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Difficulties in communicating the new NCCP to confused coaches and members; Excess paperwork associated with the current NCCP increases the workload for CLA and ALA and LGB’s; Feedback from coaches indicates they would prefer to complete parts of the NCCP online (i.e. coach evaluation workbooks); Access barriers to those in rural or non-central areas can make completing some steps of the NCCP difficult. W HY I S T HIS P ROGRAM N EEDED ?
W HAT A RE T HE P ROGRAM B ENEFITS FOR C OACHES ? Easier access to: – Coaching clinic schedules in respective province; – Registration for upcoming coaching clinics; – Coach evaluation materials; – Information on the NCCP and how it works; – Coach profile and transcript; – Additional tools and resources that can be used in everyday coaching (i.e. drill manual, practice & seasonal plans, etc); – A cost efficient program to stay up to date on their NCCP education.
W HAT A RE T HE P ROGRAM B ENEFITS FOR ALA AND LGB’ S ? Access as an Administrator to the program so each MA can look up coaches within their respective province. This allows for easy verification of coach certification and access to coach contact information; Tracking information about coaches and frequency of visits to online coaching program; Ability to list available clinics within their province online for easy access by coaches; Reduced administration time and paperwork; Ability to communicate with all provincial coaches with mass emailing if the ALA chooses; Better educated coaches on the new NCCP since the program will guide coaches through each step of their training & certification.
The online coaching program contains: – Registration for applicable coach clinics for any given context; – Pre-clinic assessments for each context; – Necessary evaluation steps for each context; – Coach transcripts as they pertain to lacrosse; – The CLA Drill Manual for better player performance; – Sample practice plans and practice planning forms to assist in coaching; – Sample seasonal plans and seasonal planning forms to assist in coaching; – Tip of the Week; – Ask the Coach; – Coaching Tools Video for Comm-Dev and Comp-Intro; – Coaching the Coach Apprentice Program. W HAT D OES T HE P ROGRAM L OOK L IKE ?
LBG’s and Clubs request clinics from the ALA ALA approves clinic and uploads it on web site Learning Facilitator is assigned to clinic LBG’s and Clubs of clinic is assigned an administrative login and password LBG’s and Clubs assigns coach login and password to clinic attendees Coaches sign in to complete the pre-assessment and register for a clinic LGB or Club monitors clinic online for participation LGB or club provides a NCCP registration sheet for attendees to register on the date of the clinic ALA office will provide Learning Facilitators with a list of coaches who have completed the pre-assessment portion Learning Facilitators will cross reference NCCP registration sheet with list provided by ALA office Learning Facilitators will remind coaches the pre-assessment MUST be completed prior to training being submitted to CAC HOW LGB’ S AND C LUBS USE THE PROGRAM?
Community-Initiation (Box, MF or WF) LGB or club purchases a login and password to access the online coaching program from the ALA. LGB or Club assigns login and password to coach Coach registers online by entering his/her personal information for an available Community-Initiation clinic in his/her province. Coach attends the clinic he registered online for. At the clinic the coach receives the necessary coach package. Upon successful completion of the Community-Initiation clinic the coach will receive ‘Trained’ status as a Community-Initiation coach. H OW A C OACH U SES T HE P ROGRAM
LGB or Club purchases login & password online Register for clinic online Attend clinic in-person Community-Initiation Pathway Coach receives ‘In Training’ status LGB or Club assigns login and password to coach
Community-Development (Box, MF or WF) LGB or club purchases a login and password to access the online coaching program from the ALA. LGB or Club assigns login and password to coach Coach completes the pre-clinic assessment for the applicable context (the pre- clinic assessment must be successfully completed before the coach can register for a clinic). Coach registers online by entering his/her personal information for an available Community-Development clinic in his/her province. Coach attends the clinic he registered online for. At the clinic the coach receives the necessary coach package. After the clinic the coach goes back online using his assigned login and password. The coach completes the Comm-Dev evaluation workbook. The coach fills the workbook out online and clicks a ‘submit’ command once complete. A notification that the evaluation workbook is complete will come to the CLA office and the necessary marking will be done by the CLA office Upon successful completion of the evaluation workbook the coach will receive ‘trained’ status and the online program will submit the necessary NCCP paperwork to the CAC and ALA.
