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Published byDanny Cavill Modified over 10 years ago
Administration Location of restrooms Turn off pagers and cells Breaks and lunch
TIPS FOR GETTING STARTED Do your homework -read the ASCA National Model -be sure you know the model Gather resources -Gysbers & Henderson (2 books) -Myrick’s book -Your state model -Your district model
ASCA NATIONAL MODEL Proactive Developmental Team Approach Student Centered 100% Program Articulated K-12 Comprehensive, not Ancillary
ASCA NATIONAL MODEL Paradigm shift for School Counselors Creates a Vision Standards Based Qualified, Professional Counselors
COMPREHENSIVE APPROACH Framework for organization of program Step-by-Step process to make transition Time Management System Student Standards Evaluation Procedures -- Accountability
Elements of the National Model Foundation Delivery System Management Systems Accountability
Foundation Beliefs & Philosophy Mission Statement Standards for students -academic -career -personal/social ASCA pages 27-37 Workbook pages 4-6
Beliefs and Philosophy We “agree” statements Guides the program development, implementation, and evaluation Consensus from all personnel involved in the program ASCA Page 19Audit page 110Workbook page 4
Mission Statement Describes the program’s purpose Provides a vision of what every student should achieve Aligned with the school and district mission statements ASCA Page 30 Audit page 111Workbook page 5
National Standards Academic Career Personal/Social Audit, page 112
Standards & Competencies Knowledge, attitudes or skills that students should attain or demonstrate Integrated with the academic curriculum Organized into content areas ASCA Page 81Audit Page 112
Activity Take about 15 post-it notes Write one activity you do on each one Put each post-it note in one of the four areas of the delivery system (no talking)
Delivery System Guidance Curriculum Individual Planning With Students Responsive Services System Support ASCA Page 39 Audit Page 112Workbook page 7
Guidance Curriculum Structured lessons delivered to all students Related to standards and competencies Integrated with academic curriculum ASCA Page 40Audit Page 112
Teach??? What Lessons Should I Teach? Where Do I Find Lessons? How Do I Measure the Effectiveness of the Lessons? How Do These Lessons Fit into the Instructional Focus at the Site?
Using Data to Develop Curriculum 1. Environmental issues 2. Discipline Records 3. Student Records 4. Standardized Test Scores Workbook page 13-16 Work in groups to study and fill in chart on page 15 or 16. Share with group.
Guidance Curriculum Suggested Time Distribution Elementary School Counselor % of Time: 35%-45% ASCA Page 55 Middle School Counselor % of Time: 25%-35% High School Counselor % of Time: 15%-25% Gysbers & Henderson, 2002
Individual Planning Ongoing systemic activities Designed to assist students in establishing personal goals Designed to assist students in developing future plans ASCA Page 41Audit Page 113
Counselor Planned & Directed Test score review, interpretation and analysis Promotion and retention information Career decision making Yearly course selection Test taking strategies TUSD Page 25ASCA Model Page 41
Individual Planning Suggested Time Distribution Elementary School Counselor % of time: 5%-10% Middle School Counselor % of time: 15%-25% High School Counselor % of time: 25%-35% Gysbers & Henderson, 2002
Responsive Services Designed to meet students’ immediate needs Individual, group, and crisis counseling Consultation, referral, mediation, information ASCA Page 42Audit Page 114
When, Who, How of RS Time is built into schedule for Responsive Services. Available to all students and parents. Often student initiated by self referral
Responsive Services Suggested Time Distribution Elementary School Counselor % of Time: 30%-40% Middle School Counselor % of Time: 30%-40% High School Counselor % of Time: 30%-40% Gysbers & Henderson, 2002
System Support Program management activities that establish, maintain, and enhance the program Professional development activities Consultation, collaboration, and teaming ASCA Page 43Audit Page 114
Program Management & Operations Budget, facilities, policies and procedures, research and resource development. Data analysis of student achievement scores, attendance, graduation rates. Fair share responsibilities as a school team member. Yearly evaluation of counseling program.
