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Chinese e-resource metadata problems that cause access issues Connie Lam University of Hong Kong Libraries Workshop on Electronic Resources Standards and.

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Presentation on theme: "Chinese e-resource metadata problems that cause access issues Connie Lam University of Hong Kong Libraries Workshop on Electronic Resources Standards and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chinese e-resource metadata problems that cause access issues Connie Lam University of Hong Kong Libraries Workshop on Electronic Resources Standards and Best Practices CEAL annual meeting pre-conference workshop, 25 March 2014, Philadelphia

2 Task Force on Metadata Standards and Best Practices for East Asian Electronic Resources Outline Issues with vendors Problems of e-books  Issues with publishers  Issues with aggregators Problems of e-journals  Issues with publishers  Issues with aggregators

3 Task Force on Metadata Standards and Best Practices for East Asian Electronic Resources Issues with vendors Metadata  No title list and/or no marc records  Unable to provide regularly updates  No information on titles removed from the platform  Duplicated entries for the same title  For continuing resources, only provide complete title list, no information for title added, title deleted, title changes, coverage changes, etc.

4 Task Force on Metadata Standards and Best Practices for East Asian Electronic Resources Issues with vendors Chinese classics databases  四庫全書 (Sikuquanshu), 四部叢刊 (Sibucongkan), 中國基本古籍庫 (Zhongguo ji ben gu ji ku)  No direct url for individual title  Users have to install client software

5 Task Force on Metadata Standards and Best Practices for East Asian Electronic Resources Issues with vendors URLs  Urls not supported by link resolvers.  Urls not persistent  Titles do not have consistent IDs in urls.  Some vendors provide different IDs for the same title to different customers.

6 Task Force on Metadata Standards and Best Practices for East Asian Electronic Resources Problems of e-books Issues with publishers

7 Task Force on Metadata Standards and Best Practices for East Asian Electronic Resources Problems of e-books ISBN  Same ISBN for different editions 第 1 版 (di 1 ban) in1989 and 修訂本, 第 1 版 (xiu ding ben, di 1 ban) in 2002 share ISBN 75004093968

8 Task Force on Metadata Standards and Best Practices for East Asian Electronic Resources Problems of e-books  Same ISBN for books from the same publisher 渠道診所 and 農村城市 化的理論與實踐 have ISBN 750170516X. Both by 中國經濟出版社.

9 Task Force on Metadata Standards and Best Practices for East Asian Electronic Resources Problems of e-books Problems with aggregators

10 Task Force on Metadata Standards and Best Practices for East Asian Electronic Resources Problems of e-books Missing part title

11 Task Force on Metadata Standards and Best Practices for East Asian Electronic Resources Problems of e-books Wrong part number This should be 第 9 編 (di 9 bian) instead of 第 7 編 (di 7 bian)

12 Task Force on Metadata Standards and Best Practices for East Asian Electronic Resources Problems of e-books – providers Wrong publication year If this book was published by 上海書局 (Shanghai shu ju), it is a reprint of 商務印書館 (Shang wu yin shu guan)’s 1934 edition and it should be published in 1985.

13 Task Force on Metadata Standards and Best Practices for East Asian Electronic Resources Problems of e-books Wrong title information The book is 致知淺說 )Zhi zhi qian shuo), instead of 致和淺說 (Zhi he qian shuo)

14 Task Force on Metadata Standards and Best Practices for East Asian Electronic Resources Problems of e-books Mixed information for online publisher and original publisher

15 Task Force on Metadata Standards and Best Practices for East Asian Electronic Resources 博庫

16 Task Force on Metadata Standards and Best Practices for East Asian Electronic Resources The description of both entries is same from the provider. However, the first entry links to the book published by 博庫. The second entry links to the book published by 社會科 學文獻出版社.

17 Task Force on Metadata Standards and Best Practices for East Asian Electronic Resources Problems of e-books Inconsistent title information  For the same series, some titles have the series name before the title, some not.

