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Published byBianca Blanton Modified over 10 years ago
Accounts Payable Enhancement An Enhancement For iSeries 400 DMAS from Copyright I/O International, 2006, 2008 Skip Intro
2 Accounts Payable Enhancement 4 Interactive invoice entry –Utilizing “Work with” screen architecture –Invoice entry via user defined batches –Existing batches displayed on batch list screen –Once posted to open A/P file, batches remain available as historical batches and may be browsed –An invoice search function searches for invoices across batches including both open and historical batches Accounts Payable functional and ease of use enhancements
3 Accounts Payable Enhancement 4 Interactive invoice entry... –Within a batch, invoices displayed on list screen, one line per invoice –User may Add a new invoice Change an invoice header Work with the distribution detail of a given invoice Add/change an internal note pertaining to a specific invoice Add/change an internal note pertaining a vendor of an invoice Display vendor inquiry for a vendor of an invoice Add an automatic credit memo against a posted invoice Create a check reversal from a check in history by only selecting a listed check (no re-keying of invoices required)
4 Accounts Payable Enhancement 4 Interactive invoice entry... –Within an invoice, distribution records displayed on list screen –User may Change the invoice header for the displayed invoice Add a new distribution detail record Change a distribution detail record Add/change an internal note pertaining to the displayed invoice Add/change an internal note pertaining to the vendor of the displayed invoice Display vendor inquiry for the vendor of the displayed invoice
5 Accounts Payable Enhancement 4 Interactive payment selection –Utilizing “Work with” screen architecture –Auto select function allows user to select groups of invoices by vendor or due date –Individual invoices selected from a list of invoices –Allows partial payments and forcing of discounts 4 A new check reprint function –Reprint the entire check run or a range of checks –May also renumber reprinted checks –Eliminates requirement to call DMAS for reprint authorization code
6 Accounts Payable Enhancement 4 New front-end to vendor inquiry –Starts with a screen that lists all existing vendors –Each current DMAS inquiry function is provided via an option on the list screen 4 New A/P Check Inquiry function –Available from several A/P functions –Available on a vendor by vendor basis –Provides ability to view check data and invoice data paid by each check
7 Accounts Payable Enhancement 4 New Recent Check inquiry function –Displays all checks written, regardless of vendor 4 Cleared Check Entry –Enhanced to include option to view invoices paid by a displayed check –Enhanced to save cleared checks into cleared check history file
8 Accounts Payable Enhancement 4 New Check History Inquiry –A “Work with” function that lists all batches of cleared checks –Allows user to inquire into any listed cleared check batch –Provides ability to view all invoices paid by a given check
9 Accounts Payable Enhancement 4 Ability to define default G/L account numbers per vendor during invoice entry 4 Added F4 Lookup function for date fields during Recurring Invoice Entry
10 Accounts Payable Summary (click button to view detail) Enhancements for DMAS Accounts Payable Back to Title Page New Vendor Inquiry Work With Invoice Entry A/P Check Inquiry Cleared Check Entry Default G/L Accounts Vendor Payment Selection Recent Check Lookup Check History Inquiry F4 Date Lookup Check Reprint / Renumbering
11 Work With Invoice Entry 4 A new “work with” approach to entering vendor A/P invoices 4 Existing batches are displayed in a list format 4 Within a batch, existing invoices are displayed in a list format 4 Within an invoice, existing distribution details are displayed in a list format
12 A/P Invoice Batches When taking the menu option, a list of all existing batches is displayed The user may change an existing batch header by using the supplied option To work with the invoice contents of a batch, the user uses the W=Work with batch option Information about the keyed control amount and the accumulated batch amount is displayed Colors indicate a batch amount not balancing to the control amount, and invoice amounts that do not balance to distribution amounts 2=Change F9=A/P Invoice Search
13 A/P Invoice Batches The user may choose to only print the purchase journal proof or print the proof and post the batch The user may check a selected batch for errors by using the J=Print journal proof option (this is a print function only) Or, the user may choose to print the purchase journal proof for a selected batch and if no errors are found, have the system continue and post the batch to open payables by using the P=Post batch option Return to Accounts Payable Summary W=Work w/ batch
14 A/P Batch Header Detail The batch header may be changed by the user The batch header contains a batch description, batch date and control amount Return to A/P Invoice Batches Default G/L account numbers may be changed for this batch If the batch header is deleted, the entire contents of the batch will also be deleted F4 Lookup keys are used to list valid entries for input capable fields
