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Published byJenna Matthis Modified over 9 years ago
5 Venn Diagram K F L Responsible Resourceful KFL Chart R s Reflective
13/04/2017 Learning Skills for Science Linking Strategies PLTS 5 Venn Diagram Creating K F L Responsible Resourceful Evaluating KFL Chart R s Analysing What? Where? When? Who? Why? How? Reflective Reasoning Applying Levels of Questioning Fishbone Diagram Resilient Understanding Remembering Bubble Diagram Click Put on your THINKING “Keep your attitude POSITIVE – Keep your learning FOCUSED!” Double Bubble Diagram HAT
What do I want to Find out?
13/04/2017 Know – Find out - Learn What do I already Know? What do I want to Find out? What did I Learn? BACK KFL Chart
Link causes and effects….
13/04/2017 Link causes and effects…. Ishikawa diagrams (also called fishbone diagrams, or herringbone diagrams , cause-and-effect diagrams, or Fishikawa) link causes and effects in a visual way. Fishbone Diagram BACK
13/04/2017 Find the common ground Venn Diagram BACK
Mind Map – link ideas… BACK
13/04/2017 Mind Map – link ideas… BACK Double Bubble
Mind Map – link ideas BACK
13/04/2017 Mind Map – link ideas Bubble Diagram BACK
BACK The reasoning learner identifies distinctions,
13/04/2017 The reasoning learner identifies distinctions, considers all the evidence, chooses the right problem solving tool and reaches measured judgment Identifies distinctions Can value several different points of view Looks for patterns in their work Compares and contrasts Considers all the evidence Collects and evaluates evidence from several sources Always pays attention to detail Continues to discuss the evidence using relevant information Chooses the right learning tool Finds the right problem solving tool for the situation that they are in Thinks things through themselves Chooses the right learning tool for their problem solving challenge Reaches measured judgments Always plans ahead Takes time to make a judgement Can arrive at reasoned and balanced conclusions BACK
Is capable of learning in different ways Is prepared to take risks
13/04/2017 The resourceful learner shows initiative, is capable of learning in different ways, asks good questions and is prepared to take risks. Shows Initiative Offers help to others when it is needed Comes up with solutions to problems in their learning Is capable of learning in different ways Shows good awareness of how they learn best Knows that learning is a process Remembers and selects appropriate information Asks good questions Asks relevant question to help solve problems Can create high order questions to clarify their understanding Can connect information through the right questions Is prepared to take risks Challenged by the new and unfamiliar Welcomes change Shows great self belief BACK
13/04/2017 The resilient learner persists, remains positive throughout, stays involved with their learning, sets targets and practises. Persists Never gives up Knows actions have consequences Remains positive throughout Enjoys a challenge Uses setbacks to try something different Keeps a positive attitude Stays involved with their learning Is engaged in their learning Gets started without being told to Keeps going throughout the challenge Is prepared to take risks Understands about actions and consequences Keeps focussed on the outcome they want to achieve Practices regularly to achieve their targets BACK
13/04/2017 The reflective learner shows curiosity, is objective, can see things from different perspectives and learns from, and acts upon, experience. Shows curiosity Shows interest in all tasks set Shows an interest in their surroundings and environment Shows they have many interests Is objective Can see things from their own and others’ viewpoint Keeps a balanced response to peer and teacher feedback Can see things from different perspectives Values differences and diversity Values others Shows empathy Learns from and acts upon experience (Metacognition) Can apply previous knowledge to current situations Can create their own success criteria Learns from mistakes Thinks about thinking BACK
Participates constructively
13/04/2017 The responsible learner makes moral choices, is self-managing, delays gratification and participates constructively. Makes moral choices Knows what is right and wrong Can influence others in their views and actions Acts according to their values Is self-managing Completes work and meets deadlines Always well prepared with correct equipment and resources Always engages with their learning Delays gratification Enjoys being engrossed in their learning Can see the big picture Takes their time to work through tasks Participates constructively Participates in a positive manner in any group task Makes an active contribution Can give feedback to others and receives feedback on their contribution BACK
TO HATS' PAGE Q's BACK Black Hat Thinking Problems Downsides
13/04/2017 Black Hat Thinking TO HATS' PAGE Problems Downsides Weaknesses Negatives Q's BACK
TO HATS' PAGE Q's BACK Blue Hat Thinking Thinking Planning Organising
13/04/2017 Blue Hat Thinking TO HATS' PAGE Thinking Planning Organising Reasoning Q's BACK
TO HATS' PAGE Q's BACK Green Hat Thinking Suggestions Possibilities
13/04/2017 Green Hat Thinking TO HATS' PAGE Suggestions Possibilities Alternatives Solutions New ideas Q's BACK
TO HATS' PAGE Q's BACK White Hat Thinking Facts Figures Information
13/04/2017 White Hat Thinking TO HATS' PAGE Facts Figures Information Details Proof Q's BACK
TO HATS' PAGE Q's BACK Red Hat Thinking Emotions Feelings Hunches
13/04/2017 Red Hat Thinking TO HATS' PAGE Emotions Feelings Hunches Guesses Gut reactions Q's BACK
TO HATS' PAGE Q's BACK Yellow Hat Thinking Benefits Advantages
13/04/2017 Yellow Hat Thinking TO HATS' PAGE Benefits Advantages Improvements Optimism Positives Q's BACK
Can you recall information?
