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 What is the tragedy of Hamlet? Write a statement about what you think the tragedy is and what causes it. * Do you agree with John Bell that the Aristotelian.

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2  What is the tragedy of Hamlet? Write a statement about what you think the tragedy is and what causes it. * Do you agree with John Bell that the Aristotelian definition of tragedy is too simplistic for this play? (A man of nobility and eminence, falls from state of grace to a degraded state through a flaw in his own character and external forces acting against him)

3  Holderness suggests that a good way to think about the play is as a series of parallels or mirrors. Ophelia’s madness and Laertes’ revenge parallel and reflect Hamlet’s madness.  Fortinbras also parallels Hamlet’s revenge. See the following passages to compare Laertes, Hamlet and Fortinbras:  -4.4 “How all occasions do inform against me”  4.5 129- Laertes desire for revenge  These passages can not only be used to explore the character of character, they may be used to examine the theme of revenge. How do you think Shakespeare invites us to see Hamlet through this comparison?

4  Young Fortinbras, is a reprint of the Old Fortinbras, whereas Hamlet is not a reprint of Old Hamlet. The Ghost is a warrior fit for Icelandic saga, while the prince is a university intellectual, representative of a new age.  What will be the fate of Denmark with Fortinbras in charge?  Did Hamlet do further damage to Denmark?

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