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FY16 Budget Process: Excel Workbook Instructions.

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Presentation on theme: "FY16 Budget Process: Excel Workbook Instructions."— Presentation transcript:

1 FY16 Budget Process: Excel Workbook Instructions

2 Important Note: These files are Macro-enabled. Please DO NOT change the file extension (.xlsm). 1 Please note the “!”

3 The first time you open the workbook, please Enable Content and make the file a Trusted Document. 2

4 The Workbook Tabs 3 1.Original Budget Detail: This tab has full chart of account detail and notes and is used for Data Entry 2.Fund and Org Summary: This tab is a pivot table that shows fund and org detail 3.Org and Fund Summary: This tab is a pivot table that shows org and fund detail 4.All Org and Fund Account Detail: This tab is a pivot table that shows full chart of account detail

5 Original Budget Detail: Contains 3 prior years of actuals, this year’s budget, and the proposed budget. 4 You can data enter ONLY in the light blue cells. For existing lines, you will data enter the dollar amount in the “FY16 PROPOSED” Original Budget and notes in the “FY16 PROPOSED Original Budget NOTES” Note: One-time approvals for the current year have been removed from the PROPROSED budget column

6 Original Budget Detail: Notes. 5 For notes, please use the following format: “Date – initials – note”

7 Helpful Buttons (since the workbook is protected) 6 1.Click to HIDE descriptions. This is helpful to limit the amount of space used on your computer screen or when printing. This hide the descriptions if they show 2.Click to SHOW descriptions. This will open the descriptions after they have been hidden 3.Click to SORT. This will allow you to sort the data based on the criteria that you select 4.Click to INSERT a new row. This will allow you to insert a new row. You will use this if you want to change any chart of account segment

8 The SORT Button 7 Choose a Primary Sort and an optional Secondary Sort, then click “OK”

9 The INSERT Button 8 The new row will have additional light blue cells (data enterable) – one for each chart of account segment Note: there are reminders to let you know the appropriate number of characters. The descriptions in the white fields will populate with translations

10 Pivot Table: Fund and Org Summary. 9 This pivot table summarizes Fund activity for all Orgs. The subtotal is on Fund Remember to REFRESH after changes are made to the Original Budget Detail

11 Pivot Table: Org and Fund Summary. 10 This pivot table summarizes Org activity by all Funds. The subtotal is on Org

12 Pivot Table: All Org and Fund Account Detail 11 This pivot table provides the full chart of account detail – Org – Fund – Account – Program – Activity - Location

13 Questions? Please contact the Budget Office – we are happy to assist you! Elissa Morton: Those budgets that fall under Ron Liebowitz or Patrick Norton (with the exception of Drew Macan, Tom Corbin, and Norm Cushman) Sue Lalumiere: Those budgets that fall under Tom Corbin, Bill Burger, Michael Geisler, or Jim Keyes Sarah Larocque: Those budgets that fall under Katy Smith Abbott, Drew Macan, or Norm Cushman Chris West: Those budgets that fall under Susan Baldridge, Andi Lloyd, and Tim Spears Sonja Aldisert: Those budgets that fall under MIIS

14 Thank you!

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