15 Work With A/P Invoices When using the W=Work with batch option, a list of all existing invoices within a batch is displayed The user may change an existing invoice header by using the supplied option To work with the detail records within an invoice, user the W=Work with invoice details option The invoice amount from the invoice header is displayed Return to A/P Invoice Batches Colors are used to indicate that an assignee has been used, invoice notes exist, and that the invoice detail does not balance to the invoice header 2=Change F16=Check Reversal F18=Auto C/M W=Work w/ inv details
16 Vendor Invoice Data The invoice header may be changed by the user Standard DMAS A/P invoice data is keyed for the invoice header Return to Work with A/P Invoices Defaults may be set at a vendor level for certain fields (those designated with an asterisk *) by entering the data, then pressing F16=*Save vendor defaults Internal notes may be entered for this invoice by using F23=Vendor invoice notes F4 Lookup keys are used to list valid entries for input capable fields If voucher numbers are NOT assigned automatically, the user is prompted to also key a voucher number
17 Check Reversal A check reversal may be automatically created by selecting a previously written check from a list To view a list of existing checks, the user positions the cursor into this field and presses function key F4 If the user does not have A/P check reconciliation tailored as “on”, the check number must be keyed by the user If check history includes duplicate check numbers due to check number rolling, a beginning check date may be used
18 Check Reversal When listing existing checks, the user may select the check to be reversed The user scrolls through the list of existing checks and selects the one to be reversed Selection fields may be used to help find the desired check
19 Check Reversal The invoices paid by the selected check are displayed for user confirmation To accept the displayed selection, the user presses the Enter key Return to Work with A/P Invoices Records are written into the batch for the selections. When the batch is posted, the displayed invoices and the appropriate distribution detail will be re- established as open invoices The user is therefore NOT required to re-key the invoices or the invoice detail
20 Automatic Credit Memo A credit memo may be automatically created by selecting an existing posted invoice To view a list of existing posted invoices, the user presses function key F4 If DMAS A/P tailoring is set for voucher numbers to be automatically assigned, this field does not display
21 Automatic Credit Memo The user may then select the invoice for which he wants a credit memo to be automatically generated The user scrolls through the list of existing posted invoices and selects the one for which he wants to create a credit memo If DMAS A/P tailoring is set for voucher numbers to be automatically assigned, this field does not display
22 Automatic Credit Memo Invoice for the selected invoice is displayed for the users review To accept the displayed selection, the user presses the Enter key Return to Work with A/P Invoices A record is written into the batch for the selection. When the batch is posted, the complete credit memo will be created together with the detail distribution records If DMAS A/P tailoring is set for voucher numbers to be automatically assigned, this field does not display
23 Vendor Invoice Detail When using the W=Work with invoice details option, a list of all existing distribution records within an invoice is displayed The user may work with an existing detail record by using the supplied option A specific detail record may be deleted A summary of all detail records is displayed for the user to verify when the details balance to the invoice header Return to Work with A/P Invoices 2=Change
24 Work With Invoice Entry Invoice distribution detail records may be changed by the user The user may change any data within the displayed distribution detail record Return to Vendor Invoice Detail
25 A/P Invoice Search Invoice Search allows the user to search for an invoice across all batches The user can search for a single invoice across all batches, including historical and open batches Return to A/P Invoice Batches The user can search for invoices that all contain the same character string in their invoice descriptions The user can search for all invoices for a single vendor The user can see which batch each invoice is in as well as the current status of the batch
26 New Vendor Inquiry 4 A new “work with” approach to entering vendor inquiry functions 4 Existing vendors are displayed in a list format 4 Vendor number and name searching is readily available 4 The total amount owed each vendor is also displayed 4 Last payment information is displayed for each listed vendor 4 All standard DMAS vendor inquiry functions are available
27 New Vendor Inquiry A list of all existing vendors is displayed The user may work with an existing vendor by using the supplied options The list of displayed vendors may be limited by using the selection fields The total amount owed and the number of open invoices is displayed for each listed vendor Information about the last payment made to each listed vendor is displayed, including the check number, date and check amount
