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2012 Metro Denver Region ECC Training 2012. Who am I? 2 Thank you for partnering with the CFC! Barbara Barfield, Campaign Director  Executive Director.

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Presentation on theme: "2012 Metro Denver Region ECC Training 2012. Who am I? 2 Thank you for partnering with the CFC! Barbara Barfield, Campaign Director  Executive Director."— Presentation transcript:

1 2012 Metro Denver Region ECC Training 2012

2 Who am I? 2 Thank you for partnering with the CFC! Barbara Barfield, Campaign Director  Executive Director for the PCFO  Involved with Metro Denver for past 3 years  Assist you in coordinating the Campaign  Coordinate the Events  Liaison between you and charities  Advise you on Federal Regulations  Assist you with your fiscal accountability  President of the “We Love Metro Denver Feds!” Fan Club

3 Barbara Barfield Campaign Director 720-999-1015 Irma Jones Campaign Operations Manager 720-999-2015 Cari Allen Campaign Coordinator 720-352-5076 Chuck Bader USPS Account Manager 719-232-3373 PCFO Team 3

4  CFC Overview  Metro Denver CFC  Employee Campaign Chair Role & Responsibilities  Campaign Timeline  Break  What’s New  Pledge Collection & Reporting  PII & OSI Security  Tips & Tools  Questions Overview: 4 Thank you for partnering with the CFC!

5  The mission of the CFC is to promote and support philanthropy through a program that is employee-focused, cost-efficient, and effective in providing all Federal employees the opportunity to improve the quality of life for all  Largest and most successful workplace giving campaign in the world  Only authorized charity fundraising in Federal workplace  Designation Campaign – not all charities receive funds  Each region sets Campaign Solicitation period sometime between September 1 – December 15 each year CFC 5 Thank you for partnering with the CFC!

6 Metro Denver CFC 6 Thank you for partnering with the CFC! Executive Committee Regional Federal Agency Directors PCFO Board of Directors Campaign Director LFCC Regional Military and Federal Agency Reps Employee Campaign Chairs Key Workers 1 per every 25 Other Volunteers Charitable Organizations

7  Approximately 40,000 Federal Employees in 17 counties  Raised $3.5 Million in 2009 and 2010; 3.1 in 2011  Geographic campaign hubs:  Boulder & Northern areas  Downtown  Denver Federal Center & Lakewood  Buckley & Aurora  Hubs supported with PCFO supported multi-agency kick-off events  Website: Metro Denver CFC 7

8  Strategic Plan  To educate donors on the impact, benefit and effectiveness of their contribution through the CFC (increase donor awareness)  To integrate workplace and personal core values into campaign (“service before self,” “leaving a legacy”.)  To increase participation by attracting/cultivating new donors  To increase donations  To enhance the giving experience  To link donors and human health & welfare program recipients Metro Denver CFC 8 Thank you for partnering with the CFC!

9  Strategic Plan Implementation Metro Denver CFC 9 Thank you for partnering with the CFC! Stephen Covey: “When you engage in work that taps your talent and fuels your passion—that rises out of a great need in the world that you feel drawn by conscience to meet—therein lies your voice, your calling, your soul’s code.”

10  The 8 th Habit Applied: Metro Denver CFC 10 Thank you for partnering with the CFC! “Find your voice”…

11  The 8 th Habit Applied: Metro Denver CFC 11 Thank you for partnering with the CFC! “…and inspire others to find theirs.”

12 2012 Initiatives Overview:  OPM Directive  NEXUS paper pledge  NEXUS Check Pledge  NEXUS Credit Card Giving  Mid Campaign Blitz What’s New 12 Thank you for partnering with the CFC!

