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1 Facility Reporting Startup Tool: Workbook Demonstration This tool is designed to help pilot testing facilities identify their most pertinent performance.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Facility Reporting Startup Tool: Workbook Demonstration This tool is designed to help pilot testing facilities identify their most pertinent performance."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Facility Reporting Startup Tool: Workbook Demonstration This tool is designed to help pilot testing facilities identify their most pertinent performance indicators and stakeholders. Use this demonstration to learn the tool’s functionality. Contact for more information:

2 2 Facility Reporting Project It’s not too late to become a pilot testing facility! Pilot test benefits include: Preparatory workshop, peer support, website Assistance with stakeholder strategy Access to best practices in facility accountability Publicity for commitment and effort Influence revision of FRP guidance and tools Complement corporate-level reporting

3 3 Facility Reporting Project It’s not too late to join our pilot test! Pilot test fees cover: Cost of using this tool Stakeholder engagement training Guidance to create a facility-level sustainability report Contact for more information:

4 4 FRP Startup Tool Demonstration Tool designed to help facilities: –Determine their most pertinent performance indicators –Engage stakeholders and identify their priorities –Determine the feasibility and challenges of data collection Making information publicly available is a measure of success!

5 5 FRP Startup Tool Demonstration 1.Become familiar with the FRP tool 2.How to navigate 3.Document stakeholder engagement 4.Define the facility 5.Consider indicator applicability 6.Working with the indicators 7.How the tool sorts (Indicators Report) 8.Using the workbook reports Step by Step guide to this presentation:

6 6 FRP Startup Tool Demonstration Characteristics of this tool: –Electronic format, excel workbook –Consult both internal and external stakeholders –Aligned with FRP Pilot Draft Guidance (available at –Tool sorts relevant indicators for report preparation

7 7 FRP Startup Tool Demonstration Step 1: Become familiar with tool The tool begins with an instructions page that is linked to every other workbook page. The following instructions categories guide you in using the tool: How the tool sorts Key Performance Indicators Facility profile report Final Suggestions Save your work Printing the facility and indicators reports Go to Table of Contents Purpose and use Navigation Consult with Stakeholders How to fill out the workbook Entering data values Additional indicators

8 8 FRP Startup Tool Demonstration Step 2: How to navigate the tool Navigation- always “click next slide” Use the Table of Contents as your “back” button to navigate the different sections. Begin with facility overview questions Move on to performance indicator categories

9 9 FRP Startup Tool Demonstration Step 3: Document stakeholder engagement Internal Stakeholders: employees inside the facility corporate managers people responsible for data collection External Stakeholders: communities Neighbors Government regulators labor unions Public interest groups Environmental groups You probably work with more stakeholders than you think! This tool can help document such efforts…

10 10 FRP Startup Tool Demonstration Step 4: Defining your facility The facility overview section indicators and final report help determine your facility’s profile and defined boundaries. Sample questions:

11 11 FRP Startup Tool Demonstration Step 5: Consider indicator applicability The Guidance has many more indicators than you are expected to report on. Use this tool to help decide which indicators are most material to your facility and community. Sample workbook page for performance indicators:

12 12 FRP Startup Tool Demonstration Step 6: Working with the indicators The following categories are the fields to fill in for each indicator in the workbook:

13 13 FRP Startup Tool Demonstration Step 6: Working with the indicators The following categories are the fields to fill in for each indicator in the workbook:

14 14 FRP Workbook Demonstration Step 7: How the tool sorts The workbook sorts your answers to identify which indicators are most material and which stakeholders should be considered. All fields associated with the answers selected for screening will be included in an Indicators Report at the end of the exercise.

15 15 FRP Workbook Demonstration Step 7: How the tool sorts The following answers determine your facility’s key indicators: Data is already being collected (Yes answer) Data is required by government regulation (Yes answer) Indicator is a high priority for stakeholders (High) Data is ready to report externally (Yes answer) These answers determine how the tool sorts!

16 16 FRP Workbook Demonstration Step 8: Using workbook reports The tool’s sorting functions create 2 reports after a facility has completed filling in the workbook: Indicators Report identifies a facility’s most material indicators and highest priority stakeholders. Facility Profile Report aggregates all answers from the facility overview section that are the context of the facility These tools will be the starting point for creating a facility- level sustainability report.

17 17 FRP Workbook Demonstration Indicators Report

18 18 FRP Workbook Demonstration Facility Overview Report

19 19 Contact FRP It’s not too late to become a pilot testing facility! 5 companies have already joined our pilot test and we anticipate others will join this group soon. Sign up for the FRP pilot test to help your facility improve sustainability performance and community outreach efforts. For more information contact Beth Ginsberg at Ceres: or 617-247-0700 x 21.

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