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Isabel Williamson Lunar Observing Program Royal Astronomical Society of Canada.

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1 Isabel Williamson Lunar Observing Program Royal Astronomical Society of Canada

2 Goals of the Lunar Certificate Program 1. Develop an appreciation for, and an understanding of, the lunar surface. 2. Develop an understanding of modern lunar geology and the forces that have shaped the moon over its history. 3. Develop skills in observing detail. 4. Develop an understanding of how lunar phases and librations affect viewing specific features.

3 Lunar Certificate Requirements The Isabel Williamson certificate program is divided into two types of observations: Required Observations A certificate is awarded for completing all the Required objectives and activities. (268 items) Challenge Observations An additional letter of recognition will be presented to those who observe 100 or more Challenge features. (176 items and 12 libration features)

4 Program Organization I. Getting to Know the Moon 5 objectives to identify major systems and features of the Moon (7 required items, 4 challenge items) II. Main Observing List Specific targets and notes for 135 lunar regions (261 required items, 172 challenge items) III. Libration Challenge Features (optional) 10 objectives for features near the lunar limb that are visible only during favourable librations (12 challenge items)

5 Equipment All of the required objectives should be visible through 80mm, or larger, telescopes. Challenge objectives may require magnifications of up to 250x, which normally implies an aperture of at least 125 mm. Reference Materials Atlas of The Moon by Antonin Rukl is the official reference atlas for the program – each objective refers to the appropriate Rukl chart number(s) RASC Observer’s Handbook The Modern Moon: A Personal View by Charles A. Wood

6 Program Workbook Outline Certificate Guidelines A Lunar Geological Primer –Lunar History –Inner Structure of the Moon –Lunar Surface Features Lunar Geographical Feature Names Libration Observing Tips Checklist of observing activities and lunar features Templates for sketching ray features, libration etc. Sample Observation Recording Form Index to features and cross-reference to Rukl charts

7 For True “Lunatics” “For observers who have completed the certificate program, an interesting project would be to determine the number of named features on the Moon you can identify.” The RASC Observing Committee will issue an official letter of recognition to those who have identified, and recorded, 1000 or more named features on the moon.

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