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Published byJamal Rolling Modified over 10 years ago
SEFA Purpose of SEFA Webinar 2 Spreadsheets for Environmental Footprint Analysis Notes: This webinar will be very technical, getting into the details of the SEFA worksheets Participants should already have a solid understanding of greener cleanups Participants should already be familiar with EPA’s Footprint Methodology Provide a basic understanding of SEFA Demonstrate general organization and specific functions of the SEFA worksheets Open forum for discussion of footprint analyses and advanced features in SEFA Additional experience likely needed to run a footprint analysis on SEFA
3 Agenda SEFA Spreadsheets for Environmental Footprint Analysis 1)Overview10 min Carlos Pachon 2)Basics of SEFA30 min Karen Scheuermann 3) Q/A on Basics10 min Carlos Pachon 4) Demonstrate Key Features in SEFA30 min Karen Scheuermann 5) Q/A on Key Features10 min Carlos Pachon 6) Open Forum / Advanced Features15 min Karen Scheuermann / Carlos Pachon 7) Wrap-up10 min Carlos Pachon
SEFA 4 Green Remediation: The practice of considering all environmental effects of remedy implementation and incorporating options to minimize the environmental footprints of cleanup actions Goal of Footprint Analysis: Identify the most significant contributors to a project’s environmental footprint and better focus efforts to reduce them EPA published Footprint Methodology February 2012 SEFA is a companion tool to EPA’s Footprint Methodology SEFA was originally posted on Clu-in April 2012 and updated August 2014 EPA’s May 2013 Webinar discussed the Methodology in greater detail Spreadsheets for Environmental Footprint Analysis Overview of Greener Cleanups Find the Footprint Methodology and SEFA at
SEFA 5 ASTM Standard Guide for Greener Cleanups (E2893): Codifies best practices and defines a process for reducing environmental footprint Includes over 160 BMPs and outlines process for straight BMP application or use of quantification Useful protocol for contracting purposes Results in a transparent documented process that is reported publicly The Role of Footprint Analysis in Greener Cleanups Green Remediation Goals in Cleanup Project (Client request, Contractual Requirement, Regulatory requirement, etc) Small cleanup project, or standard cleanup approach Select and apply specific best management practices Large complex projects Quantify footprint, prioritize reduction targets
SEFA 6 Spreadsheets for Environmental Footprint Analysis
7 Agenda SEFA Spreadsheets for Environmental Footprint Analysis 1)Overview10 min Carlos Pachon 2)Basics of SEFA30 min Karen Scheuermann 3) Q/A on Basics10 min Carlos Pachon 4) Demonstrate Key Features in SEFA30 min Karen Scheuermann 5) Q/A on Key Features10 min Carlos Pachon 6) Open Forum / Advanced Features15 min Karen Scheuermann / Carlos Pachon 7) Wrap-up10 min Carlos Pachon
Basics of SEFA SEFA is… a set of Excel workbooks developed by EPA designed for conducting environmental footprint analyses at clean-up sites compatible with EPA’s Footprint Methodology set up in “blank slate” template format structured for inputting data, running calculations, and organizing outputs originally designed for internal EPA use placed on EPA web page for public access updated in August 2014 Spreadsheets for Environmental Footprint Analysis
Simplified and consolidated data entry Increased flexibility for user-specific inputs Graphical outputs in chart format Notes and instructions for all key features SEFA has been updated for ease of use and flexibility of application Calculator for groundwater well construction In this webinar we will focus on the features of the updated SEFA worksheets Acknowledgements to the following TetraTech staff (past and present) who developed the original SEFA worksheets and made the current updates: Doug Sutton Mike Pavarini Rob Greenwald
After Identify Areas for Reduction Achieve Footprint Reductions Apply BMPs original clean-up ––––––––––––––––––––> greener clean-up Run Footprint Analysis Before SEFA Basics of SEFA SEFA in the context of Greener Cleanups
SEFASEFA Gather Remedy Information 2 Quantify Onsite Materials & Waste Metrics 3 Quantify Onsite Water Metrics 4 Quantify Energy & Air Metrics 5 Qualitatively Describe Affected Ecosystem Services 6 Present Results 7 Set Goals and Scope of Analysis 1 SEFA helps to quantify the metrics. Basics of SEFA SEFA in the context of EPA’s Footprint Methodology These are the 7 steps recommended in EPA’s Footprint Methodology.