28 New Vendor Inquiry A list of all existing vendors is displayed Options O, P, H, V, and I display the standard DMAS vendor inquiry screens Return to Accounts Payable Summary Option C is a new option – to learn more about this new option, click the button below Function key F18 may be used to display all vendors or only those with an open balance C=Check inq O=Open invoice inq
29 New Vendor Inquiry Open Invoice Inquiry now displays the Open Amount remaining for an invoice when partial payments have been previously made When displaying open invoice by using the O=Open invoice inq option, all open invoices are displayed for the vendor Return to A/P Vendor Inquiry The Open Amount column has been added and the Payment Selection column has been removed The Open Amount column reflects partial payments, the Gross Amount column displays the original invoice amount The invoice number of an invoice that has an invoice note will be displayed in a different color
30 Vendor Payment Selection 4 A “work with” approach to selecting invoices for payment selection 4 Provides ability to select groups of invoices with the “Auto select” function 4 Provides the ability to scroll through vendors and invoices and “select” individual invoices via entry of a simple option 4 “Payment selection numbers” are not used in any way by the new selection methods
31 Vendor Payment Selection The first step of payment selection is for the user to select an expected payment date The user is prompted to select an expected payment date from the displayed calendar The date may be changed by the user later, if necessary
32 Vendor Payment Selection Second, a list of all existing vendors with an open A/P balance is displayed The user may select invoices for payment by using either the W=Work with invoices option or the F14=Auto select function key To learn more about these options and Check inquiry, click the appropriate button below The number of held invoices is displayed for each vendor As invoices are selected (by either method), the total payable to each vendor will be listed in this area W=Work with invoices F14=Auto select C=Check inq
33 Vendor Payment Selection Cash requirements are displayed by vendor and a grand total as payment selections are made The user can quickly view how much will be paid to each vendor and what the total cash requirements are for the up-coming check run Return to Accounts Payable Summary All payment selections may quickly be cleared by pressing a function key The user may request to have the Cash Requirements report automatically printed as the selection function is exited The user may find a vendor via searching for vendor name by using the F4 lookup key and searching in the displayed window
34 Selection by Invoice 4 The user initiates “Selection by invoice” by using the W=Work with invoices option 4 Open invoices are displayed for the selected vendor 4 An invoice may be selected and –Paid in full (discount included if not expired) –Paid in full and force an expired discount –Partial payment
35 Selection by Invoice A list of all open invoices that are NOT held is displayed for the selected vendor The user keys the appropriate option to select invoices for payment A list of ALL invoices for ALL vendors may be displayed simply by blanking out the vendor number selection Credit amounts are displayed in RED Expired discounts are displayed in PINK Halted invoices (if any) may be displayed by keying an asterisk (*) into the Halt selection field Working with Halted Invoices
36 Selection by Invoice When an “S” option is used, the Selected Invoice Details screen is displayed This screen is typically used to enter a partial payment amount If desired, the user may use this screen to set a halt code for this invoice
37 Selection by Invoice After all individual selections and/or partial payments are made, the Invoice Payment Selection screen is re-displayed The user can see how much is to be paid for each invoice for this vendor Forced discounts taken are displayed in YELLOW (dark PINK in this example) Partial payment amounts are displayed in YELLOW (dark PINK in this example) Return to Vendor Payment Selection Invoices that have at least one invoice note are displayed in YELLOW (dark PINK in this example)
38 Working with Halted Invoices 4 This section demonstrates how to view halted invoices, display them, and either remove the halt code or change it to a different halt code
39 Working with Halted Invoices Within the Vendor Payment Selection function, the number of invoices halted for each vendor is displayed The number of invoices presently halted is displayed for each vendor The default is to display to TOTAL of all open invoices, including those that are halted Pressing function key F2=Incl/Excl displays a total for only those invoices that are not being held
40 Working with Halted Invoices The vendor and grand totals now DO NOT include those invoices that are presently being held The total of invoices NOT being held Use the W=Work with invoices option for the vender that you want to work with
