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An introduction to the new
Copyright 2006 Thomson Corporation 2 The New ISI Web of Knowledge February 3 rd 2008: Old Web of Knowledge interface replaced by new interface (WOK 4.0) Easy to use tabular interface with tabs at top of search screen allows users to search across all databases, an individual database, or access additional resources such as relevant websites and analytical and administrative tools. Redesigned to be more intuitive and simpler to search. ‘All Database Search’: A simultaneous search across your institutions entitlement. Powerful capabilities of Refine and Analyse in the ‘All Data Base Search’ up to 100,000 records. Easy to use search boxes and search aids. Ability to add more search fields. Easy access to search aids such as those with specialised terminology and publication names. Results page show more detail. From any type of search, results page displays bibliographic information for records, as well as full-text links and OpenURL linking. Full records in Web of Science now display more information and links. WOS records display citation information, citation results and Related Records. Other links link to subscription data such as Impact Factor (JCR) and ESI New link in the full record enables users to submit Data Correction Request. New search results:’ Web Plus’, a new service integrated into WOK that enables users to complement their ISI Web of Knowledge searches with editorially selected, quality content from the open web. Free bibliographic management: All subscribers have access to Endnote Web enable users to store up to 10,000 records, share folders, search on line OPAC’s and databases, export references, create bibliographies and format papers. ResearcherID ( ID is a global, multi-disciplinary scholarly research community. Each researcher listed is assigned a unique identifier, to aid in solving the common problem of author misidentification. Search the registry to find citations, collaborators, and more.
Copyright 2006 Thomson Corporation 3 1. All Database SearchA cross search of your institutions entitlement Uses one common vocabulary that recognises the varying terms used by different specialist databases and maps to a unified subject classification Enables users to retrieve results from items that were originally categorised differently. Specialist terms from one database recognise specialist terms from another Yields up to 100,00 results which can be refined and analysed. Topic search terms includes titles, abstracts, keywords, and controlled vocabulary fields. 2. Select a DatabaseSelect and individual database from your institutions entitlement Choose a type of search associated from that database e.g. affiliations in Web of Science Cited Reference Search (WOS)Examine the impact of any type of work by searching all indexed cited references. (Books, articles, illustrations, musical scores..) Web PlusAn open web tool designed to bring back scientifically orientated open web results in order to compliment information already found in Web of Knowledge Advanced Search (WOS)Create complex searches using Boolean operators and search field tags Modify existing searches
Copyright 2006 Thomson Corporation 4 ISI Web of Knowledge The New Face of research - What’s the same Content Search engine- searching rules still apply Additional features of User Profile (Save searches, create citation alerts, access Endnote Web, customise Web of Knowledge) Exporting records (print, email, save to file, save to Bibliographic software)
Copyright 2006 Thomson Corporation 5 Web of Science- Introduction - Bibliographic Tool/Citation Indexes on the Web –Science Citation Index Expanded (1900-present, abstract 1991 onwards) –Social Sciences Citation Index (1956- present, abstract 1992 onwards) –Arts & Humanities Citation Index (1975-present, abstract, 2000 onwards) -Multidisciplinary (more than 230 disciplines in Science, Social sciences & Art and Humanities -Complete indexing of bibliographic data for each item covered- the full text is not indexed- although links are in place to view the full text -Access to the most prestigious, high impact journals in the world -Editors extensively evaluate the content for it’s quality, importance and influence -Approximately 9,300 journals indexed - Cover to cover indexing- all significant items in a journal covered -Weekly updates -Thousands of new full-text links. Over 12,500 journals now contain full-text links within WOK -More than 370 Open Access journals
Copyright 2006 Thomson Corporation 6 Publication Selection and Evaluation Editorial Criteria: timeliness (punctuality), enriching information, original investigation, peer review Editorial Content: informative title/ abstract, key words, addresses, complete bibliography International diversity of authorship Geographic representation: international & regional Citation analysis: For established journals: editors examine citation rate, impact factor, immediacy index For new journals: editors examine the publishing record of the journal's authors and editorial board members, noting where their articles have been published and if their work has been cited. 2,000 journals reviewed annually: only 10-12% selected *Bradford’s Law: ‘a relatively small number of journals publish the bulk of scientific results’ Read our journal selection process in detail:
Copyright 2006 Thomson Corporation 7 Database Production and Extraction Data file is updated weekly Web of Science Journal/Book acquisition Item Selection and Data Capture Manual Indexing/ Translation (for foreign language journals and some A&H content) Processing Time 1-2 Weeks Appearance of item in Web of Science Scanning & OCR
Copyright 2006 Thomson Corporation 8 Document Types - Cover to Cover Indexing All Files Article Bibliography Biographical Item Book Review Correction Database Review Editorial Material Hardware Review Letter Meeting Abstract News Item Reprint Review Software Review Arts & Humanities Only Art Exhibit Review Dance Performance Review Excerpt Fiction Creative Prose Film Review Music Performance Review Music Score Music Score Review Poetry Record Review Script Theater Review TV Review Radio Review
Copyright 2006 Thomson Corporation 9 Tools in Web of Science Author Finder- retrieve records from an author of interest DAIS- Distinct Author Identification System, groups articles into sets likely to be from the same author. Citation Report Graphs illustrating publication and citation activity per year Average citation rate per article and average citation rate per year h-index Eliminate self-citations For less than 10,000 results Analyse and Refine Results Subject area, author, institution, country, source title, publication year, etc Related Records Locate other articles that cite the same bibliography Save History/Queries Alerts (user profile required) Query alerts (weekly, monthly). Active for 25 weeks Citation Alerts (be informed when an article is cited). Active for a year. Export Results Print Save to file (save as tab-delimited for export to Excel) E-mail Export to Research Soft reference software manager (EndNote, Procite, Reference Manager) RSS Feeds- create subscriptions to your RSS Reader Export to EndNote Web (user profile required)