Main Workbook User enters basic site and remedy information Input Workbook User sets up analytic structure User enters data for remedy activities Workbook compiles the intermediate results Calculations Workbook No data entry by user in this workbook Workbook makes the footprint calculations 12 The user sets up the analytic structure The user enters information about the remedy The workbooks exchange data and process the results Workbook provides summary of results Basics of SEFA Three Excel Workbooks
13 User may identify up to six Remedy Components … … to reflect stages of the remedy Site Name and Remedy Name MAIN WORKBOOK User sets up the basic structure of the footprint analysis
14 MAIN WORKBOOK The Remedy Components can be set up to differentiate among various aspects of the remedy. different stages of the remedy alternative remedy designs specific remedy activities separate years in the remedy Bioremediation Year 1 Bioremediation Year 2 Bioremediation Year 4 Bioremediation Year 3 Close-out Year 5 Pump and Treat Pump and Treat w/ UV Pump and Treat w/ Re-injected GW Pump and Treat w/ Solar Power Hazardous Waste Transport Municipal Solid Waste Transport Grid Electricity Remediation Materials Off-Site Services Personnel Transportation User sets up the basic structure of the footprint analysis
15 User sets up the structure for data entry INPUT WORKBOOK
16 INPUT WORKBOOK User sets up a data entry tab for each activity in the footprint analysis Up to 14 data entry tabs can be included in each footprint analysis. Make a copy of the Input Template tab Name the new tab to reflect the activity User sets up the structure for data entry
Basics of SEFA Conceptual Approach to Setting up SEFA Worksheets
18 Taking a closer look at the Input TemplateINPUT WORKBOOK Color coding of the cells helps in data entry drop-down menus from look-up tables or calculated values data entry by user pink blue yellow The pink and yellow cells provide user flexibility in data entry
19 INPUT WORKBOOK Input Template Tab page 1 Personnel TransportationOn-site Equipment Use and Transport On-Site Electricity Usage Natural Gas and Landfill Gas Link to Remedy Component Looks like lots of blank cells to fill in, but… use only the cells that are relevant to the site enter as much (or as little) detail as needed User should note any assumptions and items that are screened out User enters specific information about the remedy
20 INPUT WORKBOOK Input Template Tab page 2 Materials Use and Transport Waste Disposal and Transport Water Use Where do we get inputs for the footprint analysis? Feasibility Study Cost Estimate Engineering Designs Literature Search Professional Judgment User should provide references and supporting calculations User enters specific information about the remedy
21 INPUT WORKBOOK Input Template Tab page 3 Other Energy Use and Air Emissions Other Voluntary Renewable Energy Use Off-Site Laboratory Analysis Space for Notes, References, and Supporting Calculations The data entry tabs make certain calculations such as fuel usage. Results of the data entry tabs are compiled in the Input Summary tab. User enters specific information about the remedy
22 INPUT WORKBOOKLink to the Input Summary tab User enters the names of the data entry tabs On-site diesel use Input Summary tab Diesel & gasoline for transport This tab compiles the inputs and results from the data entry tabs The results are sent to the Calculations Workbook Three pages of compiled results Subtotals are compiled for each data entry tab and (not shown) for each Remedy Component
23 CALCULATIONS WORKBOOKMake footprint calculations EnergyGHGNOxSOxPMHAPs The Calculations Workbook receives results from the Input Workbook … … and applies footprint conversion factors. Seven pages of footprint calculations No data entry by the user in this Workbook … … but the user may access the intermediate results from the worksheets. Results are sent to Main Workbook Units and Usage Materials, Energy, Water, Waste, and Off-site Support Activities
24 MAIN WORKBOOKSummarize and present results Materials Waste Water Energy Air Emissions This table compiles the results as recommended in EPA’s Footprint Methodology.
25 MAIN WORKBOOKSummarize and present results SEFA generates basic charts for Energy, GHG, NOx, SOx, PM, and HAPs. This chart is generated automatically in SEFA.
26 MAIN WORKBOOKSummarize and present results The user can make charts like this from results in the Calculations Workbook. The user has access to intermediate results in SEFA understand contributors to the remedy footprint target areas for footprint reduction
What if…. SEFA can be used to compare footprints for alternative scenarios … I use reclaimed water instead of public water for dust control? ? ? … I use biodiesel instead of conventional diesel? ? … I conduct more extensive site investigation, leading to reduction of the amount of contaminated soil sent to the landfill? Basics of SEFA Testing Alternative Scenarios
Basics of SEFA SEFA is… a set of Excel workbooks developed by EPA designed for conducting environmental footprint analyses at clean-up sites compatible with EPA’s Footprint Methodology set up in “blank slate” template format structured for inputting data, running calculations, and organizing outputs Spreadsheets for Environmental Footprint Analysis Can be set up to reflect any remedy design Automatically applies footprint conversion factors Compiles results consistent with EPA Methodology