18 Task Force on Metadata Standards and Best Practices for East Asian Electronic Resources 中國普及教育 (Zhongguo pu ji jiao yu) does not have series information. 唐明律合 編 (Tang ming lu he bian) put 5 volumes under one single entry. 古代法 (Gu dai fa) have 4 volumes, each in individual entry. All of them are in the series 萬有文庫 (Wan you wen ku)

19 Task Force on Metadata Standards and Best Practices for East Asian Electronic Resources Problems of e-books Inconsistent title information  For items without collective titles, some of them have only 1 entry for the item, but some of them have separate entry for titles in a single item.

20 Task Force on Metadata Standards and Best Practices for East Asian Electronic Resources

21 盧照鄰集 (Lu Zhaolin ji) and 楊炯集 (Yang Jiong ji) are from the same item. It does not have collective title. The provider put it into 2 different entries and from the entry of 楊炯集, its title page does not have indication to show that it is from an item without collective title. This creates a lot of difficulties for catalogers to locate the correct publication information.

22 Task Force on Metadata Standards and Best Practices for East Asian Electronic Resources Problems of e-books Make separate volumes for an item

23 Task Force on Metadata Standards and Best Practices for East Asian Electronic Resources 中國醫院大全 (Zhongguo yi yuan da quan) did not publish, 雲南分冊 (Yunnan fen ce), 西藏分冊 (Xizang fen ce) and 貴州 分冊 (Guizhou) as individual volumes. They should be combined as 雲南, 貴州, 西藏分冊 (Yunnan, Guizhou, Xizang fen ce).

24 Task Force on Metadata Standards and Best Practices for East Asian Electronic Resources Problems of e-books Articles of a proceeding be treated as individual book titles.

25 Task Force on Metadata Standards and Best Practices for East Asian Electronic Resources Articles from 中國近代軍事史學術討論會論文匯編 (Zhongguo jin dai jun shi shi xue shu tao lun hui lun wen hui bian) got individual entries

26 Task Force on Metadata Standards and Best Practices for East Asian Electronic Resources Problems of e-books Missing pages

27 Task Force on Metadata Standards and Best Practices for East Asian Electronic Resources This book should have 568 pages instead of 57 pages. The table of contents also shows that there are 564+ pages. Pages 58 to 568 are missing.

28 Task Force on Metadata Standards and Best Practices for East Asian Electronic Resources Problems of e-journals Issues with publishers

29 Task Force on Metadata Standards and Best Practices for East Asian Electronic Resources Problems of e-journals Same ISSN even title changed  交通醫學 (Jiao tong yi xue) [v.1 (1987)-v.17 (2003)] ISSN 1006-2440  中國交通醫學雜誌 (Zhongguo jiao tong yi xue za zhi) [v.18 (2004)-v.20, no.2 (2006)] ISSN 1006- 2440  交通醫學 (Jiao tong yi xue) [v.20, no.3 (2006)-] ISSN 1006-2440

30 Task Force on Metadata Standards and Best Practices for East Asian Electronic Resources Problems of e-journals Same ISSN used by different titles

31 Task Force on Metadata Standards and Best Practices for East Asian Electronic Resources 南昌高專學報 (Nanchang gao zhuan xue bao) and 地方文化研究 (Di fang wen hua yan jiu) have same ISSN: 1008-7354

32 Task Force on Metadata Standards and Best Practices for East Asian Electronic Resources Problems of e-journals Frequent title changes. Title change back and forth  交通醫學  中國交通醫學雜誌  交通醫學  吉林藝術學院學報  藝圃  吉林藝術學院學報  九江醫學  九江學院學報. 自然科學版  九江醫學 (2007)  九江學院學報. 自然科學版 (2010)

33 Task Force on Metadata Standards and Best Practices for East Asian Electronic Resources Problems of e-journals Issues with aggregators

34 Task Force on Metadata Standards and Best Practices for East Asian Electronic Resources Problems of e-journals Lack of title history 現代臨床醫學 (Xian dai lin chuang yi xue) began with vol. 31, no. 2 (Apr. 2005), 成都醫 藥 (Chengdu yi yao) is its former title. But the information is not available in the journal home page, even though the issues of 成都医药 is available.