13/04/2017 Remembering Can you recall information? Name State Identify Describe Select Define Q's BACK
Can you explain your ideas or concepts?
13/04/2017 Understanding Can you explain your ideas or concepts? Interpret Summarise Clarify Infer Suggest Discuss Q's BACK
SCRUTINISE information ?
13/04/2017 Analysing Can you SCRUTINISE information ? Examine Investigate Consider Explore Q's BACK
Can you USE the knowledge in another situation?
13/04/2017 Applying Can you USE the knowledge in another situation? Implement Transfer Use Q's BACK
Evaluating Can you JUSTIFY a decision or an action? Q's BACK Assessing
13/04/2017 Evaluating Can you JUSTIFY a decision or an action? Assessing Appraising Judging Weighing Up Hypothesising Q's BACK
GENERATE new products, ideas or ways of viewing things?
13/04/2017 Can you GENERATE new products, ideas or ways of viewing things? Creating Designing Originating Initiating Conceiving Q's BACK
13/04/2017 Thinking Hats BACK
Personal Learning Thinking Skills
13/04/2017 Personal Learning Thinking Skills Imaginative Thinker Enquiring Learner Team Player Self Manager Participating Member Reflective Learner BACK
Imaginative Thinker ? ? TO BACK PLTS' PAGE
13/04/2017 Imaginative Thinker Generates ideas and explores possibilities Asks questions to extend thinking Try out alternatives or other solutions Adapt ideas as circumstances change ? ? BACK TO PLTS' PAGE
Enquiring Learner BACK TO PLTS' PAGE
13/04/2017 Enquiring Learner Identify questions to answer and problems to solve Plan and carry out research Analyse and evaluate information Support conclusion with argument and evidence BACK TO PLTS' PAGE
13/04/2017 Team Player Collaborate with others towards a common goal Reach agreements together Show fairness and consideration to others Take responsibility and show confidence TO PLTS' PAGE BACK
Self Managers TO PLTS' BACK PAGE Show initiative
13/04/2017 Self Managers Show initiative Organise yourself and your resources Deal well with pressures Respond positively to change, seeking advice and support when needed d b c a TO PLTS' PAGE BACK
Participating Member TO BACK PLTS' PAGE Present a persuasive case
13/04/2017 Participating Member Present a persuasive case Discuss issues and seek resolutions Identify practical ways forward Identify improvements that would benefit themselves and others BACK TO PLTS' PAGE
Reflective Learners TO PLTS' BACK PAGE Assess themselves and others
13/04/2017 Reflective Learners Assess themselves and others Set goals with success criteria Review praise Invite feedback, deal positively with praise and setbacks TO PLTS' PAGE BACK
Low Order - Remembering
13/04/2017 Low Order - Remembering Knowledge & retaining… What do you know about…? What can you remember…? Can you describe…? Can you define…? Can you repeat…? Do you know when…? Can you tell me: who, which, where, what? Can you identify…? BACK
Levels of Questioning HIGH MIDDLE LOW BACK Creating Evaluating
13/04/2017 Levels of Questioning Creating HIGH Evaluating Analysing Applying MIDDLE Understanding Remembering LOW BACK
BACK What, where, when, who, why & how? Questions for research…
13/04/2017 What, where, when, who, why & how? Questions for research… Question prompts… BACK
Questions for research…
13/04/2017 Questions for research… What, where, when, who, why & how? What I know Collect What do I already know about this? Collect and collate everything I know about this and assemble it together… Bubble Diagram NEXT
Questions for research…
13/04/2017 Questions for research… What, where, when, who, why & how? What I know Develop Connect my new information with what I already know about this topic… Cluster my new information around what I already know… Cluster Diagram NEXT
Questions for research…
13/04/2017 Questions for research… What, where, when, who, why & how? Irrelevant Content Relevant Content Select Pick out information that is really relevant for my enquiry… Put it in the centre of your diagram and any irrelevant material on the outside… Title Target Diagram NEXT
