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Community-based Coral Reef Monitoring and Management at the Folkestone Marine Reserve Project Accomplishments November 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Community-based Coral Reef Monitoring and Management at the Folkestone Marine Reserve Project Accomplishments November 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Community-based Coral Reef Monitoring and Management at the Folkestone Marine Reserve Project Accomplishments November 2009

2 Project Goal  to build capacity at the community level to support identification and analysis of the problems facing coral reefs within the reserve and the development and implementation of community-level strategies to combat the existing impacts.

3 Project Components  Establishment of the local coral reef network (e-group)  People & Corals teacher training and workbook distribution  Junior Coral Reef Ambassadors Programme (JCRA)  Community Coral Reef Monitoring Regime (Community Reef Watchers)  Folkestone Summer Camp  SMMA site visit.  Partnership agreements: Adopt-the-reserve Buoyage Infrastructure maintenance*

4 People & Corals Teacher Training  Objective: To train teachers to use the P&C workbook in the classroom  Accomplishments: 22 primary schools attended the workshop. Each teacher received a copy of the People & Corals workbook.

5 People and Corals Workbook Distribution Five copies of the workbook were delivered to over 68/80 primary schools

6 JCR Ambassadors  Objective: to encourage youth advocacy relating to coral reef conservation and education  Accomplishments: JCRA workshop conducted with 5 schools to develop manual. A copy of JCRA manual was delivered to the 5 schools. Currently Alexandra’s Coral Reef Club is the pilot school for the programme. (27 students) Established at St. James Secondary as of October 2009.

7 JCR Ambassadors Field trip to St. Lucia Swimming lessons Understanding the issue of marine pollution Water quality monitoring Turtle patrolFacilitating J8 team

8 Community Reef Watchers  Objectives: to build capacity of local divers so they can contribute to the safeguard of the reefs within the reserve. To develop a coral reef monitoring database for Folkestone. North Bellairs Fringing South Bellairs Fringing Fishermans Bank Dottins Bank Sandy Lane Bank Sandy Lane Patch Sandy Lane Fringing

9 Community Reef Watchers Accomplishments:  Two workshops were held training a total of 19 divers.  ~11 persons enrolled  Each diver was provided with the Reef Watchers package which included:  Reef watchers manual  Underwater guide  Instructional video on DVD  In-kind contributions provided by HIGHTIDE Watersports (BDS$3000)

10 Folkestone Summer Camp  Objective:: to increase children’s awareness of the marine reserves and the resources that reserves protect.  Sessions facilitators were from BSTP, CERMES, NCC and Folkestone.  Accomplishments: 10 kids (6-15yrs) participated in the 5 day camp. Kids engaged in field activities to fully understand the importance of habitats within the reserve.

11 Folkestone Summer Camp Learning to snorkelGlass bottom boat ride Learning about the marine organisms Marine Museum tourTurtle hatchlings releaseFun beach walk

12 SMMA St Lucia Visit  Purpose:  To observe surveillance and enforcement.  Training in preparation of marine reserve infrastructure.  Community participation.  SMMA private sector interaction.

13 SMMA St Lucia Visit

14 Adopt-the-reserve initiative  Objective: to build partnership between private sector and Folkestone Marine Reserve  Accomplishments: Six private sector agencies attended the meeting. Folkestone Marine Reserve Action Group was established and will meet on quarterly basis. Activities planned by January 2010:  Underwater and beach clean up  Action plan for Folkestone Fun Day  Funding of special projects  FMR lecture to Sunset Crest

15 Communication  Project Newsletter – ReefComm  Obtained via project’s website: estone.html estone.html  Access to project reports - workshops  CERMES Connection e-newsletter  Yahoo e-group  Facebook project page  Display at Holetown library

16 To be completed  Buoyage infrastructure maintenance (on-going)

17 Thank you for listening!

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