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Cardiovascular System. Circulatory Functions: 1.To transport oxygen (O 2 ), nutrients (food), and waste products (like CO 2 ) throughout the body. 2.

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Presentation on theme: "Cardiovascular System. Circulatory Functions: 1.To transport oxygen (O 2 ), nutrients (food), and waste products (like CO 2 ) throughout the body. 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cardiovascular System

2 Circulatory Functions: 1.To transport oxygen (O 2 ), nutrients (food), and waste products (like CO 2 ) throughout the body. 2. Carry cells that protect the body (wbc’s)  Maintain homeostasis

3 Circulatory System Consists of: – –Blood (flows) – –Blood vessels (tubes) – –Heart (pumps)

4 Blood Blood cells are created by stem cells in your red bone marrow Liquid tissue


6 Parts of Blood 1. Red Blood Cells (erythrocytes) carry CO 2 to the lungs & O 2 from lungs Contains hemoglobin (protein) binds to O 2 Increase oxygen capacity

7 Parts of Blood 2. White Blood Cells (leukocytes) Protect body against bacteria, viruses & foreign cells

8 Parts of Blood 3. Platelets Clot blood & repair damaged blood vessels


10 Cut: Allows blood to flow out and bacteria to come in! Platelets: carry an enzyme that and is released when come into contact with air or damaged cells.

11 Protein from platelets changes fibrinogen (soluble) into fibrin (insoluble) which creates a sticky net that traps rbc’s creating a plug (blood clot).

12 Clot hardens and becomes a scab protecting wound as skin heals below!

13 Parts of Blood 4. Plasma 55% of blood 90% H 2 O Lubricant


15 Blood Vessels Primary Job: Cycle blood from heart to organs Then back to heart.


17 Arteries Carry blood away from heart Oxygen “rich” A lot of muscle

18 Artery Structure

19 Veins Carry blood back to heart Valves control blood flow CO 2 rich

20 Vein Structure

21 Capillaries Connect arteries and veins Exchange of H 2 O, CO 2, O 2, waste Single cell wall thick

22 Capillaries

23 Heart Heart Beats:Heart Beats: 70 b/m x 60 m/h x 24 h/d x 365 d/y x 75 y/l = 2,759,400,000 beats per lifetime (if no variation in activity)

24 External Anatomy

25 The Heart ~ fist-sized, wt < 1lb~ fist-sized, wt < 1lb thoracic cavity, between the lungsthoracic cavity, between the lungs covered by pericardium- a protective sac of tissuecovered by pericardium- a protective sac of tissue Myocardium – thick layer of muscle in the heartMyocardium – thick layer of muscle in the heart

26 Location of Heart

27 Layers…

28 Myocardium

29 Simplified Blood Flow From Body (SVC, IVC) To Lungs (via pulmonary artery, past pulmonary semilunar valve) From Lungs (pulmonary v.) To Body (via aorta, past aortic semilunar valve) R.A. R.V. L.A. L.V. tricuspid valve bicuspid (mitral) valve

30 Blood Flow Through Heart

31 Blood Flow Through Body


33 Chambers, Vessels, Valves (cont’d) AV (atrioventricular) valvesAV (atrioventricular) valves – tricuspid – betw. RA & RV – bicuspid – betw. LA & LV Chordae tendinaeChordae tendinae – “heartstrings” – anchor flaps of valves to walls of ventricles

34 Cardiac Circulation Right and left coronary arteriesRight and left coronary arteries Inlet found in aorta just past aortic semilunar valveInlet found in aorta just past aortic semilunar valve Drained by coronary veins into coronary sinus into right atriumDrained by coronary veins into coronary sinus into right atrium

35 Coronary Arteries


37 Pathologies Angina pectorisAngina pectoris –Results from oxygen deprivation to heart muscle Myocardial infarctionMyocardial infarction –“heart attack” occurs when ischemic cells die

38 Heart Attack

39 Conduction System of Heart Controls and coordinates heart beatControls and coordinates heart beat Sinoatrial (SA) NodeSinoatrial (SA) Node – located in R. atrium Atrioventricular (AV) NodeAtrioventricular (AV) Node – located at junction of atrium and ventricle

40 Starts in SA node – sets the pace for the heart as a whole so called the “pacemaker” – –Atria contract Then goes to AV node and ventricles contract Conduction System of Heart

41 Conduction System



44 Detoxifying Blood Kidneys filter waste & remove excess H 2 O Liver removes toxins from blood

45 Lymphatic System:

46 Functions: To collect fluid that is lost by the circulatory system and return it. Lymph fluid Lymph vessels with valves like veins to prevent backflow.

47 Functions Continued: Lymph nodes- act as filters and producers of special wbc’s that prevent invasion. All lymph fluid returns to left subclavian vein (located under the left clavicle).

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