LGB or Club purchases login & password online Pre-clinic assessment online Register for clinic online Attend clinic in-person Complete evaluation workbook online Evaluation workbook processed by CLA online Successful completion =‘Trained’ status Unsuccessful completion = Notice sent to coach to complete missing sections of workbook online Community-Development Pathway Coach receives ‘In Training’ status LGB or Club assigns login and password to coach
Competitive-Introduction (Box, MF or WF) LGB or Club purchases a login and password to access the online coaching program from ALA. The Coach is only required to have a login and password in this context if he/she did not already do so when they were in the Community-Development context (i.e. an old NCCP level 1 coach who wants to increase his/her certification and only requires Comp-Intro). LGB or Club assigns login and password to coach Coach completes the pre-clinic assessment for the applicable context (the pre- clinic assessment must be successfully completed before the coach can register for a clinic). Coach registers online by entering his/her personal information for an available Competitive-Introduction clinic in his/her province. Coach attends the clinic he registered online for. At the clinic the coach receives the necessary coach package. After the clinic the coach goes back online using his assigned login and password. The coach completes the Comp-Intro evaluation workbook. The coach fills the workbook out online and clicks a ‘submit’ command once complete. Notification that the evaluation workbook is complete will come to the CLA office and the necessary marking will be done.
Upon successful completion of the evaluation workbook the coach will receive ‘trained’ status and the online program will submit the necessary NCCP paperwork to the CAC and ALA. The coach is then directed to complete the Support to Athletes in Training evaluation. The coach will be directed to register with an accredited Support to Athletes in Training Evaluator within his/her province using the online program. The Evaluator and the ALA will receive notification from the program indicating that a coach has registered with an Evaluator and is requesting the Support to Athletes in Training Evaluation. The Evaluator and coach will then work together to identify a time to complete the on-site evaluation. Once the clinic, evaluation workbook and Support to Athletes in Training evaluation are complete the coach will be directed to the CAC website to complete the online MED evaluation. Once all of the necessary evaluation steps are completed, the coach will receive ‘Certified’ status. In addition to the training and evaluation steps mentioned for each context, the coach can also access a drill manual, practice planning and seasonal planning tools and other additional coaching resources to further his/her professional development as a coach.
LGB’s or clubs purchases login & password online Pre-clinic assessment online Register for clinic online Attend clinic in-person Complete evaluation workbook online Evaluation workbook processed by CLA online Successful completion =‘Trained’ status Unsuccessful completion = Notice sent to coach to complete missing sections of workbook online Competition-Introduction Pathway Coach receives ‘In Training’ status Support to Athlete in Training Evaluation MED Evaluation via CAC Successful completion = ‘Certified’ status Once workbook is complete coach can move through additional evaluation steps noted on left LGB or Club assign login and password to coach
The proposed fee per coach to purchase a login and password for the online coaching program is $50. The $15 fee will provide the coach with access to: Registration for applicable coach clinics for any given context Applicable manual Pre-clinic assessments for each context Necessary evaluation steps for each context His/her coaching transcript as it pertains to lacrosse The CLA Drill Manual for better player performance Sample practice plans and practice planning forms to assist in coaching Sample seasonal plans and seasonal planning forms to assist in coaching Tip of the Week Ask the Coach Coaching Tools Video for Comm-Dev and Comp-Intro Additional tools as they become available F INANCIALS
For coaches who already have their required training and certification, for a fee of $15 the coach can have online access to: The CLA Drill Manual for better player performance Sample practice plans and practice planning forms to assist in coaching Sample seasonal plans and seasonal planning forms to assist in coaching Tip of the Week Ask the Coach Coaching Tools Video for Comm-Dev and Comp-Intro Additional tools as they become available
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