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COED Captains’ Meeting Winter 2014/2015 Season. Agenda Changes / Reminders for Winter 2014/2015 Calgary Soccer Centre Update Upcoming Tournaments Key.

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Presentation on theme: "COED Captains’ Meeting Winter 2014/2015 Season. Agenda Changes / Reminders for Winter 2014/2015 Calgary Soccer Centre Update Upcoming Tournaments Key."— Presentation transcript:

1 COED Captains’ Meeting Winter 2014/2015 Season

2 Agenda Changes / Reminders for Winter 2014/2015 Calgary Soccer Centre Update Upcoming Tournaments Key Dates and Reminders Closing Comments

3 COED Previous Season Stats Winter 2014/15Summer 2014Winter 2013/14 # of Teams9972107 # of Seeding Round Groups535 # of Players (Estimated)198015792350 # of Games Scheduled891648963 # of Referees (Anticipated)178212961926 Cautions Handed Out-102209 Dismissals Handed Out-1440 # of Guest Players Used-364763 Season StartsOctober 14, 2014May 5, 2014October 15, 2013 Season Ends (Estimated)April 16, 2014August 31, 2014April 16, 2014

4 Please Welcome Garth Elgie, National Level Referee Instructor! In your team packages, there is a printout of the new rules for blue, yellow and red card offenses. Blue, Yellow and Red Card Changes

5 Upon receiving his/her third yellow card of the season, that player is suspended for one game, no fine and must sit out their team’s next immediate game. Failure to do so will result in an addition suspension and fine. It is the team and player’s responsibility to keep track of yellow cards! 3 rd Yellow Cards of the Season

6 CUSA Annual General Meeting The Captain’s Meeting is not mandatory BUT With CUSA and COED amalgamating, each COED team is required to send a representative to the league’s Annual General Meeting. This meeting will take place September 2015. Those teams who played last Winter / Summer and failed to send a team representative will have noticed a penalty on their team account.

7 Before a team receives their team packages this season, they are required to either: 1.Attend the Captain’s Meeting OR 2. Complete an Online Quiz This is to ensure all teams receive any important information prior to the start of the season. Winter Start-Up Quiz

8 Introduced in the Summer 2014 season Each team gets 2 Playoff games to finish the season, but only the Top 4 teams in each division will compete for the Division “Championship” Teams with below-standard Fair Play Points over the course of the season AND during the Playoffs, as set out in the Co-Ed Rules and Regulations, and Discipline Code, may be held back from advancing in the Playoffs on a case-to-case basis Playoffs

9 Referee Course Deposit Teams are charged $200 for the district entry-level referee course once each year. A team can send one individual to take the course. Please note: this individual does not have to be on the team and must be at least 16 The individual pays for the course up-front and declares what team he/she is taking the course for If the individual PASSES the course, the team will be refunded the $200 deposit AND the individual will be reimbursed for the cost of the course Look under the Referees tab on the top right

10 Fair Play Points The top 2 Fair Play Point teams for each division will win the Fair Play Award – 1 st Place = 65% of the pool – 2 nd Place = 35% of the pool Teams are expected to earn at least 125 Fair Play Points. Teams failing to do so may be subject to disciplinary action Teams who complete the Referee Evaluation form within 2 weeks of their game will receive an extra 2 Fair Play Points – Referee evaluation form is available on the COED website under Forms or Quick Links

11 1. 2.

12 Slide Tackles Are To Be Sanctioned By A Yellow Card! Slide Tackles

13 Rescheduling Policy and Procedure On the COED website, we have a Rescheduling Policy and Procedure – Under Resources or Quick Links The Rescheduling Policy does apply to any scheduling considerations/requests made before the season Cost of Rescheduling a Game: – More than 7 business days – No Cost – Less than 7 business days - $300 Summary of the Policy: Teams must contact their opponents to agree to a reschedule

14 Players may only guest player a maximum of 6 times PER SEASON In the Seeding Round, you can only Guest Play in your own competitive grouping In the Regular Season, you can only Guest Play up to 2 divisions higher, in your own division, or 1 division lower Play-Ups / Guest Players

