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Stage 1: Identify desired results. Stage 2: Determine acceptable evidence. Stage 3: Plan learning experiences and instruction. Wiggins, G & McTighe. J,

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Presentation on theme: "Stage 1: Identify desired results. Stage 2: Determine acceptable evidence. Stage 3: Plan learning experiences and instruction. Wiggins, G & McTighe. J,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Stage 1: Identify desired results. Stage 2: Determine acceptable evidence. Stage 3: Plan learning experiences and instruction. Wiggins, G & McTighe. J, (1998) Understanding by Design. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development Planning Units and Lessons for Understanding with Backward Design

2 Stage 1 Identify Desired Results What Big Understandings are Desired? “Big” Understandings should be: 1.Enduring – have value beyond the classroom 2.At the heart of the discipline 3.Needing Un-coverage – are abstract or often misunderstood ideas 4.Potentially engaging

3 Stage 1 Identify Desired Results Essential Questions: What questions will guide this unit and focus teaching/learning? Not just facts Go to the heart of the big idea Provoke conversation-inquiry-more questions Use or transform factual knowledge Answered throughout the lesson or unit

4 Stage 1 Identify Desired Results Choose what knowledge and skills your students will need to be successful in answering the essential questions and achieving the “big” enduring understanding. Knowledge includes the concepts and facts your students will learn. Skills include the procedures and processes needed to perform desired tasks.

5 Stage 1 Identify Desired Results Big Enduring Understandings: What do I want students to know and be able to do at the end of this lesson/unit? Essential Questions: What questions will guide this unit and focus teaching/learning? What key knowledge and skills will students acquire as a result of this unit?

6 Stage 2 Evidence of Understanding How will you know your students have reached the enduring understanding? It is important to plan for assessment before designing individual activities so that the activities work toward the focus of the assessments.

7 Stage 2 Evidence of Understanding What evidence would show beyond a reasonable doubt that the student understands? Can students explain accurately? Can students interpret meaningfully? Can students apply effectively? Do students have a credible perspective? Do students display genuine empathy? Do students display self-awareness or self-knowledge?

8 Stage 3 Learning Experiences and Instruction These are the activities that will guide your students to the Big Understanding. Learning Experiences are planned after desired results and evidence of understanding are determined. These activities can include technology integrated activities, reading, drawing, writing, data collecting, or even workbook pages if appropriate.

9 Stage 1: Identify desired results. Stage 2: Determine acceptable evidence. Stage 3: Plan learning experiences and instruction. Wiggins, G & McTighe. J, (1998) Understanding by Design. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development Planning Units and Lessons for Understanding with Backward Design

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