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Presentation on theme: "WELCOME, EAGLE CANDIDATES!"— Presentation transcript:


2 Congratulations, Life Scout
Congratulations, Life Scout. In attaining the rank of Life Scout, you have had the opportunity to learn and master many skills. You've hiked and camped in good and not-so-good weather. You've learned to take care of yourself and others in the out-of-doors, as well as in your home community….

3 Before you now is the opportunity to master yet another set of skills
Before you now is the opportunity to master yet another set of skills. These skills are encompassed in the requirements for the rank of Eagle Scout. One of these requirements is your demonstration of leadership skills. You do so by planning and carrying out an Eagle Scout Leadership Service Project…. - Robert J. Mazzuca, Chief Scout Executive

4 Step 1. Understand the requirements for Eagle
In order to advance to the rank of Eagle, a candidate must complete all requirements from Scout to Eagle, prior to his 18th birthday, including; Scout skills / Scoutcraft Scout spirit; (do not take this one “lightly”) Community Service hours (2nd Class, Star, Life) 21 merit badges, 12 of which are Eagle designated positions of responsibility (Bugler is not an acceptable leadership position to satisfy the Life to Eagle requirement) while a Life Scout, plan, develop, and provide leadership to others in a service project Scoutmaster Conferences Boards of Review Step 1 – understand the requirements for Eagle.

5 Step 2. Begin the “process” of your Eagle Project by using the BSA Eagle Scout Leadership Service Project Workbook: Read the workbook completely and know the requirements the Life Scout must select his own Eagle service project; Project can not be chosen/directed by an adult or institution Project concept must be approved by the Scoutmaster (and consult the DER if in doubt) prior to detailing the project in the workbook Project can not benefit a for-profit business or private individual, or the BSA Provide presentation to designated Troop Committee members Step 2 – after obtaining the rank of Life, begin the Eagle Project “process” with the Eagle Project Workbook Recommend explaining your project in writing – a couple of paragraphs

6 Step 2. Eagle Scout Leadership Service Project Workbook continued:
the candidate must have the project workbook signed by all 4 of the following adults prior to performing the work the Scoutmaster (does your Scoutmaster know who you are?) the Unit Committee Chairman the Benefactor of the project, (do they really want it?) the Council or District Eagle Committee or Representative. (do you know your DER?)

7 Step 2. The “Project” work MUST NOT be started PRIOR to collecting all four of the stated signatures. Failure to comply with this requirement can VOID the entire project, requiring a NEW project to be chosen and new cycle of signatures to be acquired!

8 Step 2. Planning your workdays (Troop 10 rules) Finish the project
No Sunday mornings – absolutely forbidden. A Troop 10 adult must be present during workdays. Your Eagle Mentor or the Scoutmaster must physically inspect your worksite when you are finished. Plan accordingly – do not procrastinate Finish the project Clean up the mess – the work site will be immaculate! Finish all touch up work. Complete the post-project portion of your workbook. Get all your signatures. Anything less than the above is not a finished project. Time Management Do not procrastinate! No Troop 10 adult will be inconvenienced because of your lack of planning.

9 Step 3. Understand the timing of the Eagle Project, all Eagle rank requirements, and the Eagle Board of Review The BoR should be conducted no later than 3 months after the scout’s 18th birthday, and must be completed within 6 months of 18th birthday, or special approval is required from Council. The Eagle Application must be reviewed by the NCAC prior to the BoR Recommend fax a copy – usually returned with signature the same day Forward original and fax copy in package – get signatures on both Step 3. Understand the timing of the Eagle Project and all Eagle requriements, and know the timing of the Eagle BoR

10 Step 4. Start filling in the Eagle Application now, and continue as you progress through the requirements for Eagle rank. The Eagle Application will be signed by The unit leader at the proper place, after the Scoutmaster Conference (SMC) for Eagle rank The unit committee chairman (UCC) The unit committee reviews and approves the record of the Eagle candidate. If a unit leader or unit committee fails to sign or otherwise approve an application, the Eagle candidate may still be granted a board of review The failure of a unit leader or unit committee to sign an application may be considered by the board of review in determining the qualification of the Eagle candidate Step 4. Complete the Eagle Application as you progress through the rank of Life Scout.

11 Step 5. Gather Your References: Eagle Application
Generate a list of 5 people who know you well enough to speak about your character, your work ethic, your religious affiliation, your scout spirit. Neighbors, religious teachers, school teachers, coaches, employers Not unit leaders, generally Not the Scoutmaster Contact these references personally, by phone AND by letter, asking if they will supply a “letter of reference” to your upcoming “Eagle Board of Review”. With the letter request, include a self-addressed stamped envelope, pre-addressed to the Troop Advancement Chairman Reference letters are confidential, and their contents are not to be disclosed to any person who is not a member of the board of review.

12 Step 6. Write a “Life and Ambition Statement”:
As stated on the Eagle Application, “Attach to this application a statement of your ambitions and life purpose and a listing of positions held in your religious institution, school, camp, community, or other organizations during which you demonstrated leadership skills. Include honors and awards received during this service. This is a chance to blow your horn. Do not hold back!