15 Seeding Round Guest Player Chart

16 Regular Season Seeding Round Chart

17 If you are using another team’s jerseys, pinnies, soccer balls or any other equipment, please return it to the rightful owner at the end of the game! Play-Ups / Guest Players

18 Teams must have a Primary AND Alternate Set of Jerseys Alternate Jerseys May Be: – Numbered Jerseys – Numbered Bibs or T-Shirts If the Bibs or T-Shirts do not have numbers, the original jerseys shall be worn under the Bibs or T-Shirts It is the responsibility of the HOME TEAM to change uniforms in case of conflict Uniform colors are displayed on the website. Please follow what is showing on the website Uniforms

19 From Alberta Gaming and Liquor Act, R.S.A. 2000: 89 (1) No person may use or consume liquor in a public place or any place other than a residence, temporary residence, licensed premises or a place or class of place prescribed in the regulations where liquor may be used or consumed Violations may results in removing the offending teams or the league may lose all permits booked BOTTOM LINE: DO NOT DRINK ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES IN A FACILITIES’ LOCKER ROOMS, PARKING LOTS, CONCOURSES, FIELDS, ETC Alcohol Policy

20 Police Clearances Police clearances are NOT required but may become so in the future – This would be a requirement for Team Captains ONLY Clearances are valid for 3 years Costs: – $15.00 with letter from the COED Office – $30.00 without letter from the COED Office We need a copy of the clearance

21 Information for Team Captains Page

22 Teams will receive new player cards over the course of the season These Player Cards are also Sponsor Cards – Benefits on the Back of the Player Card Player Card Sponsors New Player Cards

23 COED teams are encouraged to drop off their player cards to the office during the seeding round break. The earliest teams are able to drop their cards off will be November 17 th. We will only be reprinting Player Cards that have been brought into the office. Please allow 24 to 48 hours for the office to reprint your team’s player cards. Be aware of your team’s schedule when bringing your player cards in. It does not have to be the team captain that brings in or picks up the player cards. The office will contact the team when the player cards are ready to be picked up. Player Card Reprint Process


25 COED Expectations for Fair Play

26 Calgary Soccer Centre 3 Outdoor Artificial Turf Fields Are Now Open! Annex and the 4 Indoor Fields will be open on October 10 th – These fields are East/West Sized Fields Official Grand Opening Celebration of the Annex will be on October 18

27 December 19 to 20, 2014 All games at the Calgary Soccer Centre 4 guaranteed games Prizes for Division and Fair Play Winners More information to be provided later Kick The Winter Blues Co-Ed Tournament 2014

28 Extended Office Hours October 7 to November 12 – Go to the Co-Ed website for more information on Extended Office Hours Player Card Charges – New Player - $20.00 – Returning Player with Old Player Card - $10.00 – Returning Player without Old Player Card - $25.00

29 Key Dates and Reminders October 6 – Player Registration Begins October 8 – 2 nd Installment of Team Fees Due October 14 – League Play Begins October 29 – Final Installment of Fees Due November 16 – Anticipated Last Seeding Round Games December 18 – Last Game Before Winter Break. League Player Resumes January 5 April 16 – Anticipated Last League Play Games

30 Pictures We are looking for team and/or action photographs to put on our website and for possible future promotions for the league Email: : Calgary Coed Indoor Rec Soccer

31 Coed Rec. Soccer Advisory Committee Coed Rec. Soccer Advisory Committee The following individuals continue to provide advice and recommendations on league operations and program development. – Brad Halford – Clayton Becker – Lorayne Rains – Mike Pointmeier – Scott de Koning

32 Coed Rec. Soccer Advisory Committee Are you interested in joining the Advisory Committee? The Advisory Committee approves the Seeding Round Alignment and any rule changes, and discusses ways to develop the league Contact the COED office with your interest

33 Questions?

34 Have A Great Season! Season Starts October 14

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