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Workbook 64-65. Underlined words: 1. There are monuments in our country. In patriā nostrā - abl. of place where In meaning in=ablative In meaning into=accusative.

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Presentation on theme: "Workbook 64-65. Underlined words: 1. There are monuments in our country. In patriā nostrā - abl. of place where In meaning in=ablative In meaning into=accusative."— Presentation transcript:

1 Workbook 64-65

2 Underlined words: 1. There are monuments in our country. In patriā nostrā - abl. of place where In meaning in=ablative In meaning into=accusative Monuments=subject [nom.] Verb=present tense

3 2. Plymouth Rock commemorates the great courage of the settlers. Animum magnum=d.o. =accusative sg.m. with of Plymouth Rock is subject [nom.] Verb is present tense

4 3. The people of France presented the Statue of Liberty to the free men… Viris With verb of giving Verb is past tense [imperfect or perfect] Subject is people [nom.] D.O.= Statue of Liberty

5 4. Many boys … Are honored by the Tomb of Unknown Soldier. Pueri multi= subject [] Verb is present passive Tomb is abl. with prep. by Unknown soldier is genitive with of

6 5. Arlington Cemetery is a sacred field. Arlington Cemetery and sacred field both are nominative with verb est (chapter 1, page 16). Sacer ager

7 111 Genitivebase Famae[1]fam- Dei[2]de- Verbi[2]verb- Pueri[2]puer- Agri[2]agr-

8 Text page 392 for NOUN forms

9 112 & & Serve=2vocative sg. &

10 Page 393 for ADJECTIVE charts.

11 B 1. ducem [dux,ducis,m.] (need a m. Adjective) Clarus Claram(f.) Clarum Clarorum

12 clarum Pace [pax,pacis, f.] (need an adjective) Aequē(not an adj.ending!) Aequā Aequo(m. or n.) aequa

13 aequā Leges [lex,legis, f.] Sacri Sacrae Sacros sacris

14 sacrae Homini [homo,hominis] Reliqui Reliquus Reliquo Reliquis

15 reliquo Now turn to page 413. With a partner find and write down from the L column 1-two 3 rd declension nouns 2-two 2 nd declension nouns 3-two 1 st declension nouns

16 4-decline one of your 1 st, one of your 2 nd and one of your 3 rd declension nouns.

17 In L column page 413 5- write the one adjective 6-how do you know it is an adjective? 7-write down 3 more adjectives from the M list

18 With your partner Get out your yellow sheet with the 3 rd declension nouns. Be sure all have a gender & meaning.

19 8. Write 2 derivatives from LEX 9. Write 2 derivatives from MILES 10. Write 2 derivatives from AMOR 11. Use your text dictionary and explain: HOMO SAPIENS

20 12. Write 2 derivatives from DUX. 13. Write two derivatives from PAX. 14. Write 2 derivatives from REX.

21 We’re building Latin muscles!

22 Turn in please.

23 Next… Groups for visual

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