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Oyster Sales Service Agent Training 2014
Welcome to the 2014 Oyster Ticket Stop Training Seminar Oyster Sales Service Agent Training 2014
Oyster Sales Service Agent Training 2014
Fire Exit Please be aware of the fire exits Should the fire alarm sound leave the training room, follow the green fire exit signs and make your way downstairs to the front door with the trainer Leave the building by the front door Oyster Sales Service Agent Training 2014
Oyster Ticket Stop Seminar Agenda
Brief Oyster Sales Service history Bus & Rail Zones Ticket Ranges Photocards Other Procedures Oyster cards Training on xPERT Terminal Oyster Sales Service Agent Training 2014
Oyster Sales Service History
1981 Founded as London District Pass Distributors 1994 First EPoS electronic tickets issued 1995 First Smartcard trial in Harrow 1998 Became part of TranSys under Prestige 2003 New Retail Terminal launched to replace EPoS Terminal 2003 Oyster card launched 2008 Network = 2250 Oyster agents and 1500 manual retailers 2008 xPERT device launched 2009 Network = 3950 Oyster Ticket stops 2010 Now Oyster Sales Service 2011 Paper tickets withdrawn from OSS agents year anniversary of Oyster card Oyster Sales Service Agent Training 2014
Oyster Sales Service Agent Training 2014
Bus Zones All Bus & Tram passes cover all zones for 7 days, a month and a year Tickets are valid on some routes outside greater London (see TfL website) Oyster Sales Service Agent Training 2014
Oyster Sales Service Agent Training 2014
Rail Zones There are 9 LUL Rail Zones plus A, B and C Some stations are joint zoned (see map) Always refer to map for guidance Oyster Sales Service Agent Training 2014
Oyster Sales Service Agent Training 2014
Products available Oyster - season tickets (7 Day, Monthly, Annual) - single fares (pay as you go) Oyster Sales Service Agent Training 2014
Oyster Sales Service Agent Training 2014
What is capping? Capping is the maximum amount that the customer will pay in a 24 hour period (from 0430 and before 0430 the next day) using pay as you go The rate is based on the time, mode, zone and direction of travel Adult capping is the equivalent of a One Day Travelcard (see price list) or £4.40 if used only on the bus/tram Oyster Sales Service Agent Training 2014
7 Day, Monthly & Annual (period) Bus & Tram Passes
All Children aged 5-15 inclusive travel free on buses & trams 16 and 17 year olds (now 16+) in full time education and living in London travel free on buses & trams. Those not in full time education and/or not living in London can buy half the adult fare on buses & trams. Student Oyster photocard (now 18+) holders buy period tickets with 30% discount Apprentice Oyster photocard holders save 30% against the price of adult rate Bus & Tram Passes Adults buy Adult rate period tickets Jobcentre Plus and Bus & Tram photocard holders can purchase reduced rate 7 Day and Monthly Bus & Tram Passes Oyster Sales Service Agent Training 2014
7 Day and Monthly Travelcards
Children age 5-15 require Oyster photocard to buy child period Travelcards 16 and 17 year olds (16+) require an Oyster photocard to receive half the adult fare period Travelcards Students (18+) require an Oyster photocard to receive period Travelcards with 30% discount Apprentice Oyster photocard holders save 30% against the price of adult rate Travelcards Adults buy Adult rate period Travelcards Oyster Sales Service Agent Training 2014
Oyster Sales Service Agent Training 2014
Photocards Photocards are required to prove age and eligibility to purchase tickets Adults do not require photocards (unless they are entitled to discounted travel) Oyster Sales Service Agent Training 2014
Oyster card/Oyster photocard
Adult – standard Oyster card issued by agents Jobcentre Plus – standard Oyster card + Discount Entitlement loaded by agents Bus & Tram Discount – standard Oyster card + Discount Entitlement loaded by agents National Rail Railcard– standard Oyster card + Discount Entitlement loaded by agents Child – application forms for Oyster photocard available at Post Offices or online 16+ -application forms for Oyster photocard available online only from 1st July 2014 18+ –application forms for Oyster photocard available online only Apprentice Scheme - application forms for Oyster photocard available online only Oyster Sales Service Agent Training 2014
Jobcentre Plus photocard
Issued to people on the New Deal scheme by the Employment Service agency Participants must be 16 years of age and over Photocards are valid for a maximum of 3 months Holders can purchase any child rate season ticket on Oyster and can pay as you go at child rate Always check that the person presenting the card is the photocard holder Oyster Sales Service Agent Training 2014
Bus and Tram discount photocard
Issued to people on income support Photocards issued by the Post Office Photocards valid for 6 months Holders can purchase reduced rate 7 Day and Monthly bus & tram passes Holders pay reduced rate fares on buses and trams using pay as you go Always check that the person presenting the card is the photocard holder Oyster Sales Service Agent Training 2014
National Rail Railcard
Issued to holders of Disabled, HM Forces, Senior or Young Persons Railcard Holders can load pay as you go and benefit from a capped rate of 34% below the standard capped rate when using Tube, London Overground, DLR and some National Rail services No discounts on buses and trams No discounts on any other tickets Oyster Sales Service Agent Training 2014
