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1 When I’m at work: Solving complaints. 2 Topic 1.

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Presentation on theme: "1 When I’m at work: Solving complaints. 2 Topic 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 When I’m at work: Solving complaints

2 2 Topic 1

3 3 Points for Topic 1 What is a complaint? What types of complaints are there? What is the difference between a grumble and a formal complaint? When should I make a complaint?

4 4 What is a complaint? A complaint is a problem or worry you have at work that you need to tell someone about.

5 5 Different types of complaints The way your supervisor or workmates treat you Your pay Your hours of work Where you work The safety of your job Being treated unfairly

6 6 Is your complaint serious or just a grumble? Is the problem making: you work badly someone else work badly you or anyone else unsafe you or your workplace look bad? If ‘yes’, then the problem could be more than just a workplace grumble.

7 7 When should you make a complaint? … when you have a problem or worry at work that you cannot work out on your own. Standard 7 says that your workplace must help you with work-related complaints.

8 8 Focus questions Your trainer will discuss with you the information you have just heard and read about.

9 9 Igor’s story

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18 18 Discussion questions Your trainer will discuss some questions about Igor’s story with you.

19 19 Workbook activities Find the activities about Igor’s story in your workbook. Your trainer will help you with the activities.

20 20 Topic 2

21 21 Points for Topic 2 How can a complaint make things better at work? What are my rights? What does my workplace have to do if I make a complaint?

22 22 Complaints can make things better You have a right to complain. It is important to fix things if they are wrong. If you have a problem with your work, tell your supervisor or someone else you trust about it. Your workplace has to help you sort the problem out.

23 23 Disability Services Standards Standard 7 tells you what your workplace must do if you make a complaint. Standard 4 says that your workplace must keep your complaint private and confidential.

24 24 Your right to complain It is your right to know: who you go to if you want to make a complaint what information you will need to give how you will be treated how long it will take before something is done what might be written down what to do if you are still not happy.

25 25 Do not be afraid to complain Do not be afraid to make a complaint. Your workplace must take your complaint seriously. You will not be treated badly if you make a complaint. You will not be treated badly if you tell your side of the story.

26 26 Focus questions Your trainer will discuss with you the information you have just heard and read about.

27 27 Dianne’s story

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36 36 Discussion questions Your trainer will discuss some questions about Dianne’s story with you.

37 37 Workbook activities Find the activities about Dianne’s story in your workbook. Your trainer will help you with the activities.

38 38 Topic 3

39 39 Points for Topic 3 What are the steps to take in a formal complaint? What will I have to do if I make a complaint? What can I do if my complaint is not taken seriously?

40 40 What happens when you make a formal complaint? Making a formal complaint about a serious work problem means: telling the whole truth telling your whole story other people telling their whole stories the stories are written down signing your story.

41 41 What happens if people do not take your complaint seriously? You can talk to other people about your complaint. Your workplace must tell you who you can talk to.

42 42 Focus questions Your trainer will discuss with you the information you have just heard and read about.

43 43 Lisa’s story

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53 53 Discussion questions Your trainer will discuss some questions about Lisa’s story with you.

54 54 Workbook activities Now find the activities about Lisa’s story in your workbook. Your trainer will help you with the activities.

55 55 Topic 4

56 56 Points for Topic 4 What are some hints to make a proper formal complaint? What happens when decisions are made about my complaint?

57 57 Tips for making a complaint Talk to a friend or your supervisor. Sort things out on your own if you can.

58 58 Making decisions about complaints People will listen to everyone’s stories. They will make a decision about your complaint. If you are not happy, you can talk to other people.

59 59 Focus questions Your trainer will discuss with you the information you have just heard and read about.

60 60 Melissa’s story

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69 69 Discussion questions Your trainer will discuss some questions about Melissa’s story with you.

70 70 Workbook activities Now find the activities about Melissa’s story in your workbook. Your trainer will help you with the activities.

71 71 Topic 5

72 72 Point for Topic 5 Who else can help me with my complaint?

73 73 Getting help from other people or services Your workplace should give you information and training about how you can make a complaint. If you are not sure what you need to do, ask your supervisor or someone else who you trust.

74 74 Getting help from other people or services An advocacy service can help you. The Complaints Resolution and Referral Service can help you. The Australian National Disability Abuse and Neglect Hotline can help you. The Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission can help you.

75 75 Focus questions Your trainer will discuss with you the information you have just heard and read about.

76 76 Jackie’s story

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83 83 Discussion questions Your trainer will discuss some questions about Jackie’s story with you.

84 84 Workbook activities Now find the activities about Jackie’s story in your workbook. Your trainer will help you with the activities.

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