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Dan Snyder Resource Manager Denver MongoDB Meetup.

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Presentation on theme: "Dan Snyder Resource Manager Denver MongoDB Meetup."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dan Snyder Resource Manager Denver MongoDB Meetup

2 WHO ARE WE?  Relationship Based Recruitment  Belief in a Two Client Structure  Create visibility, and transparency to potential candidates  Strong relationships with Clients

3 DOYLE GROUP GOALS  Network with the Top Talent in Colorado  Build a solid Client Base that understands and believes in our philosophy and approach  Understand Client and Candidates goals to create a happy marriage between the two parties  Be involved!

4 CLOSING  Please feel free to reach out to us anytime with specific inquiries, or just overview on the market.  Denver is a relatively small market, and your network can greatly impact your career.  Please utilize our network!  Q&A

5 CONTACT US   Follow The Doyle Group:  LinkedIn LinkedIn  Twitter Twitter  Facebook Facebook   720-744-6586

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