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Introduction to Web-Based Training Stacy Pritt, DVM, MBA Director, Animal Welfare & Regulatory Compliance Covance Research Products, Inc.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to Web-Based Training Stacy Pritt, DVM, MBA Director, Animal Welfare & Regulatory Compliance Covance Research Products, Inc."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to Web-Based Training Stacy Pritt, DVM, MBA Director, Animal Welfare & Regulatory Compliance Covance Research Products, Inc.

2 Outline Definitions Use of WBT Advantages & Disadvantages WBT in Laboratory Animal Science

3 Computer Based Training (CBT) Training delivered by a computer Work Station/Terminal Organizational Intranet Resources Media Secure Access

4 How CBT Improves Training Video Audio Animations/Simulations Training on Demand Customization Focus on what is needed Reference Tool Determine Knowledge Base

5 Example

6 Web Based Training (WBT) CBT Transformed WBT is not downloaded CBT but on-demand training stored on a server and is accessed across a network WBT utilizes the newest technologies and methodologies of the WWW, internet, and intranets Self-Directed; Self-Paced; Delivered over Distance

7 How WBT Differs from CBT Delivers training to users anytime, anywhere Easy updating of content Controllable, trackable access Learner’s progress can be tracked and stored in a database for evaluation Links to other training systems Options exist for installing the training on private systems

8 Methodologies Used Virtual Reality Interactions Chat Rooms Conferencing Real-time audio and video

9 How It Works

10 How It Can Be Paula Clifford Nicole Duffee Exomedia

11 Example IACUC training module Access on Intranet only Must complete entire module, no options for targeting specific information Certificate printed, no other documentation retained ALL  can go to any place within any module at any time (from anywhere)  training documentation maintained online with on- demand access

12 Four Types of WBT 1. Instructor-Led or Facilitated Training 2. Self-Paced 3. Online Tutorials 4. Web-Based Electronic Performance Support Systems (EPSS) Martha Rooks

13 Use of CBT/WBT in Organizations Why is CBT/WBT appealing?  Cost savings  Quickly updated T+D Magazine/ASTD

14 % of Training Time Benchmarking Forum Organizations

15 Advantages of WBT Decrease time staff are away from their jobs/Cost savings WBT preferred for rapidly changing materials Up to date content More convenient training Controlled access Growing level of acceptance Tracking of learner progress

16 Limitations of WBT Lack of computer/technology knowledge Access to computers Connectivity issues Initial development time & costs Ability to hold the interest of the trainee Desk as a training environment Non-social learning Lack of multimedia

17 Recommendations Use WBT as a prerequisite for classroom training Make WBT interactive Provide mandatory deadlines for material completion Obtain management’s support Provide some print materials Use WBT as refresher training Evaluate WBT

18 WBT vs. Classroom Training No limit Development cost Currency Consistency Incentives needed for completion Development of materials (time) Social learning Experiential learning Personalized attention Attendance Knowledge evaluation Scheduling Class size Consistency

19 New ILAR Journal “Training and Adult Learning Strategies for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals” March 2007 If you do training and have not seen this issue, get a copy!

20 Use of WBT in LAS Basic orientation requirements (e.g. ethics, regulations) Initial IACUC member training Simulations Technician Certification Self-assessment tools to identify areas for development

21 LAWTE Web site

22 History of Lab Animal Training and LAWTE Reprint available at

23 The End This presentation will be available on

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