41 Working with Halted Invoices The invoices that are NOT halted are displayed for the selected vendor To view all halted invoices, key an asterisk (*) for the Halt field on the selection line To view only invoices with a specific halt code, key the halt code desired instead of asterisk (*)
42 Working with Halted Invoices All halted invoices for the selected vendor are then displayed Three invoices are halted for this vendor with halt codes of “1” and “2” Use the option R=Remove halt to remove the halt code for this invoice To change the halt code to some other halt code, key the halt code desired instead of “R”
43 Working with Halted Invoices The open invoices for the desired vendor now include the invoice that was previously halted Remove the asterisk (*) from the Halt field on the selection line, then press the Enter key The list of open invoices now includes the invoices for which the halt code was just removed
44 Working with Halted Invoices The Vendor Payment Selection Summary screen now indicates that only 3 invoices are on halt for vendor 2130 Vendor 2240 now only has 3 halted invoices The total of non-held invoices now includes the invoice just removed from being held Return to Selection by Invoice
45 Auto Selection 4 The user initiates “Auto select” by pressing function key F14=Auto select 4 Selection options available include those available in standard DMAS plus new options –Single vendor or a range of vendors –Single due date or a range of due dates –Only invoices with discounts –All invoices with a particular halt code (not normally used for payment selection purposes)
46 Auto Selection 4 The user then defines the update “action” required by indicating –Select or Unselect –Force the discount to be taken –The halt code for the selected invoices to be set 4 Consequently, the “Auto select” function can be used to select invoices for payment or make global halt code changes
47 Auto Selection The Auto Update Selected Invoices window is displayed The user may automatically select all invoices for a single vendor (or a range of vendors if a range was keyed) Invoices within a range of due dates likewise could be selected Previously selected invoices may be “unselected” in the same manner
48 Auto Selection Halt codes may be globally changed or removed by using the Auto select function In this example, all halt codes in invoices that are presently at halt code level “3”..... will be removed and set to a halt code of “blank” Return to Vendor Payment Selection
49 Check Reprint / Renumber 4 Allows reprint of recently printed checks –Reprint the entire check run or a range of checks –Allows user to renumber reprinted checks to match preprinted check numbers on check form –Eliminates reversing checks and rerunning check run –Eliminates typing destroyed checks manually –Does not require user to contact DMAS support for reprint authorization code
50 Check Reprint / Renumber The user may chose to reprint part or all of the recent check run as well as renumber the reprinted checks The user indicates the range of previously printed checks to reprint The user enters the new beginning check number if the checks are to be renumbered Return to Vendor Payment Selection The user may reprint the checks, the remittance notices, or both
51 A/P Check Inquiry 4 A new function available from within –Vendor payment selection –Vendor inquiry –Cleared check entry –Check history inquiry 4 Provides ability to view –Summary of checks written to a single vendor –Summary of invoices paid by each check
52 A/P Check Inquiry When the Check inquiry option is used, a list of all checks written to the selected vendor is displayed The most recent checks are displayed first One line is displayed for each check, plus one line for every invoice paid by that check The check date is displayed on the check line, and the due date for each invoice on the invoice line The total of the check is displayed on the check line, and the amount paid toward the invoice on each invoice line
53 A/P Check Inquiry Options may be used to view a variety of data The option of “5” may be used to view details of an invoice Option of “I” may be used to view all payments made against a single invoice Option “A” may be used to view details of the payment assignee (if different from the invoice vendor) Function key F16 may be used to call the new Recent check lookup function F16=Recent check lookup
54 A/P Check Inquiry In some cases, when the A/P Check Inquiry function is called by other functions, a single check is displayed with the invoices it paid Viewing A/P Check Inquiry for a single check
55 A/P Check Inquiry Return to Return to Accounts Payable Summary New Vendor Inquiry Vendor Payment Selection Cleared Check Entry Check History Inquiry
56 Recent Check Lookup 4 A new function available from within –A/P check inquiry 4 Provides ability to search for a check –By check number only (regardless of vendor or check date) –By check date –By Vendor –By Assignee
57 Recent Check Lookup The Recent Check Lookup window displays a list of all checks written with the most recently written checks first By using the selection line, a user can search for checks in a number of ways To find a specific check (even when the vendor is not known) simply key the check number on the selection line To find all checks for a vendor, key the vendor number
58 Return to Accounts Payable Summary Recent Check Lookup Return to A/P Check Inquiry