13 Campaign Timeline 13 Thank you for partnering with the CFC! 2012 Campaign Activities Outline  Planning – Today – End of August (two weeks)  Campaign team recruitment  Goal Setting  Activities/Events  Kick-off  Presentations  Preparation – Early Sept – Mid Sept (Two Weeks)  Meet with team  Set internal reporting plan  Determine activities to support goal  Promote & Execution – Late Sept – Dec 15

14 Campaign Timeline 14 Thank you for partnering with the CFC! Six Week Campaign Outline (Most Effective & Efficient)  Campaign:  Week 1 – 100% Awareness  Kickoff Event/Activity  Week 2 – 100% Opportunity  Group Presentation  Week 3 – 100% Follow Up  Collect Pledges  Week 4 – 6 Follow Up and answer questions

15  Campaign Focus Online Giving 2012 Campaign Theme 15

16 Metro Denver CFC Rule #1: Must Have Fun! Metro Denver CFC Rules 16 Thank you for partnering with the CFC!

17  Rule #2: Must Have Chocolate! Metro Denver CFC Rules 17 Thank you for partnering with the CFC!

18  Rule #3: K eep I t S imple! Metro Denver CFC Rules 18 Thank you for partnering with the CFC!

19 OPM Campaign Rules  100% Awareness  100% Opportunity  100% Follow-Up  No Coercion  PII & OSI Compliance  5CFR Part 950 & OPM Memorandum Metro Denver CFC 19 Thank you for partnering with the CFC!

20 Who are You? 20 Thank you for partnering with the CFC! Employee Campaign Chair (ECC)  Team Leader!  Recruit the Department/Agency/Division Team  Create the Campaign Plan  Inspire  Motivate  Campaign Reporting  Campaign Follow Up

21 Campaign Team 21 Thank you for partnering with the CFC!  Employee Campaign Chair  KeyWorkers (ideally 1:25)  Events Volunteers  Event Participants  Other Volunteers

22 Campaign Activities 22 Thank you for partnering with the CFC! Campaign Planning: Now Thru end of August  Recruit Team  1 KeyWorker for every 25 Staff  Consider a Finance officer for larger agencies  Responsible for weekly turn-ins and pledge reconciliation  Events Committee - Ask former ECCs or KeyWorkers to serve on Events Committee  By spreading out the tasks, you ensure everyone has fun and will want to help out again next year

23 Campaign Activities 23 Thank you for partnering with the CFC! Campaign Planning: Now until End of August  Determine Campaign Potential  Verify Staff Numbers  Use this formula to determine Campaign Potential: # of Staff X Average Annual Salary ($59,964*) X.006 = Every person giving one hours’ pay per paycheck  Example: Metro Denver Region 40,000 staff * $81,258 *.006 = $14,391,360

24 Campaign Activities 24 Thank you for partnering with the CFC! Campaign Planning: Now until End of August  Set Goal  Compare Campaign Potential to Last Year’s Actual; Factor in variables like the COLA freeze, downsizing, etc…  Set a reasonable goal that will encourage your Campaign participants to be generous and that feels comfortable with your culture  Consider the National participate rate of 30%; compare your organization’s participation to gage potential factoring

25 Campaign Activities 25 Thank you for partnering with the CFC! Campaign Planning: Now until End of August  Set Goal  Share your goal recommendation with your Department/Agency Head – Use CFC presentation template for detailing how you reached the goal you set  Have your Department/Agency Head sign off on the goal and circulate it among your co-workers  Display thermometer prominently so everyone can see how close you are to reaching that goal

26 Campaign Activities 26 Thank you for partnering with the CFC! Campaign Planning: Now until End of August  Campaign Plan Presentation  Campaign Overview  Shares your goal recommendation and how you reached the goal  Provides information about planned event/activity  Stages the support your request from Agency Head/Department head

27 Campaign Activities 27 Thank you for partnering with the CFC! PCFO Campaign Preparation: Early September  Materials Distribution – boxing completed ASAP  Traditional Materials  Posters & Flyers – Distributed at Keyworker Training  Brochures & Pledge forms boxed according to personnel strength  Also available in PDF format on website  Thank you gifts – provided at turn-ins

