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Optimizing Installed Capacity for Small Hydro on Ungauged Streams By Charles D. D. Howard, P. Eng. Sr. Advisor, Consultant

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2 Optimizing Installed Capacity for Small Hydro on Ungauged Streams By Charles D. D. Howard, P. Eng. Sr. Advisor, Consultant

3 How Accurate is the Estimated Energy Potential? Optimizing Installed Capacity for Small Hydro on Ungauged Streams Is the site a good investment opportunity, or a risky venture? Charles D. D. Howard, P. Eng.

4 How Accurate is the Hydrology? Suppose a Regression Approach is Used. Hydrology of Ungauged Streams Charles D. D. Howard, P. Eng.

5 Hydrology of Ungauged Streams Prorate data from a nearby stream that seems to be similar. Charles D. D. Howard, P. Eng.



8 Energy production depends on how much of the streamflow will be used, and how much will be spilled. Energy from Ungauged Streams Accuracy of the energy estimate depends on installed capacity. Charles D. D. Howard, P. Eng.



11 Look into using the hydrologic model in IMP Optimizing Installed Capacity for Small Hydro on Ungauged Streams Hydrology should not be “assumed” Hydrology is a basic requirement. Charles D. D. Howard, P. Eng.

12 The Integrated Method for Power IMP IMP considers: Elevation rangesElevation ranges Topographic differencesTopographic differences Climate differences with locations and elevationClimate differences with locations and elevation Forest cover and soilsForest cover and soils Charles D. D. Howard, P. Eng.

13 Thank you for listening Thank you for listening. Charles D. D. Howard, P. Eng.

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