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New! High School Italian Series. Authors  © 2009 Michael Sedurany Nancy Posterino Sophie Kearns Marisa Tarascio-Spiller Nancy.

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Presentation on theme: "New! High School Italian Series. Authors  © 2009 Michael Sedurany Nancy Posterino Sophie Kearns Marisa Tarascio-Spiller Nancy."— Presentation transcript:

1 New! High School Italian Series

2 Authors  © 2009 Michael Sedurany Nancy Posterino Sophie Kearns Marisa Tarascio-Spiller Nancy

3 Program

4 Ecco! Textbook Key Features  Use of up-to-date and inviting photographs

5 Ecco! Textbook Key Features  Use of up-to-date and inviting photographs  Clearly states communicative and cultural learning objectives

6 Ecco! Textbook  New vocabulary and structures are visually presented and followed by practice activities

7 Ecco! Textbook  Language and culture is put in context with fun cartoon stories that feature storylines with appealing characters

8 Ecco! Textbook  Helpful grouping and explorations of vocabulary

9 Ecco! Textbook  Helpful grouping and explorations of vocabulary  Questions about the cartoon story

10 Ecco! Textbook  Clear and concise explanations of grammar points

11 Ecco! Textbook  Friendly pointers for mastering pronunciation  Abundant reading material in varied text types

12 Ecco! Textbook  Guided speaking activities that practice listening, reading, and speaking  Abundant realia

13 Ecco! Textbook  Guided speaking activities that practice listening, reading, and speaking

14 Ecco! Textbook  New language is given real-life application  Thinking strategies aid understanding

15 Ecco! Textbook  Abundant cultural notes and intercultural comparisons

16 Ecco! Textbook  Additional Projects, e.g. cross-curricular, games, hands-on projects

17 Ecco! Textbook  Special section on how to use a bi- lingual dictionary

18 Ecco! Textbook Key Features  Up-to-date photographs  Use of fun cartoon stories  Helpful grouping of vocabulary charts  Clear explanations of grammar points  Helpful pronunciation section  Abundant reading material  Guided Speaking Activities  Abundant culture

19 Ecco! Student’s Work Kit  The Ecco! Student's Work Kit consists of: –A print component (Ecco! Workbook) –An electronic component (Ecco! Student CD-ROM)

20 Ecco! Workbook Key Features  Checklists for students' active self-assessment of chapter’s learning objectives

21 Ecco! Workbook  Activities to help students master new vocabulary by building their own lists

22 Ecco! Workbook  Practice basic skills for using an Italian-English dictionary  Focused grammar activities

23 Ecco! Workbook  Lots of engaging listening, reading and writing activities

24 Ecco! Workbook  Cultural knowledge and cultural reflection activities  Technology-based activities

25 Ecco! Workbook Key Features  Self-assessment checklist  Specific activities to master vocabulary  Lots of listening, reading and writing activities  Abundant cultural activities  Technology-based activities

26 Ecco! Student CD-ROM  Like the Workbook, the CD- ROM reinforces what students have learned in the Textbook by providing varied interactive, engaging practice  The Student CD-ROM also extends the material in the Textbook with extra activities to enrich students' knowledge of Italian culture

27 Ecco! Student CD-ROM Six types of Activities  Act the part!  Work those words!  Sound it out  Write on!  Test yourself!  Find out more! + Certificate Certificate

28 Ecco! Student CD-ROM  Act the part! Cartoon story replay: listening, reading and speaking practice (students can record and playback their own voice in the story)

29 Ecco! Student CD-ROM  Work those words! Vocabulary games to reinforce knowledge of new words and phrases

30 Ecco! Student CD-ROM  Sound it out! Students record and play back their own voice

31 Ecco! Student CD-ROM  Write on! Varied writing prompts in a variety of electronic formats E-mail Blog PowerPoint™ Excel™

32 Ecco! Student CD-ROM  Test yourself! Chapter review quizzes (grammar, vocabulary and cultural knowledge)

33 Ecco! Student CD-ROM  Find out more! Varied activities to extend cultural knowledge

34 Ecco! Student CD-ROM  Printable record-keeping and certificate

35 Ecco! Teacher's Resource and Assessment Kit (TRAK)  Helpful advice on how to use each of the Ecco! components  Suggested plans programs for each chapter  Extra TE cultural notes for each chapter  Reproducible assessment tests  Assessment Audio CD

36 Ecco! Teacher's Resource and Assessment Kit (TRAK)  The TRAK also includes: –Multidisciplinary assessment tests –Reproducible student personal learning checklist

37 Ecco! Teacher Audio CDs  Contains lively, well-paced recordings by native speakers of the cartoon stories  Includes listening comprehension activities from the Workbook

38 Benefits of Ecco!  3-level program  Clear and logical instructional presentation  Created to motivate and engage students for their learning success and enjoyment  Up-to-date pedagogy  Use of authentic culture  Strong use of technology and cross- curricular activities

39 La Fine

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