59 Cleared Check Entry 4 Standard DMAS check reconciliation function enhanced with “Invoice” option 4 Also enhanced to save cleared checks as batches into cleared check history file 4 User assigns batch name 4 User may also assign to each cleared batch –Bank account –Batch description –Closing date
60 Cleared Check Entry The DMAS cleared check entry function is enhanced with an option to view invoices that were paid by a specific check The “Invoices” option is a new option added by this enhancement Using the “I” option, will display the A/P Check Inquiry screen, displaying all invoices paid by a specific check (limited to the check number selected on this screen) I=Invoices
61 Cleared Check Entry When exiting cleared check entry, the user is prompted for the batch name in which to save the recently cleared checks The default batch name may be overridden by the user Return to Accounts Payable Summary The user may also override the default bank account and description entries The user also enters a closing date to help further identify a batch for later viewing Once the above entries are made, the recently cleared checks are saved into a cleared check history file, available for later viewing
62 Check History Inquiry 4 A new function that displays a list of saved cleared check batches 4 Cleared check batches are kept until the user deletes them 4 The user may search for specific cleared check batches 4 The user may inquire into a selected cleared check batch
63 Check History Inquiry When entering the Check History Inquiry function, a list of cleared check batches is displayed The cleared check batches are displayed in batch id ascending sequence To view cleared checks within a batch, the 1=Select option is used The 2=Change option is used to maintain the batch header record Specific batches may be found in a long list by using the selection line for searching
64 Check History Inquiry A 2=Change desc option causes the Batch File Member Description screen to be displayed The user may change the G/L account, closing date and/or description at any time Deleting the batch header will cause the entire batch to be permanently deleted
65 Check History Inquiry The 1=Select option displays the Cleared Checks screen, a list of all cleared checks within the selected batch Checks that were voided are displayed in RED Standard DMAS vendor inquiry options are available Option C is a new option – to learn more about this new option, click the adjacent button Vendor notes for the selected vendor are also readily available with option N=Vendor notes Return to Accounts Payable Summary C=Check inq
66 Default G/L Accounts 4 This enhancement provides a means by which the user can establish a default G/L account for entering detail A/P invoice records 4 The user may define multiple G/L accounts that are frequently used for a given vendor so that they appear at the top of the G/L account list window or easy selection
67 Default G/L Accounts Default G/L accounts are established from within A/P invoice entry When entering A/P invoice detail distribution records, the G/L account for the distribution record defaults to blank To select an established default or maintain the list of frequently used G/L accounts, the user puts the cursor in this field and presses F4
68 Default G/L Accounts The default G/L account for invoice entry may be maintained here A default G/L account for invoice entry does not presently exist for this vendor. To set one up, press F6
69 Default G/L Accounts The default G/L account may be keyed or selected from a list by using F4 If the G/L account to be used as the default is known, it may keyed, or the user may use the F4 List function and select it from a list of G/L accounts
70 If multiple default G/L accounts are established, they will all appear at the top of the window for easy selection, regardless of the number of the G/L account Default G/L Accounts Once established, the default G/L account appears at the top of the F4 List The default G/L account appears at the top of the F4 G/L Selection List, including the vendor number For future A/P invoice entry for this vendor, this G/L account will appear at the top of the G/L account F4 List window Return to Accounts Payable Summary
71 F4 Date Lookup 4 An F4 Lookup function has been added to the data entry function for entering recurring entries 4 Placing the cursor into the entry capable date field and pressing F4 will cause a calendar window to display 4 A date may be selected from the calendar and returned to the data entry date field
72 F4 Date Lookup Date fields on the Recurring Invoice Header screen are supported with F4 Lookup Dates may be entered directly into the date field... Return to Accounts Payable Summary Or a calendar window may be displayed by pressing F4 (with the cursor in the input capable date field) A date may be selected from the window and returned to the input capable date field
73 End of Presentation For more information about the Accounts Payable Enhancement for iSeries 400 DMAS, call I/O International, Inc. at (914) 232-2233 Thank you for your interest Suite 2002 Pinewood Business Center Somers, New York 10589 Return to Accounts Payable Summary
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