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Dr. Mike Nofziger 2010 “LASERS” Light Amplification by the Stimulated Emission of Radiation.

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Presentation on theme: "Dr. Mike Nofziger 2010 “LASERS” Light Amplification by the Stimulated Emission of Radiation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dr. Mike Nofziger 2010 “LASERS” Light Amplification by the Stimulated Emission of Radiation

2 Dr. Mike Nofziger 2010 “LASERS” ….. small Tunable Diode Laser - about 2mm x 2mm chip - used to measure water vapor concentration in the near-IR - used to detect low-levels of gas concentration (ppm, ppb)

3 Dr. Mike Nofziger 2010 “LASERS” ….. Large!!! NOVA Laser at LLNL

4 Dr. Mike Nofziger 2010 “LASERS” ….. History 1917--Albert Einstein describes the photon and points out that stimulated emission of light could occur. 1958--Arthur Schawlow and Charles Townes publish their theoretical paper "Infrared and Optical Masers" in Physical Review, 1958. 1960 --Theodore Maiman invents the first laser, the optical version of the maser, using a man-made ruby crystal. First operated on May 16, 1960. 1961--HeNe gas laser is invented by Ali Javan, et al., Bell Labs. -first laser to emit a continuous (CW) beam of light -first output was at 3.39 microns, in the infrared -visible output at 0.633 microns (633 nm) in 1962 -"workhorse of the laser industry“ 1963--CO 2 gas laser is invented by Patel, Bell Labs. 1964--Argon ion laser is invented by Bridges, Hughes Research Labs. 1966--Organic Dye (liquid) laser is invented. 1970's--Semiconductor lasers are run at room temperature, paving the way for their practical use today.

5 Dr. Mike Nofziger 2010 “LASERS” ….. 2010, the 50 th Anniversary! “A solution looking for a problem.”

6 Dr. Mike Nofziger 2010 “LASERS” ….. Basic Principle Light Amplification by the Stimulated Emission of Radiation Atoms absorb energy… A population inversion is created… The atoms return to their non-energetic states by emitting radiation (“light”--UV, visible, or IR) through stimulated emission… Feedback in an optical cavity amplifies this light… Some of this light is emitted in the form of laser light!

7 Dr. Mike Nofziger 2010 “LASERS” ….. Stimulated Emission

8 Dr. Mike Nofziger 2010 “LASERS” ….. Characteristics of Laser Light

9 Dr. Mike Nofziger 2010 “LASERS”“LASERS” ….. Laser Speckle (random interference pattern)

10 Dr. Mike Nofziger 2010 "How to Make a Laser" "Gain medium (to provide for population inversion)" + "Input source of energy (electricity, light, etc.)" + "Resonant cavity (provides optical feedback and sustains stimulated emission)" “LASERS” ….. Fundamental Parts

11 Dr. Mike Nofziger 2010 “LASERS” ….. Example: The Ruby Laser The RubyLaser - Sapphire crystal doped with chromium ions ( ≈ 0.05%) - The sapphire rod has flat, polished ends coated with gold - The chromium ions absorb the input white-light and emit the laser light - Wavelength of 694 nm (ruby-red color) - Output beam is pulsed - Needs high voltage to run the flash lamp

12 Dr. Mike Nofziger 2010 “LASERS” ….. Example: The Ruby Laser

13 Dr. Mike Nofziger 2010 “LASERS” ….. Example: The Ruby Laser

14 Dr. Mike Nofziger 2010 “LASERS” ….. Example: He-Ne Laser

15 Dr. Mike Nofziger 2010 “LASERS” ….. Example: He-Ne Laser

16 Dr. Mike Nofziger 2010 “LASERS” ….. Example: He-Ne Laser

17 Dr. Mike Nofziger 2010 “LASERS”“LASERS” ….. Example: Red laser pointer

18 Dr. Mike Nofziger 2010 “LASERS” Red Laser Pointer - direct output of red light from the Laser Diode (“LD”) λ = 633nm, 650nm, 670nm, etc. - output is monitored by the built-in photodiode detector (“PD”) -beam expands and is collimated by the aspheric lens “LASERS” ….. Example: Red laser pointer

19 Dr. Mike Nofziger 2010 5mW beam λ = 532 nm “LASERS” ….. Example: Green laser pointer

20 Dr. Mike Nofziger 2010 “LASERS” Diode-Pumped Solid State “DPSS laser” - 808nm (near-infrared) pump diode laser 808nm energy converted to 1064nm by the Nd:YVO 4 crystal - 1064nm energy converted to 532nm green light by the KTP crystal - this is a non-linear process called “frequency-doubling” - the input frequency is doubled, and the output wavelength is cut in half - beam is expanded - beam is collimated - beam is filtered to block the (powerful) original IR energy at 808nm “LASERS” ….. Example: Green laser pointer

21 Dr. Mike Nofziger 2010 “LASERS” – Red vs. Green Reference: “Sam’s Laser FAQ”Sam’s Laser FAQ

22 Dr. Mike Nofziger 2010 λ = 405 nm “blue” P = 150 mW λ = 532 nm “green” P=50mW “LASERS” – Red, Green and now Blue!

23 Dr. Mike Nofziger 2010 “LASERS” ….. Example: High-Power Diodes - Stacks of linear arrays of diode lasers - 100’s to kilowatts of power - near infrared wavelengths - used for materials processing

24 Dr. Mike Nofziger 2010 “LASERS” ….. Example: CD Diode Lasers output in the near-infrared ≈ 5 – 50mW output actual laser chip from a CD player

25 Dr. Mike Nofziger 2010 “LASERS” Laser Guide Stars - VLT 8.2m telescopes - creates an artificial star at an altitude of 90 km -yellow sodium line - part of the VLT’s Adaptive Optics system

26 Dr. Mike Nofziger 2010 “LASERS” top: CAD model bottom: laser-cut part - 0.5mm thick stainless steel Laser Cutting Laser Welding CO 2, Nd:YAG E ≈ 1MW/cm 2 f beam <.5mm carbon steel, stainless steel, aluminum, titanium

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