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Earl Pendley Robert Lisy March 6, 2007 Earl Pendley Robert Lisy March 6, 2007 Upper Stage RFP Volume III ITO Cost Volume Briefing.

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Presentation on theme: "Earl Pendley Robert Lisy March 6, 2007 Earl Pendley Robert Lisy March 6, 2007 Upper Stage RFP Volume III ITO Cost Volume Briefing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Earl Pendley Robert Lisy March 6, 2007 Earl Pendley Robert Lisy March 6, 2007 Upper Stage RFP Volume III ITO Cost Volume Briefing

2 2 Upper Stage RFP Volume III ITO Briefing RFP NNM07181505R - Ares I Upper Stage Ground rules This presentation is intended to assist potential Offerors in their understanding of the Section L Cost Volume III, Instructions to Offerors. In the event of a discrepancy between this presentation and the solicitation, the SOLICITATION TAKES PRECEDENCE. General clarification questions on the presentation will be responded to; however any other questions must be followed up with a written comment per the instructions in the RFP.

3 3 Upper Stage RFP Volume III ITO Briefing RFP NNM07181505R - Ares I Upper Stage L.14 Proposal Page Limitations Volume III – Cost Factor No Page Limit Cost information only – NO technical data L.15 Proposal Format All Volumes – Submitted in Hard copy and on CD No PDF files, Microsoft Office software

4 4 Upper Stage RFP Volume III ITO Briefing L.21 Volume III – Cost Factor Prime & Subcontractor Proposals submitted together Copy of Proposal to Gov Audit Office – Hard and CD Proposals are not Certified – “Other than Cost & Pricing Data” requested Major Subcontractor - $50 million at any tier Cost “Visibility” 80% of CLINS 1 & 3 – Prime and Subs 100% of all costs must be accounted for WBS are mapped to CLV master – Table L-2

5 5 Upper Stage RFP Volume III ITO Briefing L.21 Instructions to Offerors (ITO) Cost Volume - 5 Parts, 11 Sections Part 1 General Cost Information Section 1 – Cover Page Section 2 – Summary Data (Workbook 1) Section 3 – Cost PN-BOEs Section 4 – FAS 13 Section 5 – Subcontractor Analysis (FAR) Section 6 – Systems Reviews CAS, CESR, CPRS, CECSR Section 7 – Information Summary Table L-3

6 6 Upper Stage RFP Volume III ITO Briefing.L.21 Instructions to Offerors (ITO) (Cont) Part 2 Excel Pricing Model (EPM) Government Standard Format Offeror may “modify” workbooks Section 8 – Workbooks 14 Workbooks – MS Excel files Attachment L-1 Must be self calculating

7 7 Upper Stage RFP Volume III ITO Briefing  Section 8 – Workbooks  Upper Stage Project Summary  Cost Summary Table  Design, Test and Engineering Support Data  Ares 2 Test Flight  Orion 3 Test Flight  Orion 4 Test Flight  Producibility Engineering  Design, Development, Test and Engineering Phase IDIQ  Operational Upper Stage Flight Unit  Operational Upper Stage Flight Unit Supporting Data  Production Phase IDIQ  Options Upper Stage Flight Unit  Cognizant Audit Office Template

8 8 Upper Stage RFP Volume III ITO Briefing L.21 Instructions to Offerors (ITO) (Cont) Part 3 Offeror’s Pricing Model Section 9 Offeror’s Pricing Model (OPM) IAW FAR 15-408, Table 15-2 Must be self calculating Separate Binder Hard copy and on CD

9 9 Upper Stage RFP Volume III ITO Briefing L.21 Instructions to Offerors (ITO) (Cont) Part 4 - Contractor Basis of Estimate (BOE) Section 10 Contractor Basis of Estimate Separate Binder Types and Quantities shall reflect Technical and Cost Detail at WBS level Separate Binder Hard copy and on CD

10 10 Upper Stage RFP Volume III ITO Briefing L.21 Instructions to Offerors (ITO) (Cont) Part 5 – CLIN 5 Pricing Narrative-BOE Provide pricing rational utilized to arrive at each unit price Cost impact of increased production for each of four optional units Ties into Volume 1, Mission Suitability proposed methodologies

