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Artificial Intelligence. Intelligent? What is intelligence? computational part of the ability to achieve goals in the world.

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Presentation on theme: "Artificial Intelligence. Intelligent? What is intelligence? computational part of the ability to achieve goals in the world."— Presentation transcript:

1 Artificial Intelligence

2 Intelligent?

3 What is intelligence? computational part of the ability to achieve goals in the world

4 somewhere, something went wrong

5 What is AI? Computational models of human behavior? Computational models of human “thought” process? Computational systems that behave intelligently? Computational systems that behave rationally !

6 Rationality: Perceiving the world around it, – a rational agent selects an action – to maximize the performance measure Using – Evidence provided in perception sensors – Built in knowledge of the agent

7 Applications of AI Video games, Robocup, NERO Theorem proving Speech recognition Understanding natural language (stories) Machine translation (English-Russian) Robotics (Computer vision)

8 Machine translation The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak

9 English – Russian - English The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak The vodka is strong but the meat is rotten

10 AI applications (contd.) Driving autonomous vehicles Tactical guidance system for military aircraft Satellite meta command system Automatic operation of trains Robots for micro-surgery

11 AI in electrical gadgets Navigation system for automatic cars Cruise control for automobiles Single button control of washing machines Camera autofocus Back light control for camcorders Auto motor control of vacuum cleaners Camera aiming for sporting events

12 Decision support systems Medical reasoning systems Planning rocket launching, large assemblies Intelligent tutoring systems Fault diagnosis in power plants Direct marketing Fraud detection for finance Stock market predictions

13 AI pioneers Alan Turing(1912-1954) – Father of computer science – Turing test for AI Marvin Minsky (MIT) – Built first Neural network computer SNARC John McCarthy ( Stanford University ) – Developed LISP, AI programming language


15  General issues and applications of AI,   Problem solving,  Search strategies,  Intelligent searching

16 Course contents , Knowledge Representation,  First order predicate logic,,  Frames  Conceptual dependency

17  Game playing  Problem solving using Planning,

18 Uncertainty handling, Fuzzy Logic based inferencing, Machine learning – introduction to neural networks and genetic algorithms, Expert Systems, Natural Language Processing

19 Reference books: 1. Artificial Intelligence – A modern approach, S. Russell and P.Norvig, Pearson Education. 2. Artificial Intelligence, Elaine Rich and K Knight, Tata McGraw Hill, reprint 2003

20 Evaluation: Minor I20% Minor II20% Quiz tests and Major test: 40% Assignments: 20%

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