Questions for research…
13/04/2017 Questions for research… What, where, when, who, why & how? Ideas 3 C Ideas 1 A Ideas 2 B Ideas 4 D Title Organise What is the best way arrange my information? What is the most useful way to categorise the different parts of my information? Category Diagram NEXT
Questions for research…
13/04/2017 Questions for research… What, where, when, who, why & how? A B C D E Sequence What is the best way to order my material? Create a logical order for the categories to go into… Sequence Diagram BACK
Question Prompts… ? BACK Creating Evaluating Analysing Applying
13/04/2017 Question Prompts… Creating ? Evaluating Analysing Applying Understanding Remembering BACK
Middle Order - Understand
13/04/2017 Middle Order - Understand Interpreting & understanding… Can you write in your own words…? Write a brief outline of…? What do you think…? What was the main idea of…? Can you distinguish between…? Can you provide a definition for…? BACK
High Order - Analysing BACK How would you group/categorise these…?
13/04/2017 High Order - Analysing Taking apart… How would you group/categorise these…? What order would you put these in? What are the causes of…? Why did this happen? What are the problems? What are the solutions? How would you solve these problems? What are the consequences? BACK
Middle Order - Applying
13/04/2017 Middle Order - Applying Making use of… How would you use this? Where does that lead you? Can you show me what you mean? Would it be the same if…? Can you use what you know to solve this (new) problem? How could you apply what you learned there to this? BACK
High Order - Evaluating
13/04/2017 High Order - Evaluating Judging and assessing… Does this work? Is it successful and why? Will it work? Is this effective? How could this be improved? How else could this be done? BACK 13/04/2017
High Order - Creating BACK How might this be different if…?
13/04/2017 High Order - Creating Putting together… How might this be different if…? How else might this have turned out? How could you create your own way of…? BACK
Low Order - Remembering
13/04/2017 Low Order - Remembering Knowledge & retaining… What do you know about…? What can you remember…? Can you describe…? Can you define…? Can you repeat…? Do you know when…? Can you tell me: who, which, where, what? Can you identify…? BACK
Middle Order - Understand
13/04/2017 Middle Order - Understand Interpreting & understanding… Can you write in your own words…? Write a brief outline of…? What do you think…? What was the main idea of…? Can you distinguish between…? Can you provide a definition for…? BACK
Middle Order - Applying
13/04/2017 Middle Order - Applying Making use of… How would you use this? Where does that lead you? Can you show me what you mean? Would it be the same if…? Can you use what you know to solve this (new) problem? How could you apply what you learned there to this? BACK
High Order - Analysing BACK How would you group/categorise these…?
13/04/2017 High Order - Analysing Taking apart… How would you group/categorise these…? What order would you put these in? What are the causes of…? Why did this happen? What are the problems? What are the solutions? How would you solve these problems? What are the consequences? BACK
High Order - Evaluating
13/04/2017 High Order - Evaluating Judging and assessing… Does this work? Is it successful and why? Will it work? Is this effective? How could this be improved? How else could this be done? BACK
High Order - Creating BACK How might this be different if…?
13/04/2017 High Order - Creating Putting together… How might this be different if…? How else might this have turned out? How could you create your own way of…? BACK
13/04/2017 I could do with a bit more practice to make sure I feel confident. BACK
BACK Ok, I am getting better, my skills/attributes are developing.
