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Speed, Attitude, Discipline

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1 Speed, Attitude, Discipline
Patriot Offense Speed, Attitude, Discipline

2 Offensive Line RT/LT will be our most athletic lineman. Must be able to run, block in space, and set the edge on outside runs RG/LG will be our biggest and most physical lineman. Must be able to get push up to second level and short pull. C will be our smartest and most fundamentally sound lineman. He must know everyone’s job.

3 Backs H will be our most athletic B or our best receiving TE. Must be able to catch the football, set the edge on outside runs, and lead block on misdirection. B must be able to lead block and run the veer. A must be able to see the hole and hit the hole. Also needs to run veer from the gun.

4 Tight Ends and Wide Receivers
TE is pretty much a sixth offensive lineman. Must be able to down block, block in space, and set the edge on outside runs. Will be asked to run intermediate routes. WR have to block in the run game. If we can’t run the ball, passing becomes extremely difficult.

5 Quarterback QB will be the player who has best combination of athleticism, speed, and throwing ability. QB needs to know what all 11 players are doing on every play. QB also needs to be able to effectively relay information from the sidelines to the players on the field.

6 Run Game Veer: 3 players have the opportunity to get the football on any given play. Iso: straight forward smash mouth football play. Hump: our counter to veer. Izzy: our version of inside zone and our complement to Iso. Cut: our complement/misdirection to Izzy.

7 Blocking Calls/Schemes
O-line: “Dallas” double team between guard and tackle. “Denver” double team between center and guard. We have two different types of “Dallas” and “Denver”: hard and soft Hard is our typical “track meet” double trying to get vertical push as fast as we can. Soft is our post and pull double team. The covered lineman posts the DL and the uncovered pulls to over take. This is more of horizontal double team. Hard doubles will be used playside on Veer, Iso, and Hump. Soft doubles will be used playside on Izzy and Cut, and backside on all runs. “Bama” means block down on the first man inside of you. “Fan” means block out on the first man outside of you.

8 Veer Right vs. 30 Front LG, C, RG all Denver.
Playside Tackle veer steps to backside LB. Backside Tackle veer steps playside safety. TE best release up to playside safety.

9 Veer Left vs. 30 Front

10 Veer Right vs. 40 Front TE best release to first man outside
RG/RT hard dallas LG/C soft denver LT veer steps

11 Veer Left vs. 40 Front LT veer steps LG/C hard denver
RG/RT soft dallas TE best release

12 Veer Adjustments -Veer Left
Playside Backer comes to the line pre-snap. LT will down block the backer. NO penetration!!! B

13 Veer Adjustments -Veer Left
C: Sees himself and both guards are covered. He yells BAMA Right BAMA Right. We always BAMA away from the play call. B B

14 Veer Adjustments -Veer Left
LT- J step We will call J Step when a T has been pinching or playing heavy in B gap. J Step means we outside release looking for inside backer.

15 Iso vs. 30 Front -the backer in red is the iso backer
RT: Take T where he wants to go. Ideally we FAN. LG,C,RG: Denver N LT: Veer Steps TE: FAN

16 Iso Lt vs. 30 Front -the backer in red is the iso backer
LT: Take T where he wants to go. Ideally we FAN. LG,C,RG: Denver N RT: Veer Steps TE: Best Release

17 Iso Rt vs. 40 Front RG, RT, TE: All FAN LG/C: Hard Denver
LT: Veer Steps

18 Iso Lt vs. 40 Front RG/RT: Soft Dallas LG/C: Hard Denver LT: FAN
TE: Best Release

19 Iso Adjustments -Iso Right
Iso backer walks up to the line. O line if you can see his feet he is on the line. This will be a BAMA call for the line. If you can still DOUBLE, then DOUBLE. Now the playside DE is getting iso-ed, and the play will hit of the LT’s outside hip. B B

20 Iso Adjustments -Iso Rt.
Iso backer walks up into the hole. Playside guard is cover on both sides. BAMA Left BAMA Left should be called. As always if you can still double, then double. Now playside outside is the iso backer. B

21 Hump Rt v. 30 Front TE: FAN RT: Influence Block RG/C: Hard Denver
LG: Skip/Long Pull LT: Veer steps looking to seal off cutback

22 Hump Lt v. 30 Front TE: Best Release RT: Veer steps seal inside
for cutback RG: Skip/Long Pull LG/C: Hard Denver LT: Influence Block

23 Hump Rt v. 40 Front TE: FAN RT: FAN RG: FAN C: DOWN LG: Skip/Long pull
LT: Veer steps seal inside for cutback

24 Hump Lt. v. 40 Front LT: FAN LG/C: Hard Denver RG: Skip/Long Pull
RT: Cut/Quick reach B gap player TE: Best Release seal off inside for cutback

25 Hump Adjustments B C,RG,RT,TE: all BAMA
away from the play Playside Guard: both gaps are covered BAMA call. BAMA tells the pulling guard that his pull will be longer. LG: Skip/Long pull LT: Veer steps seal inside for cutback B

26 Stretch Rt. v. 30 Front LT: Veer Steps C: Influence Block
TE: Influence Block LG: Long Pull looking for first open hole, you are the cutback block RT: Influence Block RG: Uncovered Long Pull looking for first open hole

27 Stretch Rt. v. 30 Front TE: Influence Block RT/RG: Soft Dallas
C/LG: Soft Denver LT: Veer Steps

28 Stretch Lt. v. 30 Front LT/LG: Soft Dallas RT: Veer Steps, must
get a piece of LB TE: Best Release C/RG: Soft Denver

29 Stretch Rt v. 40 Front C/LG: Soft Denver TE: Down or Influence
depends on where DE is LT: Veer Steps RT/RG: Soft Dallas

30 Stretch Lt. v. 40 Front RG/RT: Soft Dallas LT: Influence Block
-either reach him or run him to the sideline TE: Best Release LG/C: Soft Denver

31 Pass Protection Right Formation -Center declares the right MLB
as the MIKE Covered you are BOB -big on big Uncovered you help to the MIKE call FS SS B B C B B C T N T Z C RG RT LT LG TE X LG/RG: both help the Center with their eyes On their LB A/B: Step up and work inside out. If OLB comes he is yours. A B QB

32 Pass Protection Right Formation -Center declares the right MLB
as the MIKE Covered you are BOB -big on big Uncovered you help to the MIKE call FS SS B B C B E N T E C Z C RG RT LT LG TE X B: Steps up then out. He is responsible for OLB. A: Steps up, if ILB comes he’s yours A B QB LG/C: double the N w/ eyes on the MIKE

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