Copyright 2006 Thomson Corporation 10 Bibliographic Fields Indexed in Full Record -TitleComplete original title of document Foreign language titles are translated into US. English -AuthorsAll author names are indexed Full record now displays full author names (if provided in original text) for items indexed after September 2006 Names consist in surname and up to 5 initials (no accents, non English alphabet characters) -AddressesAll author affiliations captured. Reprint author associated with an address. Abbreviations used in the address field (univ, dept, inst..) -AbstractComplete abstract from original document (in English) No translation of non English abstracts. -Keywords PlusTopic related words harvested from the titles of the cited references DOIDigital Object Identifier captured -BibliographyFirst author, source title (linked to full record if indexed), source information
Copyright 2006 Thomson Corporation 11 Search Rules Operator ‘AND’ implied between terms, no need to enter ‘AND’ in order to retrieve multiple terms Place expression or phrase in speech marks “ ” to retrieve that exact term Continue to use an operator after term in parentheses e.g. (“sustain* tourism” or ecotourism) AND “south africa” Order of precedence (1. Same 2. Not 3. And 4. Or) Natural language: think of abbreviations, acronyms, synonyms E.g “global warm* or “climate chang*” or “green house effect*” All Database & Individual Database- Topic Search
Copyright 2006 Thomson Corporation 12 Web of Science Author and Address Search Rules Author No titles, no full names Surname and up to 5 initials Include hyphens and apostrophes when searching for names containing those marks or replace them with spaces. You will also retrieve variants. E.g. Rivas-Martinez S* = Rivas-Martinez S* and Rivas Martinez S*. O'Brien G = O'Brien, G and O Brien, G, Obrien G No accents, no non English alphabet characters or (è, é, ê, ë, î, ï, ô, û, Ä, Ö, Ü, ä, ö and ü ) Multi part names must be searched for in original format and fused version E.g. Van den Heever d* or vandenheever d*Address Use address abbreviations (university = univ) Think of all variants possible (previous and existing names, original language & English title & acronyms) Eg ‘ tcd or Trinity Coll* or ‘Colaiste Trionoide’
Copyright 2006 Thomson Corporation 13 What is A public Website for creating a unique researcher ID number Build a publication list identifying your work Make your profile public or private Non WOK subscribers can search Researcher Registry to view profiles and find potential collaborators Search registry by any combination of first name, last name, ResearcherID number, keyword and institution. Upload publications from WOS or Endnote, Endnote Web of Reference Manager (RIS format) Members can alert people to their profile by adding personal link to CV, blog or email. Graphics available. Unicode compliant (UTF8) Auto- complete (suggest) functionality for keyword and institution fields based on values entered by RIS members Links to full text for items added from WOS (subject to your subscriptions to full text) Generate citation metrics including: H-index Citation distribution per year Total Times Cited count Average Times Cited Only for WOS articles
Copyright 2006 Thomson Corporation 14 Scientifically relevant website selected by Thomson Scientific Editors. Practical options for searching, sorting and filtering (by domain, subject and file format). Save time by accessing both open Web and WOK information in the same search. Save effort by receiving only scientifically orientated results. Produce complete search that reflects a full array of resources. Email and print results. Search by topic, person or author, source, institution, organism or gene. How is Thomson Scientific WebPlus different from a normal search engine? Thomson Scientific WebPlus brings you the Web content you seek by focusing first on scientifically relevant Web sites selected by Thomson Scientific editors. When a search is begun, the results are filtered, ranked and sorted based on relevancy. Thomson Scientific WebPlus saves you time by getting rid of irrelevant Web content from search results and allow you to focus on only the scientifically relevant results from the open Web!
Copyright 2006 Thomson Corporation 15 Search ISI Web of Knowledge, PubMed and hundreds of library OPACs directly Import references from hundreds of online bibliographic databases and organize a library of references in many languages (see notes on Unicode compatibility)see notes on Unicode compatibility Store up to 10,000 records per EndNote Web account Edit reference—add notes, keywords—modify any field Use over 2,300 publishing styles to format in-text citations and bibliographies Cite While You Write™ in Microsoft Word (requires plug-in) to insert references and format papers instantly Format papers in other word processors using RTF (rich text format) files Simplify collaboration with colleagues—share EndNote Web folders Use EndNote Web toolbars in Microsoft Internet Explorer and Mozilla® to access your reference library in one click, and capture citation data easily (requires plug-in) Easily transfer references to and from EndNote X (requires free update to X.0.2). Export/import to previous versions
Copyright 2006 Thomson Corporation 16
Copyright 2006 Thomson Corporation 17 How EndNote Solutions Compare EndNote WebEndNote Save references++ Organize & edit references++ Storage capacity (number of references)10,000unlimited Import from many databases and OPACs++ Cite & format papers with bibliographies++ Create & save advanced searches+ Customize views & displays+ Edit reference import filters & output styles+ Use term lists for auto-entry+ Cite tables, figures, & equations+ Work Offline (anytime/anywhere)+ Local Personal Files and Documents+ High Performance Desktop Environment+
Copyright 2006 Thomson Corporation 18 Important and Useful URLs Standard access from your institution General information about TS products, Journal Lists, Educational Material, Free Resources Contact the Technical Support department View the calendar of public web-based training classes View a list of recorded training modules Information about bibliographic management software products Endnote, Reference Manager and Procite Contact the Links department to view a list of linkable journals/ publishers and establish full text links Specially customised website for librarians. All relevant information in one place.
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