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Public Forum Debate!! K. Derry Public Speaking, Rhetoric, & Debate.

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Presentation on theme: "Public Forum Debate!! K. Derry Public Speaking, Rhetoric, & Debate."— Presentation transcript:

1 Public Forum Debate!! K. Derry Public Speaking, Rhetoric, & Debate

2 You will be able to… Display solid logic, lucid reasoning, and depth of analysis Utilize evidence without being driven by it Present a clash of ideas by countering/refuting arguments of the opposing team Communicate ideas with clarity, organization, eloquence, and professional decorum

3 What is it?  Clear and understandable to a “common” or community audience  Current issues  Convince people your side is the best side of the debate  Requires Research topics Prepare compelling arguments Skillfully present case Thinking on your feet

4 Rules  Team event  Starts with a resolution What you will be debating  Pro and Con team Pro is in favor of Con is against Coin toss Winner decides:  Take the pro or con side of the resolution  Or go first or second in the round

5 Speaking Order  Speaker 1 (Team A): 4 minutes Give arguments for or against the resolution  Speaker 2 (Team B): 4 minutes Give arguments for opposite side of Team A’s arguments Speak against arguments presented by Speaker 1  Crossfire: 3 minutes Argue directly with each other Ask & answer questions of each other

6 Speaking Order cont’d  Speaker 3 (Team A): 4 minutes  Speaker 4 (Team B): 4 minutes  Crossfire: 3 minutes

7 Speaking Order cont’d  Speaker 1 (Team A) Summary: 2 minutes  Speaker 2 (Team B) Summary: 2 minutes Restatement of case Arguments against what opponent presented

8 Speaking Order cont’d  Grand Crossfire: 3 minutes All 4 debaters Ask & answer questions Begins with Speaker 1 (Team A)  Final Focus Speeches: 1 minute Speaker 3, then Speaker 4 No new arguments  All teams have 2 minutes of prep time

9 Guidelines  Do not comment or distract your opponents while they are speaking  Keep your voice low during prep time  Be polite  Never make up evidence  Be on time (or early) for your rounds  Follow all posted tournament rules

10 Debate Partner  More listening than responding Think as you listen, creating responses to an opponent’s arguments, and predicting what an opponent might say next  Skills that complement each other Clear speaker Focused thinker Hard worker Organized Open to critical evaluation

11 Team Responsibilities  Speaker 1: Present the 1 st speech Conduct the 1 st crossfire Summarize the debate Participate in the Grand Crossfire Aid partner in rebuttal and Final Focus  Speaker 2: Aid the 1 st speaker in the first crossfire Present the 1 st rebuttal Conduct the 2 nd crossfire Participate in the Grand Crossfire Deliver the Final Focus

12 Team Responsibilities  First Speaker Must present very good first case  Second Speaker Able to argue persuasively at end of debate Should be better at speaking without preparation  Divide research duties

13 Resolution Analysis  Topics of national concern A just government should provide health care to its citizens. In matters of collecting military intelligence, the ends justify the means. The pursuit of scientific knowledge ought to be limited by a concern for societal good.

14 Types of Resolutions  Factual reality  Policy reality  Philosophical Comparing ideal situations

15 How to Approach a Resolution Resolved: Use of a cell phone should be prohibited while operating a motor vehicle.  Who is the actor or agent of the action?  What is the action?  What are the conditions of the resolution?

16 Who is the actor or agent? Resolved: Use of a cell phone should be prohibited while operating a motor vehicle.  Person, group, or government that must act  Government Ease of enforcing issue can be discussed

17 What is the action? Resolved: Use of a cell phone should be prohibited while operating a motor vehicle.  Prohibition (or ban) on cell phone use while driving  What are the arguments that can be made? Requires a means of enforcement

18 What are the conditions of the resolution? Resolved: Use of a cell phone should be prohibited while operating a motor vehicle.  Examine the “measuring words” Words that control the situation “should” = ideal “should” implies improvement  Broad interpretations “motor vehicle” Affects all drivers

19 Minitopic: Topic Analysis Resolved: Use of a cell phone should be prohibited while operating a motor vehicle. 1.Have a problem-solving session with your partner. 2.Read the resolution and break it down into words and phrases. 3.Brainstorm what the words and phrases mean. 4.Record your thoughts

20 Minitopic Analysis example  Use of a cell phone Talking (add 4 more)  Prohibited Legally forbidden (add 2 more)  Operating a motor vehicle Driving a passenger vehicle (car, van, bus, etc.) (add 3 more)

21 Topic Analysis: Prepare Main Arguments  Begin with pro side of the resolution What will draw a judge into supporting the resolution?  Safety! Using cell phones reduces automobile safety by shifting attention from driving Banning the use of cell phones will reduce driver distractions (4 more)

22 Topic Analysis: Prepare Main Arguments  Pro arguments that do not deal with safety issues Banning the use of cell phones will decrease people’s reliance on them. (add 2 more)

