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Lexington One Adult Education Classes Bob Herring September 9, 2004

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1 Lexington One Adult Education Classes Bob Herring September 9, 2004

2 About Our Program Lexington 1 Adult Ed’s primary purpose is to serve the needs of those without high school diplomas By law, we cannot offer certifications or college credit Community Education We try to meet the needs of the community If there is enough demand for a course, we will try to offer it! We are located on the campus of Lexington High School (2421 Augusta Hwy, west of town)

3 About Our Program Classes are held at the Lexington Technology Center

4 Computer Classes Introduction to Computers, the Internet, and Microsoft Word Introduction to Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Publisher, Access) Courses meet Monday and Tuesday nights, 6:00 -- 9:00 for four weeks (24 hours total) Fee is $60 ($50 with senior discount) Next classes begin 9/27 or 10/4

5 Introduction to Computers WeekLessonSubject 1 2 3 4 2 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 Computer hardware; software; mouse practice Windows XP; moving and resizing windows Windows files and folders Internet -- Browsing and searching Microsoft Word, Lesson 3 Microsoft Word, Lesson 2 Microsoft Word, Lesson 1 Internet -- e-mail

6 Introduction to Office WeekLessonSubject 1 2 3 4 2 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 Office as a suite of solutions; program similarities Microsoft Word refresher Microsoft Excel, Lesson 1 Microsoft Excel, Lesson 2 Microsoft Access Microsoft Publisher Microsoft PowerPoint, Lesson 2 Microsoft PowerPoint, Lesson 1

7 Other Computer Classes If there is sufficient demand, we will schedule in-depth Office and web design classes We have offered these classes in the past: Beginning Word Advanced Word Beginning Excel Advanced Excel PowerPoint and Publisher Beginning Access Intermediate Access Web Design I Web Design II

8 Other Classes CarpentrySmall Engine Repair WeldingCertified Nursing Assistant

9 Carpentry The course covers the framing stage of construction, and includes: Planning and layout of a structure Installing batterboards Foundation, floor, wall, and roof framing Roofing Cornice window and door installation Siding NO cabinet or furniture making. Tuesday nights 6:00 -- 9:00 for 10 weeks (Begins 9/14)

10 Small Engine Repair This course prepares the student to properly maintain and tune up many types of lawn and garden equipment. The course covers: two- and four-cycle engines frame and drive train repairs Fee is $75. Tuesday nights 6:00 -- 9:00 for 10 weeks (Begins 9/14)

11 Welding Teaches the fundamentals of welding. It is appropriate for hobbyists and entry-level jobs not requiring certification. Course includes: Operating a torch MIG welding Stick welding. Fee is $75 plus $25 for materials. Tuesday nights 6:00 -- 9:00 for 10 weeks (Begins 9/14)

12 Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) Prepares students to obtain a CNA certification, with 9 weeks of class and 40 hours of clinical training. The class will begin in January 2005, and the cost is $425 Additional costs for a stethoscope, uniform, doctor’s physical, and the textbook and workbook Class times will be Monday and Tuesday nights, from 6:00 to 9:00. Call 359-4036 for further details.

13 Contact Us Phone (803) 359-4036 Mail 2421 Augusta Hwy, Lexington, SC 29072 E-Mail Internet

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