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Verifying the Completion of Degree Requirements Amelia Jackson Assistant Registrar for Degree Audit University of Colorado Boulder Gwen Persons Graduation.

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Presentation on theme: "Verifying the Completion of Degree Requirements Amelia Jackson Assistant Registrar for Degree Audit University of Colorado Boulder Gwen Persons Graduation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Verifying the Completion of Degree Requirements Amelia Jackson Assistant Registrar for Degree Audit University of Colorado Boulder Gwen Persons Graduation Certification Specialist University of Colorado Denver

2 University of Colorado T ools used to assist with the certification process –DARS Degree Audit Reporting System –BAS Batch Audit Software & Reports from Batch audits –Singularity Document Management System

3 CU Boulder’s Process Individual DARS audits used year round by both Students and Advisors –Continuous use helps identify issues early on –Running an updated audit prior to course registration, lets the student see what requirements they are lacking and allows them to link to course descriptions for better course planning –Helps students stay on track to earning their degree

4 Individual Degree Audits Used year round by both Students and Advisors –Continuous use helps identify issues early on –Running an updated audit prior to course registration, lets the student see what requirements they are lacking and allows them to link to course descriptions for better course planning –Helps students stay on track to earning their degree

5 Exceptions Processed in the DARS System Advisors process exceptions to students degree requirement in DARS –keeps an electronic record of the exception (with approval information) –Helps the student have an accurate picture of where they are with completing their degree requirements

6 CollegeSource’s Batch Audit Software (BAS) Large batches of individual audits for each college –Output is a PDF of continuous individual student audits –Files are archived in Singularity as individual audits under each specific student as well as the entire large file

7 Graduation Check Batch Run Schedule Run #Information on when the run will occur 1 st RunDay after Census 2 nd Run4 weeks after initial run 3 rd Run1 week after the deadline for students to apply to graduate and have their name appear in the commencement program 4 th RunDay after our I/F conversion grading process for the semester 5 th RunDay after our final confirmed lists are due from our colleges 6 th Run3 Days before Degrees are posted on Transcripts

8 Reporting off of the Batch Audit Runs High level Yes/No status Yes = No = Including “IP” (In-Progress) courses = – After registration for the next term, two reports are provided 1)Includes “IP” courses 2)Excludes “IP” courses


10 Ways advisors are using the report Identify which students are not meeting their requirements early on in the semester – Add missing exceptions – Move the student to a future term if they will not be able to meet the requirements by the end of the term Identify if there is an encoding issue within the audit if all pending graduating students in a major are not meeting requirements – Sent to the degree audit staff to review encoding and correct where needed

11 Denver’s Milo the Lynx Boulder’s Chip the Buffalo

12 University of Colorado Denver T ools used to assist with the certification process –DARS Degree Audit Reporting System –BAS Batch Audit Software & Reports from Batch audits –Singularity Document Management System –A-PDF –PeopleSoft

13 University of Colorado Denver Special circumstances –Full undergraduate degree audit implementation began Fall 2013 –Basic degree requirement check is Phase 1 of larger graduation certification initiative –Ultimate goal: full centralized graduation clearance using degree audit

14 CU Denver’s Process Basic campus degree requirement check –GPA –Total hours Other requirements checked by individual schools and colleges (for now)

15 Pilot to Permanent In Pilot stage from Fall 2012-Summer 2013 Permanent process implemented Fall 2013 –Phased down from a Registrar/Dean process –Working group of Advisors and Registrar staff convened –Timing aligned with campus graduation procedures

16 What Do We Check? Basic campus degree requirement check –Minimum 2.0 GPA –Minimum 120 applicable hours Non-applicable repeat credit removed (including repeat from transfer credit, cross- listed, renumbered and no co-credit groups) –Missing grades from previous semesters indicated

17 Batch Audit Process Specialized audit runs 5 times per semester: CheckTimingPopulation Pre-Check (optional)2 weeks to 1 month prior to term List provided by School/College Census CheckDay after CensusGraduation Roster (ISIS) Mid-Semester CheckHalfway through termGraduation Roster (ISIS) Grade Post CheckDay after Grades PostGraduation Roster (ISIS) Degree Post CheckDay after Degree PostDegrees conferred list

18 Outcomes Report summarizes data from batch audits – Merged with report including biographical info and additional detail from student information system “Issues List” submitted to DA Coordinators A final “Watch List” submitted to Registrar and Advising Directors at end of semester Registrar holds degrees until issues are resolved

19 Reporting and Archiving Service Indicator mass applied/mass released at each check –Reason codes for each check; Okay vs. Issue Batch transcripts run off of Service Indicator Batch transcript and batch audit PDFs split by student number and archived in Singularity

20 Lofty Goals Full graduation requirement check –Degree audit fully implemented Fall 2013 –Will begin checking students as early as Fall 2015 Piloting a 90 Hour Check - Summer 2014 –Students with 90-120 transcripted hours –Reporting GPA, non-applicable repeat and missing grades from completed terms

21 Questions? Comments? Share how your institution verifies the Completion of Degree Requirements

22 Thank You for Attending Amelia R. Jackson Assistant Registrar for Degree Audit University of Colorado Boulder Gwen Persons Graduation Certificate Specialist University of Colorado Denver

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