23 Topic Analysis: Prepare Main Argument  Con side can deal with issues of freedom and the problems the resolution might cause  Possible arguments: There is no evidence that using cell phones while driving causes accidents. Cell phones allow for quicker contact of emergency workers in case of an accident. (add 3 more)

24 Research and Evidence  Supports your positions  Makes it more than just your opinion  Primarily on the internet Wikipedia  A starting point Use specific details in the search engine  Policy and factual issues

25 Using Research  Read it carefully Understand significance for argument Print out copies of the material  Highlight or underline key information that is important to your arguments Organize the material  Summary sheet: fact sheet List supporting evidence Include complete citation Use file folders with pro and con

26 Writing Your Case  Opening speech  Arguments in defense of your side of the debate  Definitions of important terms  Main contention (claim)  Arguments  Evidence to support  Establish what debate is about  Prove your position is the correct one

27 Writing Your Case  Three parts Introduction  States position on the resolution  Briefly presents the arguments Body  Main contentions Conclusion  Reviews points and arguments  Refers back to introduction  Enables you to stand your ground

28 Writing Your Case: Framing the Debate  First impression  Goal: convince judge your point of view is the correct one  Task: establish your case and present evidence that cannot be refuted by your opponent  What is important in the round Key: establish burdens of proof at the beginning of the round Requirement to prove an argued claim or charge is true

29 Example of Burden of Proof Resolved: That the federal government should be solely responsible for reconstruction in areas devastated by Hurricane Katrina.  Pro: in support of resolution Finances Local and state government, on their own, could not afford to rebuild Con needs to show why the federal government should not offer its funds  Con: place burden of proof on the pro to show why the federal government should be solely responsible for the rebuilding  Each side tells the judge what he should be paying attention to

30 Proving Your Case  If burden of proof is placed on you by opponent.. Prove the burden! Present the contentions and arguments that support your case Pro Side: state and local governments cannot handle the reconstruction  Not enough money in budgets  Be sure this is true: use research & evidence Budget of LA for reconstruction compared to estimated costs of rebuilding (cite your source)

31 Proving Your Case cont’d  Two-three contentions  Only 4 minutes to deliver initial case  Build case in logical order Tie in with each other  Remember: convince the judge Strong, logical case

32 Minitopic: Case Structure I.Introduction A.attention-getting story, quotation, or short joke related to topic B.Statement of your position on the resolution C.Brief statement of contention II.Contentions A.Contention one 1.Argument A with evidence 2.Argument B with evidence B.Contention two 1.Argument A with evidence 2.Argument B with evidence C.Contention three 1.Argument A with evidence 2.Argument B with evidence III.Conclusion A.Review contentions B.Restatement of position C.Reconnect to introduction

33 In the Round  The coin toss Consider:  Is one side of the topic more acceptable to citizen judges?  On which side is the team stronger?  On which side of the topic are the opponents stronger?  Is the 1 st speaker position critical to “sell” the case by making a good first impression?  Is the final focus speech critical for the last word to the judge(s)?  Are the opponents so effective in either the 1 st or last speaker position that your team needs to select speaker position rather than side?

34 Delivering the First Speech  Not read or spoken mechanically  Convey knowledge and understanding  Judged on content and delivery P--Poised: Stand up tall, and look relaxed and comfortable E—Eye contact: look the judge in the eye from time to time. This gives you a visual connection P—Plant your feet: continuous movement can look like nervousness

35 The Crossfire  Can be enjoyable  First question comes from first speaker  Focused  Control the direction by adding questions to your statements  Goal: get answers about opponent’s case, get them to admit you are correct, and provide judge with reasons to vote for you  Attack the ideas, not the opponent

36 Rebuttals, Summaries, Grand Crossfire, and Final Focus  Rebuttal: 4 minutes, 2 nd speech each team gives Part can be prepared in advance State exactly what you are refuting in your opponent’s case (signposting).  Describes each idea in your speech; make clear your ideas  Summary: arguments broken down to most important and relevant ones Examine only most important issues

37 Rebuttals, Summaries, Grand Crossfire, and Final Focus  Grand Crossfire: similar to previous crossfires Partners work cooperatively Share time to ask and answer questions  Final Focus: last speech in round Choose issues most important to round Present reasons for judge to select their team as winner Last chance to convince judge

38 Note Taking and Prep Time  Keep organized notes Can flow: tracking specific arguments and make connections  Prep time Two minutes total Use as needed Before crossfires, 2 nd speech, summaries Helps focus mind

39 Practice  Clear-cut interpretations of resolution  Well-explained, Related, and Established arguments  Clarity  Organization  Courteous and appropriate conduct  Arguments are clear, brief, provable, and to the point

40 Works Cited Kline, Jason. Public Form Debate. New York: Rosen Publishing.

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