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پاورپوینت درس 5 زبان انگلیسی پایه هفتم دبیرستان شاهد اهل قلم ارومیه تهیه کننده: میر حسین میرتیمور سیدی نام دبیر: آقای سلیمی

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Presentation on theme: "پاورپوینت درس 5 زبان انگلیسی پایه هفتم دبیرستان شاهد اهل قلم ارومیه تهیه کننده: میر حسین میرتیمور سیدی نام دبیر: آقای سلیمی"— Presentation transcript:


2 پاورپوینت درس 5 زبان انگلیسی پایه هفتم دبیرستان شاهد اهل قلم ارومیه تهیه کننده: میر حسین میرتیمور سیدی نام دبیر: آقای سلیمی


4 Lesson 5 My Appearance L D R

5 Lesson 5 Conversation Listen to the student and his father talking about the student’s teachers at school. Father: Is that your English teacher? Student: No, my English teacher is the tall man. He’s wearing a grey suit. He’s over there. Father: And which one is your math teacher? Student: He’s wearing a blue suit and a white shirt. Father: Let’s meet your English teacher first.

6 Practice 1 Talking about appearance (height, clothes, and color)
Lesson 5 Practice Talking about appearance (height, clothes, and color) Listen to the examples. Then ask and answer with a friend. Who is Mr. Davoodi? Who’s Mrs. Lari? Which one is Laleh? Which one is Reza? He’s the tall man. He’s wearing a grey suit. She’s the tall woman. She’s wearing a black chador. She’s the tall girl. She’s wearing a brown scarf. He’s the short boy. He’s wearing a white shirt.

7 Lesson 5 Practice 2 Talking about appearance (age, clothes, and color)
Listen to the examples. Then ask and answer with a friend. Who is Mr. Lotfi? Who’s Mrs. Danesh? Which one is Dorna? Which one is your teacher? He’s the old man. He’s wearing a green jacket. She’s the old woman. She’s wearing a brown manteau. She’s the young girl. She’s wearing a grey scarf. He’s the young man. He’s wearing a blue suit.

8 Lesson 5 Sounds and Letters
Listen to the student and her teacher talking. In English?چادرStudent: Excuse me, teacher? What’s Teacher: Chador. ?دستکشStudent:And Teacher: Gloves. Student: And how do you spell them? Teacher: c-h-a-d-o-r, and g-l-o-v-e-s.

9 Lesson 5 Listening and Reading
Listen to the conversations and check (ü) the correct items. Conversation Color Height Clothes Tall short suit T-shirt Brown blue 1 Tall short chador manteau Black grey 2

10 Speaking and Writing Lesson 5 Group Work
Ask your classmates about their family members and fill out the table below. Height Age Relationship Name tall 42 Ali’s unche Rahman short 39 Saeed’s father Ali 22 Hosein’s brother Afshin 34 Kimia’s sister Parisa

11 Photo Dictionary Lesson5
tall short

12 Photo Dictionary Lesson5

13 Photo Dictionary Lesson5

14 Photo Dictionary Lesson5

15 Photo Dictionary Lesson5

16 Photo Dictionary Lesson5

17 Photo Dictionary Lesson5

18 Photo Dictionary Lesson5

19 Photo Dictionary Lesson5

20 Photo Dictionary Lesson5

21 Photo Dictionary Lesson5

22 Photo Dictionary Lesson5

23 Photo Dictionary Lesson5

24 Photo Dictionary Lesson5

25 Photo Dictionary Lesson5

26 Photo Dictionary Lesson5

27 Photo Dictionary Lesson5

28 Photo Dictionary Lesson5

29 Photo Dictionary Lesson5

30 Photo Dictionary Lesson5

31 Photo Dictionary Lesson5

32 Photo Dictionary Lesson5

33 colors

34 yellow

35 black

36 blue

37 white

38 green

39 grey

40 red

41 orange

42 brown

43 pink

44 Workbook Workbook Workbook

45 Lesson 5 My Appearance Word Finding
1- Match the Persian words with the English ones. There is one extra word. Scarf Jacket Shoes Chador Suit Shirt Trousers manteau پیراهن شلوار کفش کت و شلوار چادر مانتو روسری

46 Lesson 5 My Appearance Word Making 1- Match the word parts. Cha irt
Trou sers Jack dor Mant eau et

47 Lesson 5 dress glasses belt sandals My Appearance Word Writing
1- Write the names. dress glasses belt sandals

48 Lesson 5 My Appearance Word Writing
2- Use these words to label the pictures. suit shirt jacket trousers manteau scarf chador shoes suit jacket chador

49 Lesson 5 My Appearance Word Writing
3- Unscramble the words and put them in the puzzle. The first letter of the words is given. 1) nikp ……pink……………………… 2) lowyle ……yellow……………………… ………………………………3) 4) elbu ……blue……………………… 5) reegn ……green……………………… 6) rowbn ……brown……………………… 7) hitwe ……white……………………… 8) yrge ……grey……………………… 9) dre ……red……………………… 10) clabk ……black……………………… 7 w h i 9 6 t 8 r 4 b l u e 5 g r e e n r 10 r d 3 o r a n g e b w 2 y e l l o w 1 p i n k a What is color 3? c orange k

50 Lesson 5 My Appearance Word Writing
4- Write the color you prefer for each of the clothing items. trousers suit manteau shoes scarf shirt jacket Clothing Item grey black brown Color

51 Lesson 5 My Appearance Word Writing 6- Choose the right word.
1. Kamal’s short / tall. 2. Reza’s young / old. 3. Karim’s old / young. 4. Ramin’s short / tall. Kamal Reza Karim Ramin

52 Lesson 5 My Appearance Word Writing
7- These are two English words we use in Persian. Look around, find and write more words. International Words! computer apartment chador T-shirt radio television villa pajamas

53 Lesson 5 My Appearance Word Writing
Davood and Rahman are talking about their teachers at school. Use the table below to make a conversation. Davood: Rahman: And which one is your math teacher? Which man is your English teacher? He’s wearing a blue suit and a white shirt. He’s the young man. He’s wearing a green jacket.

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