28 Campaign Activities 28 Thank you for partnering with the CFC! ECC Campaign Preparation: Early September  Event Kick-off/Activity  Confirm Logistics – set up/ break down  Secure Charity Involvement  Charity Fair  Charity Speaker  Fun Element – set up/ break down  Recruit Event Volunteers  Confirm Employee Testimonial  Request Agency Head/Dept Head to speak  Promote On-line Giving  Materials Distribution

29 Campaign Activities 29 Thank you for partnering with the CFC! ECC Campaign Planning: Now Thru End of August  Plan Activities/Events  Kick-off Fair  Charity Speakers at a Group Presentation  Chili Cook-offs  Bake Sales  Penny Wars  Your Ideas?

30 Campaign Activities 30 Thank you for partnering with the CFC! Promote Campaign: Sept 15 – Dec 15  Promote Campaign  Posters/Flyers  Email Blasts  Internal Newsletters  Inform CFC staff to put on Website  Schedule pickup of Campaign Materials  Materials will be available in late September (we will email you with the details )

31 Campaign Activities 31 Thank you for partnering with the CFC! 2012 PCFO Supported Campaign Hub Events  Boulder LABS Employee Picnic & CFC Kickoff: September 12 from 11:30 – 1:00  Downtown: USPS Parking lot 951 20 th Street September 25 from 11:00 – 1:30  Denver Federal Center Kickoff: Sept 26 from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm. 150+ Charities!  Buckley AFB: Gym – September27 from 11:00 -1:00  Collaborate with other ECCs near you to join resources

32 Campaign Activities 32 Thank you for partnering with the CFC! Mid Campaign Blitz: Oct 15 - 19  Get Your Give ON-Line  Campaign Theme promotion  National promotion  Simplest means of giving  CFC Nexus  Employee Express  Toolkit provided

33 Campaign Activities 33 Thank you for partnering with the CFC! Mid Campaign Blitz: Oct 15 - 19  National Promotion  Keeps campaign Momentum Strong  Fun Reminder to complete pledging  Second opportunity for campaign marketing:  Business card size reminder  E-blasts  Agency Head/Department Head Encouragement  Real time tracking on NEXUS

34 Campaign Reporting 34 Thank you for partnering with the CFC! Contribution Collections  Keyworkers Collect Contributions Weekly  PII & OSI Compliance  KeyWorkers collect contributions from staff and make regular time to Turn In those contributions with you  Ensure your Turn-in Time with KeyWorkers leaves plenty of time for you both to sign off for accountability  Recommend day prior to Hub ECC turn-in

35 Campaign Activities 35 Thank you for partnering with the CFC! Weekly Turn-Ins:  Compliance Requirement  Locations needed: Email or call 720-999-2015 if you’d like to host a weekly office space for  Bonus: You won’t have to travel somewhere else to do your Turn- In Projected Turn In sites:  EPA at 16 th and Wynkoop  Boulder Labs  Buckley AFB

36 Campaign Activities 36 Thank you for partnering with the CFC! Weekly Turn-Ins:  PCFO Scheduled Turn-In Day for campaign hubs  Boulder/Northern  Downtown  DFC  Buckley/Aurora  Select Time on Schedule  You will meet same time/day each week for Turn-in with CFC Staff

37 Campaign Reporting 37 Thank you for partnering with the CFC! 2012 Campaign Ledger  Prepare Ledger for Weekly Turn-In  ECCs will have an electronic Ledger to track the contributions each week. They will review this Ledger with CFC Staff at every Weekly Turn-In  Ledger must be verified in person;  deposit slips prepared in front of ECC;  ECC and PCFO Account Manager sign off on Leder & deposit slip  Weekly Turn-In  Weekly Turn-Ins are essential to our PII & OSI safety plan

38 Campaign Reporting 38 Thank you for partnering with the CFC! Thank You Awards Tracking  PCFO Tracking Form Provided  Each KeyWorker keep a list of their 25 Co-Workers with a check box of what gift that donor requests and whether or not they have received it  Although Donors don’t give for the donor gift, they can easily feel slighted if promised something they don’t receive  ThankYou awards provided weekly at Turn-In.