35 Task Force on Metadata Standards and Best Practices for East Asian Electronic Resources The information of 成都醫藥 (Chengdu yi yao) not only not available in journal information page, it is also not mentioned in the journal’s introduction page. 成都醫藥 (Chengdu yi yao) began in 1980. 1975 is the year for 成都醫藥 (Chengdu yi yao)’s preceeding title 成都醫藥通訊 (Chengdu yi yao tong xun)

36 Task Force on Metadata Standards and Best Practices for East Asian Electronic Resources Problems of e-journals Unable to search by former titles Issues of 成都醫藥 (Chengdu yi yao) is available on the platform. However, when users search by 成都醫藥 (Chengdu yi yao). There is no hits.

37 Task Force on Metadata Standards and Best Practices for East Asian Electronic Resources Another aggregator, it shows the former title 成都醫藥 (Chengdu yi yao), but no details (start and end date of the former title). Another former title 成都醫藥通訊 (Chengdu yi yao tong xun) is not available

38 Task Force on Metadata Standards and Best Practices for East Asian Electronic Resources Can get result list when search by 成都醫藥 (Chengdu yi yao)

39 Task Force on Metadata Standards and Best Practices for East Asian Electronic Resources For title changes back and forth, there is no indication in the information page. There is no hint to indicate that 中國交通醫 學雜誌 (Zhongguo jiao tong yi xue za zhi)’s former title is 交通 醫學 (Jiao tong yi xue)

40 Task Force on Metadata Standards and Best Practices for East Asian Electronic Resources Problems of e-journals Numbering  Not using the original numbering of the journals, all issues renumbering as year + no. There are strange numbers, such as S1, Z1.

41 Task Force on Metadata Standards and Best Practices for East Asian Electronic Resources

42 S is probably used for 增刊

43 Task Force on Metadata Standards and Best Practices for East Asian Electronic Resources Articles from both 2010S1 and 2010S2 called 第 29 卷增刊 [vol. 29, Suppl]. It is difficult to determine the exact numbering.

44 Task Force on Metadata Standards and Best Practices for East Asian Electronic Resources

45 Z is probably used for combined issues, 1994 Z1 should be 1994 no.1/2 and 1994 Z2 should be 1994 no.3/4. But how can users know?

46 Task Force on Metadata Standards and Best Practices for East Asian Electronic Resources Problems of e-journals Inconsistent numbering Some issues with issue no. only, some issues have vol. no. and issue no.

47 Task Force on Metadata Standards and Best Practices for East Asian Electronic Resources Problems of e-journals Same title has two entries v.3, no.7 v.3, no.4 盤石雜誌 (Pan shi za zhi) began in 1933. The information provided in both entries is incorrect.

48 Task Force on Metadata Standards and Best Practices for East Asian Electronic Resources Problems of e-journals Wrong information provided 19171918 Same article appeared in both 1917 no.1 and 1918 no.1. The 1918 no.1 is a duplicated issue of 1917 no.1 and its numbering is incorrect.

49 Task Force on Metadata Standards and Best Practices for East Asian Electronic Resources Problems of e-journals Mix reprint editions with original journals

50 Task Force on Metadata Standards and Best Practices for East Asian Electronic Resources Concluding remarks Yes, there are a lot of problems and issues We understand that:  Vendors and publishers have made a lot of effort in improving the quality of metadata  Vendors and publishers are willing to help librarians and library users to have better access to the resources

51 Task Force on Metadata Standards and Best Practices for East Asian Electronic Resources Concluding remarks The aim to identify the issues and problems  To criticize  To embarrass publishers and vendors  To collaborate, in order to solve the issues and problems  To achieve the win, win, win outcome, for users, librarians and service providers

52 Task Force on Metadata Standards and Best Practices for East Asian Electronic Resources Concluding remarks We need to have metadata standards and best practices for us to follow Let’s work together to make CJK e-resources more user friendly and easy to access

53 Task Force on Metadata Standards and Best Practices for East Asian Electronic Resources Thank you!

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