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DENT 1100 Dental Anatomy Module II Head & Neck Anatomy Unit I Landmarks of the Face and Oral Cavity.

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Presentation on theme: "DENT 1100 Dental Anatomy Module II Head & Neck Anatomy Unit I Landmarks of the Face and Oral Cavity."— Presentation transcript:

1 DENT 1100 Dental Anatomy Module II Head & Neck Anatomy Unit I Landmarks of the Face and Oral Cavity

2 Landmarks Facial landmarks: 1. Ala of the nose 2. Naso-labial groove 3. Philtrum 4. Vermilion zone 5. Vermilion border 6. Labial commissures 7. Labio-mental groove

3 Facial Landmarks Ala of the nose: #7 #6 Bridge

4 Facial Landmarks Naso-labial groove

5 Facial Landmarks Philtrum

6 Facial Landmarks Vermilion Zone Vermilion Border

7 Facial Landmarks Labial Commissures Labio-mental groove Md2Un1 FacLdmk.pptx ch?v=jQJsPGD1t0g

8 Oral Cavity Landmarks 1. Vestibule 2. Mucosa 3. Gingiva 4. Frenum 5. Palate

9 Oral Cavity Landmarks Vestibule

10 Oral Cavity Landmarks Mucosa

11 Oral Cavity Landmarks Gingiva

12 Oral Cavity Landmarks Frenum/frena

13 Oral Cavity Landmarks Palate – hard palate Palate – soft palate

14 Oral Cavity Landmarks Hard palate Incisive papilla Palatine rugae

15 Oral Cavity Landmarks Soft palate Uvula Tonsils

16 Oral Cavity Landmarks Tongue: Median sulcus Lingual frenum Papilla Circumvallate Filiform Fungiform and Foliate

17 Salivary Glands Saliva: Purposes:

18 Salivary Glands Pairs of Glands – Parotid Submandibular Sublingual

19 Parotid gland Size: Location: Duct:

20 Submandibular Gland Size: Location: Duct:

21 Sublingual Gland Size: Shape: Location:

22 Terminology Vermilion border Philtrum Vestibule

23 Terminology Orifice Lingua Buccae Glosso Palatine



26 Pucker UP!

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