39 Campaign Results 39 Thank you for partnering with the CFC! Final Blitz  December 1- December 14  All Contributions Received by ECC: December 14  Ensure CFC Staff has your Totals for Awards  EEX and Nexus will be turned off COB December 14  Final Turn-Ins scheduled with PCFO Account Managers  Dec 17- 21  DO NOT MAIL CONTRIBUTIONS – Verification required

40 Campaign Recognition 40 Thank you for partnering with the CFC! 2012 Agency Hero Nominations  All Federal Agency Campaign Tea members may be nominated  Submit Hero Nominations by December 15  Nominate anyone you see going above and beyond during the Campaign  Heroes are selected by the LFCC and honored at the Campaign Celebration  Heroes may also be submitted to National Awards Committee for National recognition

41 Campaign Recognition 41 Thank you for partnering with the CFC! 2012 Certificates of Appreciation  Recognized all keyworkers & Campaign Volunteers  Track name, department, Agency  PCFO form provided  Forward list to PCFO Account Manager  Report to PCFO Certificates will be:  PCFO generated and provided  Agency generated and distributed

42 Campaign Celebration 42 Thank you for partnering with the CFC! 2012 Campaign Celebration – January TBA  Ensure all staff have the details regarding the Campaign Celebration  The Celebration is for everyone who contributed to the campaign including donors and volunteers  Attend the Campaign Celebration  Charities will be planning the event this year so no Fed has to work on the event where they are being thanked!  Door prizes  Awards and Individual Recognition

43 Solicitation Tips & Tools 43 Thank you for partnering with the CFC! Tips  CFC Focus Group Results  Newer employees need education about what CFC is  Employees felt inundated with 4 – 6 weeks of solicitation  Your Tips - Discussion  Your Tools - Discussion

44 Solicitation Tips & Tools 44 Thank you for partnering with the CFC! Tools  CFC Website:  Speakers’ List for Charity Speakers at group presentation  Links to online giving sources  Calendar with event details  PDF Brochure Fill in Pledge Form  Searchable Charity Database  All ECC support Materials

45 Agency Awards 45 Thank you for partnering with the CFC! Award  Gold, Silver & Bronze Awards  Agency Awards to those that reach 75% of award criteria  Benchmark: 5% above 2011 campaign – silver award  75% of Benchmark – Bronze award  125% of Benchmark – Gold Award

46 Stretch Break What will I miss if I go to the Bathroom?! 46 Thank you for partnering with the CFC!

47 Pledging Overview 47 Thank you for partnering with the CFC! Ways to Contribute  On-Line  NEXUS  Payroll Deduction  One time cash, check or credit card  Employee Express  Payroll deduction  Mobile Application - NEXUS  Traditional Pledge From  Payroll Deduction  One-Time Cash or Check Donation

48 Pledging 48 Thank you for partnering with the CFC! Ways to Contribute  NEXUS Online:  Metro Denver Website that links to NEXUS  NEXUS Training  Follow link; Follow instructions:  Register  Pledge  Confirmation  NEXUS Payroll Coordinator Training

49 Pledging 49 Thank you for partnering with the CFC! Ways to Contribute  NEXUS Mobile Application Online:  NEXUS Demo:

50 Pledging 50 Thank you for partnering with the CFC! Ways to Contribute  Employee Express  Only participating agencies that have paid for the module  Demonstration: A Demonstration Account is available for all to familiarize Federal users with the CFC-EEX E- Pledge system. Go to and Login with: 999999994 and Password: Demo#444 (Local charities for this account are in the Atlanta campaign.)

