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Welcome and Questions?. Agenda: Component 6: Procedures for Record Keeping and Decision Making Plan for roll-out Team Presentations Completion of Workbook.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome and Questions?. Agenda: Component 6: Procedures for Record Keeping and Decision Making Plan for roll-out Team Presentations Completion of Workbook."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome and Questions?

2 Agenda: Component 6: Procedures for Record Keeping and Decision Making Plan for roll-out Team Presentations Completion of Workbook and Action Plan Next Steps 2

3 Component 6: Procedures for Record Keeping & Decision Making

4 Recording Problem Behaviors Why keep a record? – to see if there are patterns – to determine if student’s problem behaviors are habitual – to document pre-referral interventions – to determine whether a particular teacher needs support – to communicate with parents and answer questions – to inform behavior support planning – to inform interagency collaboration – to comply with legal requirements

5 Recording Problem Behaviors It is Not: – For “writing up” a student as a form of punishment It is: – A way to collect data for decision making

6 Information to Record – Name – Grade – Respondent – Date – Time – Location – Type of behavior – Others involved – Possible motivation – Which school-wide behavioral expectation was not met




10 SWIS Demo School-wide Information System

11 Activity #15: Office Discipline Referral (ODR) Create your school’s Office Discipline Referral: Compare your current ODR form with sample ODR forms found in your Implementation. Revise, as needed, or draft a new ODR form for your school. Complete the SWIS compatibility checklist to ensure inclusion of necessary information found in your Workbook Complete the SWIS Readiness Checklist found in your Workbook. Verify readiness with Coach and register for SWIS Training.

12 Questions?

13 Component 6: Procedures for Record Keeping & Decision Making

14 Collect and and Use Data Review Status and Identify Problems Develop and Refine Hypotheses Discuss and Select Solutions Develop and Implement Action Plan Evaluate and Revise Action Plan Problem Solving Meeting Foundations Team Initiated Problem Solving (TIPS) Model Team Initiated Problem Solving (TIPS) Action and Outcome Driven

15 Improving Decision-Making via Problem Solving Problem Solving Solution Information/ Data Action Planning & Evaluation

16 Core roles – Facilitator – Minute taker – Data analyst – Active team member – Administrator Backup for each role Can one person serve multiple roles? Are there other roles needed? Typically NOT the administrator

17 PBIS Team Meeting Minutes and Problem-Solving Action Plan Form Today’s Meeting: Date, time, location: Facilitator: Minute Taker:Data Analyst: Next Meeting:Date, time, location: Facilitator: Minute Taker:Data Analyst: Team Members (bold are present today) Today’s Agenda Items Next Meeting Agenda Items 01. 02. 03. 1. 2. Information for Team, or Issue for Team to Address Discussion/Decision/Task (if applicable)Who?By When? Administrative/General Information and Issues Implementation and Evaluation Precise Problem Statement, based on review of data (What, When, Where, Who, Why) Solution Actions (e.g., Prevent, Teach, Prompt, Reward, Correction, Extinction, Safety) Who?By When? Goal, Timeline, Decision Rule, & Updates Problem-Solving Action Plan Our Rating YesSo-SoNo 1. Was today’s meeting a good use of our time? 2. In general, did we do a good job of tracking whether we’re completing the tasks we agreed on at previous meetings? 3. In general, have we done a good job of actually completing the tasks we agreed on at previous meetings? 4. In general, are the completed tasks having the desired effects on student behavior? Evaluation of Team Meeting (Mark your ratings with an “X”)



20 At Close of and After Meeting… Meeting Minutes and Problem-Solving Action Plan completed Copy of Meeting Minutes & Problem-Solving Action Plan distributed to each member within 24 hrs.

21 Plan for Roll-out

22 VTPBiS Roll-out for Staff What is it? When? Agenda? Materials? Responsible team members?

23 VTPBiS Roll-out for Students What is it? When should it take place? How to prepare for it? What to cover? Related activities? How often to revisit? Responsible team members?

24 VTPBiS Roll-out for Families Objectives: Communicate the goals of VTPBiS Explain how you will use VTPBiS to create social culture Enlist parents to be partners

25 Ways to Communicate VTPBiS to Families Letter and packet General presentation at back-to-school event Review by classroom teachers Tri-fold brochure Information on web-site PTA presentation Newsletter Homework assignment for students to teach parents expectations

26 Activity #16: Planning Staff Roll-out As a team, design your VTPBiS roll-out for all staff at your school (specials, lunch room, instructional assistants, bus drivers, etc.) Use Workbook Staff Roll-out Worksheet

27 Activity #17: Planning for Student Roll-out As a team, plan out when, where and how you will roll-out your VTPBiS program for the students at your school Include date(s) & format for revisiting the plan with all students Use Workbook Student Roll-out Worksheet

28 Activity #18: Planning VTPBiS Roll-out for Families As a team, plan out when, where and how you will roll-out your VTPBiS program for parents Use Workbook Roll-out Worksheet


30 Activity #19: Completion of VTPBiS Workbook and Workbook As a team, list all tasks & projects that still need to be finished. Use Workbook Roll-out Worksheet

31 Where do we go from here… thoughts and questions.


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