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Reinventing Portfolios in Sakai 3.0 Erica Ackerman, Noah Botimer, Tiffany Marra, Beth Kirschner, Urmila Venkatesh University of Michigan.

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Presentation on theme: "Reinventing Portfolios in Sakai 3.0 Erica Ackerman, Noah Botimer, Tiffany Marra, Beth Kirschner, Urmila Venkatesh University of Michigan."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reinventing Portfolios in Sakai 3.0 Erica Ackerman, Noah Botimer, Tiffany Marra, Beth Kirschner, Urmila Venkatesh University of Michigan

2 2 June 15-172010 Sakai Conference - Denver, CO, U.S.A. 2

3 3 June 15-172010 Sakai Conference - Denver, CO, U.S.A. 3

4 4 June 15-172010 Sakai Conference - Denver, CO, U.S.A. What is a portfolio? Expressive presentation of a student’s learning? Collection of learning objects? Workflow aggregating learning objects over time? 4 Answer: All of the above

5 5 June 15-172010 Sakai Conference - Denver, CO, U.S.A. Part I: Portfolio Evolution OSP tools need to evolve in order to: Provide better design usability and flexibility Provide better integration with other Sakai tools and functionality Provide a framework that can cross programs and courses Remove existing constraints to provide missing functionality 5

6 2009: Portfolio-Related Vignettes Assess Document Own Empower Re-purpose Express Migrate Preserve Customize Usability Present Collaborate Guide Collect Associate Reflect Tag Evaluate Share Report Workflow Export 6 June 15-172010 Sakai Conference - Denver, CO, U.S.A. 6

7 7 June 15-172010 Sakai Conference - Denver, CO, U.S.A. Present & Collaborate & Share Sakai 3 sites provide: Multiple html pages, hierarchical navigation Site Themes Collaboration Duplication (pending) Sharing Deletion Browse/Sort/Filter (pending) Search Templates (pending) 7

8 8 June 15-172010 Sakai Conference - Denver, CO, U.S.A. Present & Collaborate & Share Sakai 3 Portfolio sites will provide: Publish: create persistent public presentation Print: printable representation of entire site Export: download as HTML, PDF, … Comment/Feedback Tag Rigidity: adding/removing pages optionally restricted 8

9 Slide Title June 15-172010 Sakai Conference - Denver, CO, U.S.A. 9

10 Slide Title June 15-172010 Sakai Conference - Denver, CO, U.S.A. 10

11 11 June 15-172010 Sakai Conference - Denver, CO, U.S.A. Evaluate & Feedback Structured or unstructured Global or content specific Inline or attached 11

12 12 June 15-172010 Sakai Conference - Denver, CO, U.S.A. Workflow & Guide Easy to define wizard-like workflow Easy to use wizard-like workflow Freedom to design & format pages User-selected learning objects Automatically bound learning objects (e.g. assignments) Tagging State-full progression (ready, pending, …) Evaluator & Peer feedback/review 12

13 Slide Title June 15-172010 Sakai Conference - Denver, CO, U.S.A. 13

14 Slide Title June 15-172010 Sakai Conference - Denver, CO, U.S.A. 14

15 15 June 15-172010 Sakai Conference - Denver, CO, U.S.A. Collect & Associate & Tag Suggestive Collection Students select content based on suggestions in presentation templates Selective Collection Students select content based on competency based workflow Bound Association Content automatically bound to student’s portfolio workflow Tagging Content associations with workflow competencies or with each other 15

16 16 June 15-172010 Sakai Conference - Denver, CO, U.S.A. Reflect “Reflect anywhere” Structured Reflection (form based) Unstructured Reflection (free-text) 16

17 17 June 15-172010 Sakai Conference - Denver, CO, U.S.A. Export & Report Exportable content formats (html, pdf, …) Easy data extraction for reporting 17

18 18 June 15-172010 Sakai Conference - Denver, CO, U.S.A. Part II: Portfolio Application A portfolio is… Expressive presentation of a student’s learning Collection of learning objects Workflow aggregating learning objects over time Michigan needs all three, but is currently focused on the first need 18

19 Expressive Presentation Portfolios Goal: For an external audience, the portfolio should look like a website, not a Learning Management System. Currently, default Sakai 3 sites look like part of an LMS. 19 June 15-172010 Sakai Conference - Denver, CO, U.S.A.

20 Default View, Not Logged In 20

21 Default View – Logged In 21

22 Default View – Edit 22

23 Michigan Changes – Logged Out 23 June 15-172010 Sakai Conference - Denver, CO, U.S.A.

24 Michigan – Logged In 24

25 Michigan – Edit Page 25

26 Michigan – Site Creation Wizard For testing, added “Use wizard for settings” checkbox After naming site, user is taken directly to the Appearance tab of the Site Management page Link changed from “Return to Site” to “Continue to Site” Saving takes you directly to the new site 26 June 15-172010 Sakai Conference - Denver, CO, U.S.A.

27 Create Site Dialog 27

28 Create Site - Appearance 28

29 Part III: Challenges of Working with Sakai 3 Developing against a moving target Learning curve for Git source control management system Learning how the environment works (Jackrabbit, Sling, etc.) Creating a production system with JavaScript 29 June 15-172010 Sakai Conference - Denver, CO, U.S.A.

30 Joys of Working with Sakai 3 Creating a production system with JavaScript Fantastically simple UX development environment (just edit files and see your changes in the browser) Easy to experiment with new ideas – just create a branch in Git 30 June 15-172010 Sakai Conference - Denver, CO, U.S.A.

31 How the UX Works: JavaScript Files JavaScript files manipulate the markup (display widgets on the page, create and respond to buttons, enter edit mode, etc.) Some of the most fundamental are: site.js site_admin.js sakai_magic.js 31 June 15-172010 Sakai Conference - Denver, CO, U.S.A.

32 How the UX Works: Functional CSS HTML in skin with functional markup (classes not just for presentation with CSS) … 32 June 15-172010 Sakai Conference - Denver, CO, U.S.A.

33 How the UX Works: Example var widgetSelector = ".widget_inline"; var insertWidgets = function(containerId, showSettings, context){ // Use document.getElementById() to avoid jQuery selector escaping issues with '/‘ var el = containerId ? document.getElementById(containerId) : $(document.body); // Array of jQuery objects that contains all the elements with the widget selector class. var divarray = $(widgetSelector, el); … } 33 June 15-172010 Sakai Conference - Denver, CO, U.S.A.

34 Widgets For our purposes, there are two kinds of widgets: Widgets for creating the UI (createsite, navigationchat, siterecentactivity) Widgets that users can add to a page (video, youtubevideo, poll) Widgets have their own HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Beth is working on a widget to allow users to build a form on a page for use in a Workflow type portfolio. 34 June 15-172010 Sakai Conference - Denver, CO, U.S.A.

35 Questions? June 15-172010 Sakai Conference - Denver, CO, U.S.A. 35

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