Child (5-15) Oyster Photocards
Application forms (5-10,11-15) are available from Post Offices in Greater London or online 5-10 and Oyster photocards allow free travel on buses and trams 5-10 Oyster photocards also allow free travel on Tube, London Overground, DLR and some National Rail services whether accompanied by an adult or not. Children without a 5-10 Oyster photocard will need to be accompanied by an adult holding a valid ticket/freedom pass in order to travel free 11-15 Oyster photocard holders can pay child rate Oyster single fares on the Tube, London Overground, DLR and some National Rail services and can buy child rate season Travelcards Oyster Sales Service Agent Training 2014
16+ Zip Oyster Photocards
Paper application forms for 16+ Zip Oyster photocards will not be available or accepted at Post Offices from 1 July 2014. Customers who need to apply for a 16+ Zip Oyster photocard from 1 July can only apply online at 16+ Zip Oyster photocards allow travel at a reduced rate on bus, Tube, tram, DLR, London Overground and most National Rail services in London. Oyster Sales Service Agent Training 2014
16+ Zip Oyster Photocards
The following changes will apply for online applications from 20 August 2014 to speed up the process: Those aged 16 or 17 on 31 August 2014 won’t have to prove that they are in full time education. Customers aged 18 on 31 August 2014 will still have to prove that they are in full time education Customers that already have a web account won’t have to provide proof of their age again London residents will be able to use the credit/debit card they use as payment to prove their London residency. Oyster Sales Service Agent Training 2014
16+ Zip Oyster Photocards
Promotion of online only application route: TfL will be contacting all customers whose or 16+ Zip Oyster photocard expires on 30 September 2014 early in July to make them aware that they will need to apply online. On 20 August TfL will these customers to remind them that they can now apply online for their 16+ Zip Oyster photocard. There will also be: adverts in the Metro, posters on the buses, and the TfL website updated with this information. Schools already aware of these online changes Oyster Sales Service Agent Training 2014
Oyster Sales Service Agent Training 2014
18+ Oyster Photocards Issued to people enrolled with a school, college or university that's registered on the TfL scheme, on a mandatory work placement in London or on an eligible full-time or part-time course Applicants must be 18 or above Applications made online only Holders save 30% off adult rate 7 Day or Monthly Travelcards and 7 Day, monthly or annual bus & tram passes Oyster Sales Service Agent Training 2014
Apprentice Oyster photocard
Issued to people enrolled on an approved apprenticeship Applicants must be 18 or above Applications made online only Photocards valid for 12 months Holders save 30% off adult rate 7 Day or Monthly Travelcards and 7 Day, monthly or annual bus & tram passes PAYG can be added but Oyster single fares will be charged at the adult rate Oyster Sales Service Agent Training 2014
Apprentice Oyster photocard
Always check that the person presenting the card is the photocard holder The tickets will appear on the xPERT as: “Travelcard – App” “Bus & Tram – App” Please ensure that you issue the correct discounted ticket against the Oyster photocard Oyster Sales Service Agent Training 2014
Expiry Dates on Photocards
Always check expiry dates on photocards before issuing tickets The xPERT Terminal will not allow tickets purchased on Oyster to expire later than the photocard expiry date Oyster Sales Service Agent Training 2014
Oyster Sales Service Agent Training 2014
Lost Photocards Jobcentre Plus, Bus & Tram, NR Railcard + Oyster card Customer obtains another photocard from the issuing source and the agent changes customer details using “Change Details” option Oyster Sales Service Agent Training 2014
Oyster Sales Service Agent Training 2014
Security Comply with security requirements (see OSS manual page 19) Report any suspicious activity in or outside your shop Check photocards before issuing ticket/Oyster card Security is your responsibility Keep all stock in safe/locked cupboard Oyster Sales Service Agent Training 2014
Oyster Sales Service Agent Training 2014
Order procedure All products ordered via the Agent Support helpdesk if required Oyster cards Till Rolls Wallets Freepost envelopes Registration forms You can place orders by contacting the helpdesk by using the following options: Phone on Fax on on Oyster Sales Service Agent Training 2014
Oyster Sales Service Agent Training 2014
Payment for sales Weekly direct debit on Wednesday DD is collected at midnight Tuesday/Wednesday Ensure money is banked and cleared by close of play Tuesday DD collected a day later during bank holiday weeks 3 failed DD’s will result in termination Oyster Sales Service Agent Training 2014
Oyster Sales Service Agent Training 2014
TfL Travel diaries If requested by TfL please hand out travel diaries to passengers Information gathered on travel patterns is used by TfL Payment is made to agent for each completed diary returned Quarterly draw for passengers to win cash prizes Oyster Sales Service Agent Training 2014
Oyster Sales Service Agent Training 2014