13 Step 7. Plan and Coordinate a Board of Review.
Work with your Scoutmaster (SM), Troop Advancement Chairman, Mentor AND District Eagle Representative Your Troop will choose who will be on your BoR besides the Troop Advancement Chairman and the District Eagle Representative Max 6 people on the BoR A Troop representative will contact them personally, by phone, to request their participation, explaining to them the significance and their role on the Board, and providing the time and location The Troop will schedule the facility with the appropriate personnel. Call the facility 2 weeks in advance or more Plan to wear complete Class A uniform and bring your Eagle workbook, complete with all details, Life and Ambition statement, and completed and signed eagle application (SM, UCC)

14 Step 8. Have a Board of Review
The board of review (BoR) for an Eagle candidate: Unit leaders, assistant unit leaders, relatives, or guardians may not serve as members of a Scout's board of review. The board of review members should convene at least 30 minutes before the candidate appears in order to review the Eagle application, Life and Ambition Statement, 6 reference letters, and complete leadership service project workbook. At least one district or council advancement representative must be a member of the Eagle board of review if the board of review is conducted on a unit level. A council or district may designate more than one person to serve as a member of Eagle boards of review when requested to do so by the unit. It is not required that these persons be members of the advancement committee; however, they must have an understanding of the importance of the Eagle board of review.

15 Step 8. The candidate's Unit leader (SM) introduces him to the members of the board of review. The unit leader may remain in the room, but does not participate in the board of review. The unit leader may be called on to clarify a point in question. In no case should a relative or guardian of the candidate attend the review, even as a unit leader. (discretion of the DER) There is no standard set of questions that an Eagle candidate should be asked. However, the board should be assured of the candidate's participation in the program. This is the highest award that a Scout may achieve and, consequently, a thorough discussion of his successes and experiences in Scouting should be considered. After the review, the candidate and his unit leader leave the room while the board members discuss the acceptability of the candidate as an Eagle Scout.

16 Step 8. The decision (of the board) must be unanimous for approval.
If the candidate meets the requirements, he is asked to return and is informed that he will receive the board's recommendation for the Eagle Scout rank. If the candidate does not meet the requirements, he is asked to return and told the reasons for his failure to qualify. A discussion should be held with him as to how he may meet the requirements within a given period. Should the applicant disagree with the decision, the appeal procedures should be explained to him. A follow-up letter must be sent to the Scout confirming the agreements reached on the action(s) necessary for the advancement. If the Scout chooses to appeal, the board should provide the name and address of the person he is to contact. (See "Appealing a Decision" in the National BSA Policies and Procedures, No A.)

17 Step 9. Immediately After BoR Approval is given:
the Eagle Application is appropriately signed by the Eagle Board chairman and DER The Eagle BoR Advancement Report is signed by three persons: the Unit Advancement Chairman (usually), the BoR Chairman and another board member (such as the DER) Letters of reference are given to the AC or Scoutmaster, but are destroyed after BSA National informs SM of approval. Letters do not go to the scout

18 Step 10. Actions of the Scout after a successful BoR :
Candidate makes two (2) copies of the Workbook. One copy is for the scout and one copy is for the DER Candidate should make and keep one (1) copy of the Eagle Application (both pages) and one copy (1) of the Life and Ambition statement (L&A) Candidate should make three (3) copies of the completed BoR Advancement Report and insert into workbook for council use

19 Step 10. Actions of the Scout after a successful BoR :
Candidate assembles the council “package” which includes the original Service Project Workbook, original Eagle Application, L&A Statement and the three (3) copies of the (just completed) BoR Advancement Report (form 34403) Candidate either hand delivers or mails (certified receipt recommended) the “package” to: National Capital Area Council, BSA 9190 Rockvile Pike Bethesda, MD 20814 The Scout should provide a copy of the Service Project Workbook to the benefiting organization for their records.

20 Step 10. The application arrives at the council service center:
the front desk will give you a receipt for the package, if hand delivered. Hours are 8:30 to 5:00, M-F Council will review all documents and forward the Eagle Application to National

21 Step 10. When the “package” with the application and workbook arrives at the council service center: the Scout executive signs it to certify that the proper procedure has been followed and that the Board of Review has recommended the candidate for the Eagle Scout rank. The workbook is retained by the council during the Council approval process. The workbook may be returned to the Scout after National Council approval. Only the Eagle Scout Rank Application is actually forwarded to the National Eagle Scout Service office.

22 Step 11. National will approve the EA and reply to Local Council.
Local Council will mail a post card to the Scoutmaster informing that the candidate has been approved by National and is formally an Eagle Scout. Often takes 2-3 weeks Note: the date that a Life Scout becomes an Eagle Scout is the BoR date. Consider this when the new Eagle Scout starts earning Eagle Palms.

23 Step 12 Scoutmaster will notify scout of national council review.
Candidate must pick up the workbook directly from local council office. Council will also give several documents, along with an Eagle badge, medal, 1 parent Eagle pin, and Eagle ID card. Candidate starts planning and coordinating an Eagle Court of Honor with Troop Eagle CoH Coordinator.


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