29 Agenda SEFA Spreadsheets for Environmental Footprint Analysis 1)Overview10 min Carlos Pachon 2)Basics of SEFA30 min Karen Scheuermann 3) Q/A on Basics10 min Carlos Pachon 4) Demonstrate Key Features in SEFA30 min Karen Scheuermann 5) Q/A on Key Features10 min Carlos Pachon 6) Open Forum / Advanced Features15 min Karen Scheuermann / Carlos Pachon 7) Wrap-up10 min Carlos Pachon
30 Agenda SEFA Spreadsheets for Environmental Footprint Analysis 1)Overview10 min Carlos Pachon 2)Basics of SEFA30 min Karen Scheuermann 3) Q/A on Basics10 min Carlos Pachon 4) Demonstrate Key Features in SEFA30 min Karen Scheuermann 5) Q/A on Key Features10 min Carlos Pachon 6) Open Forum / Advanced Features15 min Karen Scheuermann / Carlos Pachon 7) Wrap-up10 min Carlos Pachon
31 (A) Brief walk-through of the workbooks Highlight some features that don’t show up on screenshots Will visit only a few tabs in the workbooks (B) Demonstrate three key features in SEFA Add a new activity to the remedy Provide the fuel mix for grid electricity Add new remedy material with unique footprint conversion factors Demonstrate Key Features in SEFA Instructions in SEFA provide information on these three features
Remediation at “Green Hills” Site conduct site investigation excavate contaminated soil transport soil to off-site landfill backfill excavated areas pump and treat system conduct groundwater monitoring 1 2 3 4 5 32 Demonstrate Key Features in SEFA Our Hypothetical Site Simple Dig & Haul Remedy In this demonstration a new activity (regrading) will be added to the remedy. 6
Instructor opens SEFA Workbooks and demonstrates key features in the worksheets 33 All three workbooks must be open at the same time Demonstrate Key Features in SEFA
this has been a very simple site and remedy for a real site, can enter as much or as little detail as may be appropriate 34 SEFA provides: format for data entry application of footprint conversion factors compilation of results The user: sets up structure of analysis to reflect site provides remedy inputs and documentation enters data directly into the spreadsheets Demonstrate Key Features in SEFA Recap Your footprint analysis can be tailored to specific questions at your site EPA is using SEFA at some of our cleanup sites and we welcome the use of SEFA by site owners and PRPs
35 SEFA has additional features such as: Modeling renewable energy sources Modeling carbon storage (e.g. from planting trees) Overriding fuel usage rates Representing alternative modes of transport and fuels These and other features in SEFA allow flexibility for accurately modeling specific site and remedy conditions. Demonstrate Key Features in SEFA Instructions in SEFA provide full information on these features Tutorial illustrating all features of SEFA will be available on Clu-in
36 Agenda SEFA Spreadsheets for Environmental Footprint Analysis 1)Overview10 min Carlos Pachon 2)Basics of SEFA30 min Karen Scheuermann 3) Q/A on Basics10 min Carlos Pachon 4) Demonstrate Key Features in SEFA30 min Karen Scheuermann 5) Q/A on Key Features10 min Carlos Pachon 6) Open Forum / Advanced Features15 min Karen Scheuermann / Carlos Pachon 7) Wrap-up10 min Carlos Pachon
37 Agenda SEFA Spreadsheets for Environmental Footprint Analysis 1)Overview10 min Carlos Pachon 2)Basics of SEFA30 min Karen Scheuermann 3) Q/A on Basics10 min Carlos Pachon 4) Demonstrate Key Features in SEFA30 min Karen Scheuermann 5) Q/A on Key Features10 min Carlos Pachon 6) Open Forum / Advanced Features15 min Karen Scheuermann / Carlos Pachon 7) Wrap-up10 min Carlos Pachon
38 Agenda SEFA Spreadsheets for Environmental Footprint Analysis 1)Overview10 min Carlos Pachon 2)Basics of SEFA30 min Karen Scheuermann 3) Q/A on Basics10 min Carlos Pachon 4) Demonstrate Key Features in SEFA30 min Karen Scheuermann 5) Q/A on Key Features10 min Carlos Pachon 6) Open Forum / Advanced Features15 min Karen Scheuermann / Carlos Pachon 7) Wrap-up10 min Carlos Pachon
Wrap-up 39 SEFA Spreadsheets for Environmental Footprint Analysis SEFA is one part of EPA’s Greener Cleanups approach The SEFA worksheets are available on EPA’s Clu-in website EPA is continuing to use SEFA for our footprint analyses We welcome the use of SEFA by site owners and PRPs We’d love to hear of your experiences. If you have interesting application of SEFA let’s get the word out.
Estimating Environmental Footprints Using SEFA Thank you for your interest in Greener Cleanups! 40 BMP Fact Sheets Profiles of Green Remediation Archived Webinars Footprint Methodology (full document) SEFA Worksheets Footprint Methodology (2-page fact sheet) GR_Overview_of_Footprint_Methodology_FS_3-29-12.pdf Resources Carlos Pachon, EPA OSRTI Karen Scheuermann, EPA Region 9 Contacts Other Related Topics
Applying Footprint Conversion Factors 20,000 lbs HDPE 1.9 lbs CO2e emitted per lb HDPE manufactured 38,000 lbs CO2e Footprint Conversion Factor for CO2e emissions 0.00064 lbs PM emitted per lb HDPE manufactured 13 lbs PM Footprint Conversion Factor for PM emissions 20,000 lbs HDPE 41 -- HDPE used onsite -- same type of calculation for energy, NOx, SOx, and HAPs same set of calculations for all materials and services related to the remedy very simple calculations … … but there will be a lot of them! Reserved
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