Professional Development Each counselor plans PD for self during the year and documents on Management Agreement. Options include: In-service training Professional association conferences Post-graduate education
Consultation, Collaboration & Teaming Counselors contribute to the school system by: 1- Consultation and partnering with staff, parents & guardians, school community, etc. 2- Community outreach 3- Advisory Councils 4- District Committees ASCA Page 43
System Support Suggested Time Distribution Elementary School Counselor % of Time: 10%-15% Middle School Counselor % of Time: 10%-15% High School Counselor % of Time: 10%-15% Gysbers & Henderson, 2002
Time and Task Analysis 1. Follow directions on page 8, collect data one day a week. (Gysbers) 2. Keep track of activities performed throughout the day. (Page 11) 3. Total and put into percents. (Page 9- 10) 4. Gradually eliminate non-guidance activities.
Delivery System Review How are you going to adjust the counseling schedule to meet the time allocations suggested in each area of the delivery system? List the standards/competencies you will concentrate on. List the professional development activities that will help you teach this competency.
Data Shows Bullying is a Problem- So What Do We Do? Use a research based program like Second Step. Provide an in-service for counselors and teachers. Materials must be secured. $$$$ Determine when and how to teach the lessons.
Management Systems Management Agreements Advisory Council Use of Data Action Plans Calendars ASCA Page 45 & 101-103Workbook 21
Management Agreement Statement of responsibilities Specific results that counselor is accountable for Division of program responsibilities Negotiated with and approved by administrator each year Page 46 & 101-103
Management Agreement Student Access School Counselor of the Day Domain Responsibility Delivery of program Counselor availability Extra compensation Materials and Supplies Professional Devel. Professional Collab. Office Organization Principal and Counselor Sign
Advisory Council Purpose: Appointed to review counseling program results and to make recommendations Includes Representatives of all stakeholder groups: students, parents, staff, community members Page 47
Advisory Committee For the Counseling Program Meets twice a year Terms of membership 1-3 yrs Have a specific agenda for meeting Keep report of meeting TUSD page 29 Counselor lets members know the direction for the committee. Members can be your best advocate
Use of Data Program is data-driven Used to effect change Ensure that all students receive benefits of the program Student monitoring Closing the gap Page 49
Student-achievement Data: Standardized Test Data Grade Point Average SAT & ACT scores Graduation Rates Passing all Classes Retention and promotion data Drop out rates Completion of specific programs At or above grade level in reading, math, etc.
Achievement Related Data Course enrollment patterns Discipline referrals Suspension rates Alcohol, tobacco and other drug violations Attendance rates Parent or guardian involvement Participation in extracurricular activities Homework completion rates ASCA page 49
Standards & Competency Related Data Percentage of students with 4-year plans Percentage of students who have participated in job shadowing program Percentage of students who apply conflict resolution skills Percentage of freshman who graduate or drop out in 4 years
How to Disaggregate Data Gender Ethnicity Socio-economic status (lunch) Career Tech track Language spoken at home Special Education Grade level Teacher
Program Evaluation Data Process Data – “What did you do for whom?” Perception Data- “What do people think they know, believe or can do?” Results Data – “So what” ASCA Page 50
Data Over Time Measures knowledge, attitude, & skills Immediate – data measures the immediate impact (pre-post) Immediate – data collected over a short period of time (improved behavior) Long range – school wide, year-to-year longitudinal collection (attendance & suspension rates) ASCA Page 51
Action Plans Domain, standard, and competency Description of activity Curriculum and materials to be used Time allotment Person(s) responsible Evaluation of student success Expected result Page 53
School Guidance Curriculum Action Plan contains Domain & standard to be addressed Student competency addressed Description of activity Title of curriculum piece used Name of counselor responsible for delivery Means of evaluating student success Expected results ASCA Page 54
Closing the Gap Action Plans contain Data that drive the decision to correlate with a competency Domain and standard to be addressed Measurable student competency Description of activity to be used Title of curriculum used Timeline for completion of activity ASCA page 54
Calendars Master calendar Weekly calendar Published Ensures planned activities are completed PR tool ASCA Page 57Audit Page 118
What is On an Annual/Master Calendar? Activities scheduled each month Open house for new students Parent nights for 9, 10, 11, 12 College Night/Financial Aid Night Special emphasis for each month Workbook Page 24A, 25TUSD Page
What is On a Monthly Calendar? Classroom guidance lessons by teacher and with competency to be taught Specific time for individual planning, system support and responsive services Early release days, parent/teacher conferences, phone calls Group schedule
Accountability Results reports School counselor performance and evaluation Program audit ASCA Page 59 Audit Page 119
Results Reports Ensure programs are implemented, analyzed for effectiveness, and changed/improved as needed Shared with stakeholders Immediate, intermediate, and long- range results ASCA Page 59 Audit Page 119TUSD Page 60
Elementary Results Agreement Tucson Unified School District TUSD Handbook – Page 60 Standards for the Academic Domain All elementary counselors will teach these three as minimum competencies Each grade level has it’s own competencies/objectives Look at results report Developed by TUSD elementary counselors and Karen Ward.