13/04/2017 Ok, I am getting better, my skills/attributes are developing. BACK
13/04/2017 Great, I have really developed my skills/attributes. BACK
5 Responsible Resourceful R s Reasoning Reflective Resilient BACK
13/04/2017 5 Responsible Resourceful R s Reasoning Reflective Resilient BACK
5R's 5 Responsible Resourceful R s Reasoning Reflective Resilient BACK
Take time to consider actions With guidance you can think before you act. You are practicing to get better at this. Responsible Resourceful Work well with others When you are reminded you take your group role seriously. You respond to others and work in a positive way. R s Reflective With help you can see the right or wrong way to act. You are still swayed by others but you recognise this is happening when it is pointed out to you. Reasoning Know right from wrong Take responsibility for own learning You have most of what you need in lessons. Your work is of a satisfactory standard. You need reminding about deadlines. Resilient BACK
13/04/2017 Responsible 5R's Take time to consider actions You usually think before you act. You are aware that your consequences have actions. You review your actions. Work well with others You are a responsible group member. You usually play an active part in your group. You are sensitive to the needs of others and help others if you can. You have a sense of right and wrong, usually making the right choice of how to act. You usually make choices yourself and are not often swayed by others. Know right from wrong Take responsibility for own learning You usually arrive in the right state of mind to learn, with the correct equipment. You get yourself started and produce work of a good standard. BACK 13/04/2017
Responsible Responsible 5R's BACK
13/04/2017 Responsible Responsible 5R's Take time to consider actions You always think before you act. You know your actions have consequences for yourself and others. You think about this before you act. Work well with others You are aware of our responsibility to your group. You are a positive asset to your group, never letting your group down. You actively help others. You have a strong sense of right and wrong. You always make the right choice even when its difficult. You are your own boss and are not swayed by anyone else. Know right from wrong Take responsibility for own learning You always turn up ready to learn with everything you need. You get started immediately and complete work on time to a high standard. If you do not understand you go and find out for yourself. BACK 13/04/2017
Make good use of the teacher Use a range of learning styles
5 5R's Make good use of the teacher You listen to information and instructions. You ask for help when you are stuck. Responsible Resourceful Make good use of other people You listen to ideas from others in your group. Sometimes you ask questions about the work. R s Reasoning Make good use of learning materials Reflective You make reasonable use of learning materials to help you in your work. Use a range of learning styles Resilient You know your own learning style and can talk about how you learn best. BACK
Make good use of the teacher Use a range of learning styles
13/04/2017 Resourceful 5R's Make good use of the teacher You listen carefully to information and instruction from your teacher. You check your understanding by asking the right questions. Make good use of other people You often share ideas in your group and will listen and take ideas on board. You often ask questions in your group. Make good use of learning materials You make full use of the learning materials from your teacher and use your own materials as well. Use a range of learning styles You know your own learning style and you are beginning to practice learning in different ways. BACK 13/04/2017
Make good use of the teacher Use a range of learning styles
13/04/2017 Resourceful 5R's Make good use of the teacher You recognise your teacher as an important source of information. You think about the questions you ask to make most of the teacher. Make good use of other people You recognise that peers and other adults are great sources of information. You think carefully about your questions. Make good use of learning materials You independently search out and use a wide range of learning materials. You make reference to several sources and judge this information. Use a range of learning styles You can learn in a number of different ways and you choose the most effective way depending on the task. BACK 13/04/2017
5R's 5 Responsible Resourceful R s Reasoning Reflective Resilient BACK
You can see some interest in what you are learning. You show some interest in things outside school. Are curious Responsible Resourceful Talk about success You use success criteria to talk about your success in lessons with the teacher. R s Listen to and learn from feedback Reflective You listen to feedback and with support you are beginning to change what you do. Reasoning Resilient Learns from mistakes You can describe what went well and what did not go so well. You are beginning to learn from what did not go well. BACK
13/04/2017 Reflective 5R's A lot of what happens in school interests you. You take part in lots of things outside school. Are curious Talk about success You can say whether you have been successful based on assessment criteria. Listen to and learn from feedback You respond positively to feedback from teachers and your peers, and you make changes to your work. You can reflect on what went well and what did not go so well. You can make suggestions about what to do next time. Learns from mistakes BACK