51 Pledging 51 Thank you for partnering with the CFC! Ways to Contribute  Traditional Payroll Deduction, check or cash  Paper Pledge Form

52 Turn-In Flow Chart 52 Thank you for partnering with the CFC! DonorsKeyworkerECC Federal Payroll Office CFC Staff (Regional PCFO Office) Charitable Organizations

53 Key Worker Turn-Ins 53 Thank you for partnering with the CFC! Campaign Reporting On a weekly basis, the ECC will collect all KW envelopes, verify the contents with the KW and turn in to CFC Staff. CFC Staff will re-verify the content of the envelopes with the ECC. A chain of custody transition form on the envelope will be signed by the ECC and the LE at each turn-in. ( IG Compliance)

54 Key Worker Turn-Ins 54 Thank you for partnering with the CFC! ECCs Check KeyWorker Envelopes  Verify BOTH the dollar amounts AND the number of each kind of donation.  Verify that the name on the check, matches the name on the pledge form (if not, note the name of the donor on the check and the name from the check on the pledge form).

55 ECC Turn-In 55 Thank you for partnering with the CFC! ECCs Collection from KeyWorker  If collecting from larger organizations that have multiple departments, offices, units or even shifts (sub-sections), the ECCs will track and turn in those pledges by the corresponding subsection. (ie USPS GMF Tour 1, Tour 2, Tour 3 This ensures proper credit to each part of that organization AND if donor information has to be verified, it provides for a contact closer to the donor to validate.  Each of these subsections should fill out their own KeyWorker Envelope, which would then be collected by the ECC.  ECC or Finance officer will record multiple envelopes on EC ledger

56 PCFO Turn-In 56 Thank you for partnering with the CFC! Collection from ECCS  ECC’s should fill in a ledger that documents each of the KeyWorker envelopes they receive each week. A ledger should be provided every time they turn in to CFC Staff, and these ledgers should only include the amounts physically being turned in at that time.

57 ECC Turn-In 57 Thank you for partnering with the CFC! ECC Ledger

58 PCFO Turn-In 58 Thank you for partnering with the CFC! Campaign Reporting On a weekly basis, CFC Staff will collect ECC-collected contributions – CFC Staff will verify the contents for accuracy with the ECC during the turn-in. A chain of custody transition form will be signed at each turn-in.

59 PCFO Turn-In 59 Thank you for partnering with the CFC! CFC Staff will Cross Check the Envelopes Against the ECC Ledger

60 PCFO Turn-In 60 Thank you for partnering with the CFC! CFC Staff Check KeyWorker Envelopes  After verifying the envelopes against the ledger, and verifying BOTH the dollar amounts AND the number of each kind of donation in each envelope, CFC Staff will separate cash and checks from the pledge cards – verify that the name on the check, matches the name on the pledge form (if not, note the name of the donor on the check and the name from the check on the pledge form).

61 PCFO Turn-In 61 Thank you for partnering with the CFC! ECC Ledger After Cross checking each envelope – CFC Staff will provide the requested supplies, and ECC and CFC Staff will sign off on the ECC ledger.

62 PII Compliance 62 Thank you for partnering with the CFC! OPM Personal Identifying Information (PII) & Other Sensitive Information (OSI) Memorandum  OPM generally defines PII as information that:  Can be used to discern or trace a person’s or entity’s identity; and alone or combined with other information can be used to compromise the integrity of agency records relating to a person by permitting access to unauthorized disclosure of these records

63 PII Compliance 63 Thank you for partnering with the CFC! OPM Personal Identifying Information (PII) & Other Sensitive Information (OSI) Memorandum  For example, a name alone would generally not constitute PII, but when linked to his or her social security number (SSN), date of birth, or mother's maiden name, would constitute PII. (PLEDGE FORM)

64 PII Compliance 64 Thank you for partnering with the CFC! OPM Personal Identifying Information (PII) & Other Sensitive Information (OSI) Memorandum  OPM defines OSI as any information:  Related to the Federal donor or charitable entity that could alone, or combined with other information, be used to commit fraudulent acts against the Federal donor or charitable entity. For example, a donor’s home address, bank account number or routing number would constitute other sensitive information.

