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Find the Word Bb boy book boots black Find the Word (Using Treasures Workbooks) Preparation: Tear out pages from the Treasures workbooks where beginning.

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Presentation on theme: "Find the Word Bb boy book boots black Find the Word (Using Treasures Workbooks) Preparation: Tear out pages from the Treasures workbooks where beginning."— Presentation transcript:

1 Find the Word Bb boy book boots black Find the Word (Using Treasures Workbooks) Preparation: Tear out pages from the Treasures workbooks where beginning sounds are featured. Copy the pages following this slide for the letters. Mount the picture on the bottom inside of a file folder and the words to look for on the top. Laminate. Students are not expected to read the words and find the pictures, but find a picture and then a word with the sounds. Corner Assignment Card for Find the Word Draw Write book Corner Direction Card for Find the Word Find

2 Ii Can you find these things that begin with “i”? iguana invitation ink ice insect

3 Pp Can you find these things that begin with “p”? pineappleparrot pinwheelpoodle pizzapopcorn puppypanda paw

4 Ss Can you find these things that begin with “s”? sunsail seasand sunglassessandwiches sandalsseagulls seahorseswimsuit

5 Aa Can you find these things that begin with “a”? applealphabet astronautalligator AlexAna antambulance anchor

6 Mm Can you find these things that begin with “m”? moonmuffin milkmat mopmail moneymug momme

7 Hh Can you find these things that begin with “h”? hayhorse helicopterhammer henhoe hathouse

8 Ee Can you find these things that begin with “e”? elephantenvelope elkeagle eggeight

9 Kk Can you find these things that begin with “k”? Kenkaola kitekittens kayakkeys kangaroo

10 Ff Can you find these things that begin with “f”? foxfish fivefour footballfan forkflag

11 Cc Can you find these things that begin with “c”? catcamera corncar carrotcabbage cloudcow comb

12 Nn Can you find these things that begin with “n”? netnine napkinnews needlenest nightnut necklace

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