Middle School/High School RR Sunnyside High School Crosswalked NOICC and ASCA National Standards Picked curriculum to teach the competency for each grade Complete for all three domains Scheduled the presentations on the master calendar Richard Montano, Sunnyside High School, Tucson, Az.
School Counselor Evaluation Basic standards of practice Administrator evaluation Self Evaluation ASCA Page 62 Audit Page 120TUSD Page 73
Counselor Performance Evaluation Standards for 12 elements of model Standard 13 includes the 4 themes Yes/no Comments to indicate strengths or recommendations Can be expanded to coordinate with school district evaluation ASCA Page 62TUSD Page 73
Program Audit Guide future program decisions Improve student results Evidence of alignment with ASCA’s National Model ASCA Page 119
When To Use the Audit Complete to determine how your program aligns with the ASCA Model. Determine what areas need to be added or improved. Use as a guide in building your district/state model. Assess yearly as program is being built.
What Does Audit Tell Us? Major strengths of the program Areas that need to be strengthened Categories rate progress of each criteria and show where work needs to be done Short and long range goals for improvement are determined
Themes Leadership Advocacy Collaboration Systemic Change Talk at your table and come up with a definition for one of the themes.
Leadership System-wide change Collaboration Modeling Academic achievement
Advocacy Identify/be aware of student needs Ensure needs are met Remove barriers to learning Remove system barriers
Collaboration & Teaming Common goals Within school & outside of school/district Resource to students & other stakeholders
Systemic Change Use of data Assess current situation/conditions Advocate for change Build partnerships
Getting Started 1. Planning 2. Building the Foundation 3. Design the delivery system 4. Implement the program 5. Making the program accountable ASCA Page 69 Steps to Implementation
1. Planning Establish leadership Commitment to action Steering committee Gain administrative and board support Assess what is currently working Identify the changes and additions from current program to ASCA model
2. Building the Foundation Needs assessment data School/student data Identify current strengths & areas of improvement Discuss beliefs about students & learning Write philosophy, mission statement, standards, competencies, & indicators Determine program priorities Assign standards & competencies to grade levels
3. Designing the Delivery System Determine time allotments for each component Develop action plans Identify the guidance curriculum to be used Determine the data that will be collected Decide which counselors will perform which activities Rally administrative support
4. Implementing the program Setting up the program Working the program Promoting the school counseling program
Setting Up the Program Establish program budget Pre-conditions: equal access, adequate budget/resources, collaborative effort, administrative support, state leadership/technical support Complete management agreement forms
Working the Program Master planning calendar Time allocations Weekly and monthly planning calendars Professional development activities Implement curriculum activities at each grade At least one closing the gap activity
Promoting the School Counseling Program Develop a program brochure Present the program to school staff Develop a web site Present the program to the governing board for official approval
5. Accountability Monitor program results Monitor counselors’ growth and performance Monitor students’ progress
Monitor Program Results Program results reports Evaluation standards and indicators Review audit results for improvement ideas Use results for programmatic decisions Assess counseling team
Monitor Students’ Progress Student mastery of selected competencies Impact of school counseling program on action plan goals Impact of program on school-wide goals: achievement, attendance Share results reports with stakeholders
Making the Transition Start slow Celebrate accomplishments Expand leadership base Expect challenges/develop strategies to overcome barriers Develop and model trust
Making the Transition Student/counselor ratios Develop counselor job descriptions Develop job descriptions for other counseling staff members Establish budget and other resources
Other Sections of Model ASCA Ethics and resources Glossary References used in Model State and National Models send to be reviewed Suggested readings
Coming on next printing Endorsements from supporting organizations.
Thank You!!!! Thank you to Kim and Judy for their work on the presentation. Kim Holaway, Marana Unified School District, Tucson, Az Judy Bowers, Tucson Unified School District, Tucson, Az Feb. 2003
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