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What is Dysphagia? Presented by: Christin R. Dowd LISD Speech-Language Pathologist 03/02/04.

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Presentation on theme: "What is Dysphagia? Presented by: Christin R. Dowd LISD Speech-Language Pathologist 03/02/04."— Presentation transcript:

1 What is Dysphagia? Presented by: Christin R. Dowd LISD Speech-Language Pathologist 03/02/04

2 Dysphagia and Feeding Strategies Anatomy Anatomy Facts to consider Facts to consider Signs and Symptoms Signs and Symptoms Strategies for feeding Strategies for feeding

3 Anatomy Lips Lips Teeth Teeth Tongue Tongue Palate/Velum Palate/Velum Epiglottis Epiglottis Trachea Trachea Esophagus Esophagus


5 Fact to consider 7 muscles just to initiate a swallow 7 muscles just to initiate a swallow Is there silent aspiration? Is there silent aspiration? Gravity Gravity Positioning Positioning Consistency Consistency Oral defensiveness Oral defensiveness

6 Signs and Symptoms of Aspiration Choking/turning blue Choking/turning blue Coughing during intake Coughing during intake Gurgly voice quality Gurgly voice quality Drooling Drooling Pocketing of food Pocketing of food Food Left over in oral cavity after a meal Food Left over in oral cavity after a meal Frequent bronchitis/pneumonia Frequent bronchitis/pneumonia Adam’s Apple Test Adam’s Apple Test

7 Feeding Strategies Lets make eating fun! Chin tuck Chin tuck Positioning Positioning Bolus size Bolus size Thickening Liquids Thickening Liquids Tongue thrust strategies Tongue thrust strategies

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