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+ Denver Public Schools Highly Gifted and Talented Summer Institute Tools for Teaching Highly Gifted Students June 3rd.

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Presentation on theme: "+ Denver Public Schools Highly Gifted and Talented Summer Institute Tools for Teaching Highly Gifted Students June 3rd."— Presentation transcript:

1 + Denver Public Schools Highly Gifted and Talented Summer Institute Tools for Teaching Highly Gifted Students June 3rd

2 + Welcome Catherine I. Gonzales-  Director of Gifted and Talented Education

3 + Keynote Speaker- Jann Leppien Inspiring Student Research: Tools & Strategies for Enhancing the Process

4 + Breakout Sessions Breakout Session 1 (12:30-1:30) Dr. Jann Leppein ~ “Inspiring Student Research: Tools & Strategies for Enhancing the Process” Social Hall Dr. Stuart Omdal ~ “Creativity Programming Options to Meet Highly Gifted Students' Strengths” CLASSROOM B Breakout Session 2 (1:40-2:40) Dr. Jann Leppein ~ “Technology and Differentiation” Social Hall Dr. Stuart Omdal ~ “RtI and Highly Gifted” CLASSROOM B

5 + Looking Ahead/ Evaluation Please complete evaluation before you leave. If you are only attending today, pick up your 6 hr certificate. If you will be attending Monday as well, certificates will be available after Monday’s Institute. Monday coffee and collegiality will begin at 8am.

6 + Denver Public Schools Highly Gifted and Talented Summer Institute Tools for Teaching Highly Gifted Students June 6th

7 + DAGT- Denver Association of Gifted and Talented DAGT is CAGT’s Denver Affiliate DAGT’s focus is providing knowledge for parents plus a forum for engagement, networking and sharing of information Organize speaker events on different topics related to giftedness for parents. Almost all events are free of charge.

8 + DAGT  We hold our speaker events at schools across Denver and keen to bring a speaker event to your school.  As a result of parents expressing a need to have more time for discussion, DAGT also hold a monthly drop in discussion group. It’s run like a book group but with a short article instead of a whole book to read!

9 + DAGT  Moving forward in 2011/12  Broaden the parent network to help DAGT in making sure information on events reaches as many people as possible  Create opportunities for parents to have a deeper understanding of gifted learning needs and giftedness for both their children and for themselves  Contact us at or  Any questions, call Mandianne Berg on 303-502-7259

10 + Agenda for Monday- June 6th

11 + Breakout Session Rooms William and Mary- Kim Chandler SOCIAL HALL Laurie Eaton CLASSROOM B Dr. Bob Seney SEMINAR Room

12 + Seminar Room Dr. Bob Seney

13 + Seminar Room Dr. Bob Seney

14 + Classroom B Laurie Eaton

15 + Classroom B Laurie Eaton

16 + Classroom B Stuart Omdal

17 + Classroom B Stuart Omdal

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