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N2 – WP3 (Communication and outreach) Status Report R. Antolini, C. Tomei, N. Ferrari The LNGS open day 2005 The the “Quark” booklet The LSM film Plan.

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Presentation on theme: "N2 – WP3 (Communication and outreach) Status Report R. Antolini, C. Tomei, N. Ferrari The LNGS open day 2005 The the “Quark” booklet The LSM film Plan."— Presentation transcript:

1 N2 – WP3 (Communication and outreach) Status Report R. Antolini, C. Tomei, N. Ferrari The LNGS open day 2005 The the “Quark” booklet The LSM film Plan for next 12 months ILIAS – N2 Meeting – Paris 18 July 2005

2 The LNGS open day 2005 1300 people visited LNGS ILIAS had a dedicated stand with representatives of each underground lab May, 29 : Fourth Open Day. The Labs are “open” the whole day with many activities for visitors.

3 Among the initiatives, the prizegiving of the best scientific projects produced for the school competition “I’m a scientist too…”. 51 classes (about 600 students)took part in the competition. Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso Open Day 2005

4 “Outdoor physics” Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso “The Science Circus”

5 Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso The ILIAS STAND - Posters with location and activities of all EU underground labs - Brochures - Demonstration of natural radioactivity with portable NaI de tector

6 The “Quark” booklet A short “history” of the project Oct-Nov 2005: First contacts with “Quark” editors (Hachette-Rusconi). Nov 2005: First meeting in Milano. Definition of format, pages, price Feb 2005: Official offer from editors. Formation of an “editorial group” at LNGS (E. Coccia, R. Antolini, N. Ferrari, C. Tomei, L. Miramonti). Second meeting in Milano: general definition of contents. Mar 2005: Meeting in LNGS with “Quark” director: detailed discussion of contents, chapters, pictures, etc. Apr-May 2005: Photografer in LNGS, Journalists writing texts, getting info from othe labs May 2005: Revision of texts; draft of the booklet 1 June 2005 : Publication of the booklet Motivation: to produce an outreach booklet for the general public (Italy) describing the objectives of underground physics and underground laboratories Cost: 40 kE (½ by INFN, ½ by ILIAS)

7 140000 copies printed out and distributed 15000 copies available at LNGS Offer from editors to translate in english and reprint for ILIAS

8 N2 Plan for the next 12 months Brochure about all labs in English and in our own language Web pages about labs for public (info about physics, visits, etc.). Data base with pictures in high resolution (posters, presentations, etc.) Other ideas?

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