MSS visit Agents will be mystery shopped each year (quarterly programme) Shopper will complete report on outcome of visit Reports compiled and sent to TfL and OSS Feedback good/bad via your rep Oyster Sales Service Agent Training 2014
Fares Revision seminars
Held annually in November December Attendance is mandatory Initial notification in September Invitation sent 4 weeks before seminar Oyster Sales Service Agent Training 2014
Oyster Sales Service Agent Training 2014
Representative visit Visit every 26 weeks Count all stock and consumables and re-order if required Check procedures are being followed and retrain if required Discuss MSS report Check POS and replenish Oyster Sales Service Agent Training 2014
Oyster Sales Service Agent Training 2014
Selling Your Shop? 8 weeks notice is required Contact Agent Network immediately Buyer invited to HQ for interview Buyer is credit researched Buyer attends training seminar at HQ OSS Rep completes changeover on agreed day Advise HQ if plans change Please remember it is our decision to continue the agency if you sell your shop, you cannot sell the agency with the shop Shops changing owners within 6 months of being appointed will lose the agency and it will be allocated elsewhere Oyster Sales Service Agent Training 2014
xPERT Terminal training
xPERT is connected to your main business phone line. It receives calls and does not dial out other than emergency polling Should not be attached to alarm line Phone line (no more than 3 devices on one line) All changes to ticket files and software are performed over this line. Please ensure that your terminal is available to be polled at all times Power supply – standard plug in Advise us of opening and closing times If your XP develops a fault phone agent support Hours of cover are Monday to Friday excluding public holidays Oyster Sales Service Agent Training 2014
Oyster Sales Service Agent Training 2014
Oyster card Oyster Sales Service Agent Training 2014
Oyster Sales Service Agent Training 2014
Oyster card Oyster is a plastic smartcard with a microchip inside that holds the validity of the ticket. It is a touch and pass system. Other than on buses and trams, customers must always touch in and touch out There is a £5 deposit on all cards at first transaction Oyster cards can be reloaded and used over and over again Oyster cards can be registered (mandatory in some cases) Oyster Sales Service Agent Training 2014
Oyster Sales Service Agent Training 2014
Oyster card Oyster cards can hold up to 3 different tickets and up to £90 in pay as you go. Oyster cards can also hold: 7 Day Bus & Tram passes/Travelcards Monthly Bus & Tram passes/Travelcards Annual Bus & Tram passes All products loaded on an Oyster card can be voided within an hour of issue provided they have not been used Oyster Sales Service Agent Training 2014
Oyster card registration
Forms are available from Agents, Tube and London Overground stations and Travel Information Centres Forms completed by customer, including name, full address and postcode plus password. If any of these are missing reject the form Registration is mandatory on Monthly and Annual tickets and all Oyster cards that have a Discount Entitlement (Jobcentre Plus, Bus & Tram Discount, National Rail Railcard) Registration is optional on all other tickets and pay as you go Customers who have lost registered cards can claim a refund on the lost ticket/pay as you go – ask customer to contact the Oyster Help Desk Oyster Sales Service Agent Training 2014
Oyster card registration
When registering, the agent enters the password, and, if applicable, the photocard number and expiry date (Jobcentre Plus, Bus & Tram and National Rail Railcard) Agent issues Oyster card, completes bottom section of form including agent number and Oyster card number. Incomplete forms will mean unregistered cards and unhappy customers and agents do not receive any payment! Forms must be posted daily to Dawleys in Freepost envelopes 50p for each correctly completed form returned Oyster Sales Service Agent Training 2014
Oyster Sales Service Agent Training 2014
Oyster Sales Service Agent Training 2014
Oyster Sales Service Agent Training 2014
Oyster card Demonstration of registration process and setting discounts Change Details Load TKT Void TKT Load pay as you go Void pay as you go Negative balance Oyster Sales Service Agent Training 2014
Agent Reports F4 Admin Menu
F2 End of Day – closes current shift and produces a report of the complete day. ALSO CLOSES YOUR TERMINAL!!! F3 Print Day Report – produces a report of all your day sales F4 Display Day Report – an on screen breakdown of your day’s sales Press down arrow to second screen Oyster Sales Service Agent Training 2014
Oyster Sales Service Agent Training 2014
Agent Reports F2 Reprint EOD – reprints the previous end of day report F3 Reprint last – reprints previous report or second receipt of latest transaction F4 Print Invoice – prints copy of your most recent invoice Press down arrow to third screen Oyster Sales Service Agent Training 2014
Oyster Sales Service Agent Training 2014
Agent Reports F2 Change PIN – enables you to change your PIN number Use up and down arrows to toggle between screens Oyster Sales Service Agent Training 2014
Oyster Sales Service Agent Training 2014
Thank you for coming Oyster Sales Service Agent Training 2014
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