11 11 Upper Stage RFP Volume III ITO Briefing CAOT Submit with Past Performance Volume Cognizant Audit Office Template Workbook 14 CAOT - Cognizant Audit Office Template Is not included in PPV page count

12 12 Upper Stage RFP Volume III ITO Briefing

13 13 Upper Stage RFP Volume III ITO Briefing PSTCST Upper Stage Project Summary Workbook 1 CST Cost and Fee totaled on PST Pre Loaded for CLIN 2 & 3 Project Summary Template -PST Tab

14 14 Upper Stage RFP Volume III ITO Briefing

15 15 Upper Stage RFP Volume III ITO Briefing EPM Tabs

16 16 Upper Stage RFP Volume III ITO Briefing STRTBOE Design, Development, Test and Engineering Support Data Workbook, #4 & #11 BOE WYE transfer to STRT WYE #s Summary Technical Resources Template, Subcontractor WYE-STRT Tab

17 17 Upper Stage RFP Volume III ITO Briefing

18 18 Upper Stage RFP Volume III ITO Briefing SCT Subcontractor Proposal Design, Development, Test and Engineering Support Data Workbook, #4 & #11 Subject to Prime’s Negotiation Adjustments SCT total amount to equal WBS amounts Subcontractor Cost Template-SCT Tab

19 19 Upper Stage RFP Volume III ITO Briefing

20 20 Upper Stage RFP Volume III ITO Briefing TCT Design, Development, Test and Engineering Support Data Workbook, #4 & #11 BOE’s shall justify TCT travel. TCT total amount equals WBS travel amount. Travel Cost Template -TCT Tab BOE

21 21 Upper Stage RFP Volume III ITO Briefing

22 22 Upper Stage RFP Volume III ITO Briefing Design, Development, Test and Engineering Support Data Workbook, #4 & #11 MCT BOE MCT – Material Cost Template BOE’s shall justify MCT. MCT total amount equals WBS material amount.

23 23 Upper Stage RFP Volume III ITO Briefing

24 24 Upper Stage RFP Volume III ITO Briefing Design, Development, Test and Engineering Support Data Workbook, #4 & #11 ODCT BOE ODCT – Other Direct Cost Template BOE’s shall justify ODCT. ODCT total amount equals WBS ODC amount.

25 25 Upper Stage RFP Volume III ITO Briefing

26 26 Upper Stage RFP Volume III ITO Briefing OHTIRLT Design, Development, Test and Engineering Support Data Workbook, #4 & #11 OHT & GAT may be modified for FPRA Overhead Template -OHT Tab

27 27 Upper Stage RFP Volume III ITO Briefing

28 28 Upper Stage RFP Volume III ITO Briefing GATIRT Design, Development, Test and Engineering Support Data Workbook, #4 & #11 OHT & GAT may be modified for FPRA GAT Tab

29 29 Upper Stage RFP Volume III ITO Briefing

30 30 Upper Stage RFP Volume III ITO Briefing LPTPHCT-T Design, Development, Test and Engineering Support Data Workbook, #4 & #11 Productive Hours used to calculate labor costs Productive Hours Conversion Template – Team - PHCT-T Tab

31 31 Upper Stage RFP Volume III ITO Briefing

32 32 Upper Stage RFP Volume III ITO Briefing 1.0 WBS CST Cost Summary Table, Workbook #2 CLIN 1, 8 WBS amounts are summed in the CST by WBS by CY 1.1 – 1.8 WBS X.X.1 – X.X.12 WBS

33 33 Upper Stage RFP Volume III ITO Briefing

34 34 Upper Stage RFP Volume III ITO Briefing

35 35 Upper Stage RFP Volume III ITO Briefing Design, Developmental, Test and Engineering; Ares 2 Test Flight; Orion 3 Test Flight; Orion 4 Test Flight; Producibility Engineering Workbook 3,5,6,7,8 IRT GAT IRT – Indirect Rate Template IRT will provide the weighted average indirect rate for Contractor Fiscal Year to Contract Year (CY)

36 36 Upper Stage RFP Volume III ITO Briefing

37 37 Upper Stage RFP Volume III ITO Briefing Design, Developmental, Test and Engineering; Ares 2 Test Flight; Orion 3 Test Flight; Orion 4 Test Flight; Producibility Engineering Workbook 3,5,6,7,8 ILRT OHT ILRT – Indirect Labor Rate Template ILRT will provide the weighted average indirect rate for Contractor Fiscal Year to Contract Year (CY)