65 PII Compliance 65 Thank you for partnering with the CFC! OPM Personal Identifying Information (PII) & Other Sensitive Information (OSI) Memorandum  Campaign Responsibilities  It is the local campaign’s responsibility to ensure it has implemented adequate controls to protect against the unauthorized release and misuse of personally identifiable and other sensitive information. Local campaigns are responsible for the proper handling of PII and OSI, regardless of location.

66 PII Compliance 66 Thank you for partnering with the CFC! OPM Personal Identifying Information (PII) & Other Sensitive Information (OSI) Memorandum  Campaign Responsibilities  Proper control and handling of PII and OSI residing in collection envelopes, on computers, on removable media, and on paper and electronic documents  Ensuring portable data storage and communication devices are properly controlled and secured at all times

67 PII Compliance 67 Thank you for partnering with the CFC! OPM Personal Identifying Information (PII) & Other Sensitive Information (OSI) Memorandum  Campaign Responsibilities  Restricting access to PII and OSI to only those individuals who have a business need for it  Keeping paper documents with PII or OSI in locked storage rooms or safes which can only be accessed by authorized users or security personnel

68 PII Compliance 68 Thank you for partnering with the CFC! OPM Personal Identifying Information (PII) & Other Sensitive Information (OSI) Memorandum  LFCC Responsibilities  LFCC should ensure any organization applying for the PCFO understands these responsibilities and addresses its plan for protecting PII and OSI in the written campaign plan provided with its application to administer the CFC  The PCFO has an LFCC-approved plan, process and procedures that must be strictly adhered to for protecting PII and OSI information

69 PII Compliance 69 Thank you for partnering with the CFC! OPM Personal Identifying Information (PII) & Other Sensitive Information (OSI) Memorandum  Reporting PII Breaches  A breach of PII or OSI includes the actual or suspected loss of control, compromise, unauthorized disclosure, unauthorized acquisition, or unauthorized access of PII or OSI whether physical or electronic

70 PII Compliance 70 Thank you for partnering with the CFC! OPM Personal Identifying Information (PII) & Other Sensitive Information (OSI) Memorandum  Reporting PII Breaches  In accordance with 5 CFR § 950.104(b)(13) a LFCC is required to immediately report to OPM all potential PII data and OSI breaches -- whether they involve paper documents or electronic information. Potential PII data and OSI breaches must be reported within 30 minutes of discovery via telephone on (202) 606-2564 or email at to OPM.

71 Why do we have to do all that? 71 Thank you for partnering with the CFC! OPM Personal Identifying Information (PII) & Other Sensitive Information (OSI) Memorandum  Reporting PII Breaches  Both actual and suspected breaches should be reported, even if it is believed the breach is limited, small, or insignificant. In addition, the LFCC is reminded of its obligation to report all security incidents involving PII to US-CERT within the Department of Homeland Security (see US- CERT web site at and providing notification to victims of PII or OSI breaches, as appropriate.

72 Why do we have to do all that? 72 Thank you for partnering with the CFC! OPM Personal Identifying Information (PII) & Other Sensitive Information (OSI) Memorandum Your cooperation in protecting donor and charity privacy and preventing identity theft is appreciated!

73 Thanks You Awards 73 Thank you for partnering with the CFC! Tools  Donor Gifts:

74 Questions? Q&A: 74 Thank you for partnering with the CFC!

75 Barbara Barfield Campaign Director 720-999-1015 Irma Jones Campaign Operations Manager 720-999-2015 Cari Allen Campaign Coordinator 720-352-5076 Chuck Bader USPS Account Manager 719-232-3373 PCFO Team 75

76 2012 Metro Denver Region

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