13/04/2017 Reflective 5R's You are interested in most things in school. You can make things interesting. You have a wide range of interests outside of school. Are curious Talk about success You can talk about your success. You can generate your own success criteria for tasks to measure yourself against. Listen to and learn from feedback You always respond positively to feedback. You always act on what you are told to make future improvements. Learns from mistakes You reflect, independently, and ask yourself what went well. You know what you need to change for next time. BACK
Think things through and plan carefully Says which is better and why
5 5R's Think things through and plan carefully You sometimes rush into things, but you are beginning to see the value of planning. Responsible Resourceful Choose the best method or learning tool You use the advice of teachers. You can use a few graphic organisers to help you. R s Consider all the evidence Reasoning Reflective With help you can find some evidence to support your argument. Says which is better and why Resilient You can use 2 pieces of evidence at once. You can list pros and cons of an argument. BACK
Think things through and plan carefully Says which is better and why
13/04/2017 Reasoning 5R's Think things through and plan carefully You are beginning to take time to plan things through. You can use planning sheets and planning tools to help you. Choose the best method or learning tool You can see a number of ways to approach a task. You can use a range of graphic organisers. You make use of thinking tools and thinking hats. Consider all the evidence You make use of many types of evidence. You can decide on and use information that is relevant and discard that which is not. Says which is better and why You can describe several pieces of evidence. You listen to different points of view and list the pros and cons of each. BACK
Think things through and plan carefully Says which is better and why
13/04/2017 Reasoning 5R's Think things through and plan carefully You choose to spend time planning your work and collecting the information you need. You regularly review your work and amend your plans in the light of your progress. Choose the best method or learning tool You know there are many ways to approach a task. You choose the best method to solve a problem. You can justify your decisions. You independently use the thinking tools. Consider all the evidence You collect evidence form many sources of information. You can judge the value of evidence and decide on its relevance. You make choices about different pieces of evidence. You can see the value in different points of view. You are good at evaluating opposing views in an argument. Says which is better and why BACK 13/04/2017
Set targets and practice
5 5R's You stick at things for a short time only. You ask for help and then have another go. Stick at it Responsible Resourceful Have a positive attitude With encouragement you give things a go. You find setbacks frustrating. You are learning to find positives in some of the things you do. R s You can be easily distracted but you are aware of this. You need help to get started and you need someone to check on you. Reasoning Find and sustain interest Reflective You are beginning to set targets and work towards them. You focus on what you are told to do. You realise that practice is important. Resilient Set targets and practice BACK
Set targets and practice
13/04/2017 Resilient 5R's You stick at most things and have a go even when its difficult. You usually finish what you start. Stick at it Have a positive attitude You enjoy a challenge when you think its worthwhile. You tend to be positive about most setbacks. You usually approach challenges with a smile. You use strategies to get back on track if you get distracted. After initial support you can get on with things by yourself. Find and sustain interest You set yourself targets and you plan to meet them. You focus on what you need to do. You usually decide when to practice in order to meet your targets. Set targets and practice BACK
Set targets and practice
13/04/2017 Resilient 5R's You stick at it until you have succeeded. If things are difficult you look for another way to approach it. you always finish what you start. Stick at it Have a positive attitude You always enjoy a challenge. You cope well with setbacks and always find ways forward. You always stay positive. You find interest in whatever you are doing and can be completely absorbed. You are a self starter and get stuck into all tasks. Find and sustain interest You set yourself challenging targets and plan in detailed steps to achieve them. You focus on where you want to get to. You practice regularly to meet your targets. Set targets and practice BACK
TO HATS' PAGE BACK Black Hat Question Prompts What is wrong with this?
Why won’t this work? What do we need to be careful of? BACK
TO HATS' PAGE BACK Blue Hat Question Prompts What is our planning?
How can we organise this? How can we summarise this? What are the next steps? BACK
TO HATS' PAGE BACK Green Hat Question Prompts
What are our suggestions? Are there any alternatives? Are there any other ideas? Could we do this differently? BACK
TO HATS' PAGE BACK Yellow Hat Question Prompts
What are the good points? Why is this idea preferable? How can we make this work? BACK
TO HATS' PAGE BACK Red Hat Question Prompts How do we feel about this?
What are our hunches? What is our gut reaction? BACK
TO HATS' PAGE BACK White Hat Question Prompts
What information do we have? What information is missing? What information do we need? BACK
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