38 38 Upper Stage RFP Volume III ITO Briefing

39 39 Upper Stage RFP Volume III ITO Briefing Design, Developmental, Test and Engineering; Ares 2 Test Flight; Orion 3 Test Flight; Orion 4 Test Flight; Producibility Engineering Workbook 3,5,6,7,8 ILCT LPT ILCT – Indirect Labor Cost Template ILCT will calculate using the weighted average indirect rate direct labor costs for the CY ILRT

40 40 Upper Stage RFP Volume III ITO Briefing

41 41 Upper Stage RFP Volume III ITO Briefing LPT input ILRT input

42 42 Upper Stage RFP Volume III ITO Briefing Design, Developmental, Test and Engineering; Ares 2 Test Flight; Orion 3 Test Flight; Orion 4 Test Flight; Producibility Engineering Workbook 3,5,6,7,8 MCT ICT SCT TCT ODCT IRT ICT - Indirect Cost Template ICT – Calculates Non Labor Indirect Costs

43 43 Upper Stage RFP Volume III ITO Briefing

44 44 Upper Stage RFP Volume III ITO Briefing Design, Developmental, Test and Engineering; Ares 2 Test Flight; Orion 3 Test Flight; Orion 4 Test Flight; Producibility Engineering Workbook 3,5,6,7,8 ICT 1.1-1.8 WBS LPT ILCT SCT TCT WBS – Work Breakdown Structure Costs MCT ODCCT WBS by CY by WBS 1.0 WBS

45 45 Upper Stage RFP Volume III ITO Briefing Cost Summary Table Workbook 2 CST WBS 1.1-1.8 CST – Cost Summary Template CST summarizes WBS costs by CY

46 46 Upper Stage RFP Volume III ITO Briefing

47 47 Upper Stage RFP Volume III ITO Briefing  EPM tabs

48 48 Upper Stage RFP Volume III ITO Briefing  EPM tabs OHTLRT IRTPBTGAT RDT-T RDT-CS CDST-WAB Correct Flow Diagram Prime and Subcontractor Add ILRT CLIN 2 & 4 ILRT

49 49 Upper Stage RFP Volume III ITO Briefing IRT Design, Development, Test and Engineering Phase IDIQ Workbook 9 & 11 GATOHT OHT-Overhead Template GAT-General and Administrative Template IRT-Indirect Rate Template Templates are the same as Workbooks 3,5,6,7, & 8

50 50 Upper Stage RFP Volume III ITO Briefing Design, Development, Test and Engineering Phase IDIQ Workbook 9 & 11 LRTRDT-CS LRT-Labor Rate Template Weights Fiscal Year rate to CY rate

51 51 Upper Stage RFP Volume III ITO Briefing

52 52 Upper Stage RFP Volume III ITO Briefing RDT-CS Design, Development, Test and Engineering Phase IDIQ Workbook 9 & 11 RDT-T RDT-CS – Rate Development Template Contractor Specific Develops Fully Burden Labor Rate by CY for an Offeror

53 53 Upper Stage RFP Volume III ITO Briefing

54 54 Upper Stage RFP Volume III ITO Briefing Design, Development, Test and Engineering Phase IDIQ Workbook 9 & 11 PBTRDT-T Prime Burdens Template For Subcontractors Labor Rates

55 55 Upper Stage RFP Volume III ITO Briefing

56 56 Upper Stage RFP Volume III ITO Briefing RDT-T Design, Development, Test and Engineering Phase IDIQ Workbook 9 & 11 CDST-WBS Rate Development Template - Team Weights Labor Rates for Prime and Subcontractors to Standard Labor Category by CY

57 57 Upper Stage RFP Volume III ITO Briefing

58 58 Upper Stage RFP Volume III ITO Briefing Design, Development, Test and Engineering Phase IDIQ Workbook 9 & 11 CDST-WBS Contract Rate Summary by Contract Year – Work Breakdown Structure Establishes Not to Exceed Bid Labor rates for Standard Labor Categories

59 59 Upper Stage RFP Volume III ITO Briefing

60 60 Upper Stage RFP Volume III ITO Briefing BOE - Basis Of Estimate

61 61 Upper Stage RFP Volume III ITO Briefing The End

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