulty managing stress and / or anxiety

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