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Classify Epithelium and Connective Tissue. 2 3 4.

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Presentation on theme: "Classify Epithelium and Connective Tissue. 2 3 4."— Presentation transcript:

1 Classify Epithelium and Connective Tissue

2 2

3 3

4 4

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6 6

7 7

8 8

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11 11

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13 13

14 14

15 1.Simple squamous epithelium 2.Simple columnar epithelium 3.Simlpe cuboidal epithelium 4.Pseudostratified columnar epithelium 5.Stratified squamous epithelium 6.Transitional epithelium 7.Adipose CT 8.Reticular CT 9.Dense Regular CT 10.Skeletal muscle CT 11.Cardiac muscle CT 12.Cartilage: hyaline CT 13.Nervous tissue 14.Smooth muscle CT


17 1 2 3

18 4 5 6

19 7 8

20 9 10 11

21 Figure 7.30 Pelvis. 13 12 14 15

22 1.Mandibular fossa 2.Jugular foramen 3.Occipital condyle 4.Coracoid process 5.Accromion 6.Infraspinous fossa 7.Spinous process 8.Transverse process 9.Greater tubercle 10.Deltoid tuberosity 11.Trochlea 12.Obturator foramen 13.Lliac crest 14.Llium 15.Ischium


24 2 1 3 4 5 6

25 7 8 9

26 10 12 13 11

27 1.Vertebral 2.Lumbar 3.Popliteal 4.Plantar 5.Paterall 6.Carpal 7.Midsagittal 8.Transverse 9.Frontal 10.Cranial cavity 11.Thoracic cavity 12.Abdominal cavity 13.Vertebral cavity


29 12 3 4

30 5 6 7 8 9 10

31 Figure 8.6 Special body movements. 11 12 13 14 15 16

32 1.Hyaline cartilage 2.Synarthrotic cartilaginous 3.Amphiarthrotic cartilaginous 4.Amphiartrotic cartilaginous 5.Diarthrotic synovial plane 6.Diarthrotic synovial condyloid 7.Diarthrotic synovial saddle 8.Diarthrotic synovial ball-and-socket 9.Diarthrotic synovial hinge 10.Diarthrotic synovial pivot 11.Pronation 12.Inversion 13.Elevation 14.Dorsiflexion 15.Retraction 16.Opposition


34 1 2 3 4

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36 1.Pectineus 2.Gracilis 3.Tensor fasciae latae 4.Tibialis anterior 5.Infraspinatus 6.Semitendinous 7.Semimembranous 8.Gluteus medius 9.Biceps femoris 10.Gastrocnemius


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39 2 3 4

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42 9 10 11

43 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

44 1.Pituitary gland 2.Dura mater 3.Arachnoid mater 4.Pia mater 5.Third ventricle 6.Cervical enlargement 7.Lumbar enlargement 8.Cauda equina 9.Dorsal median sulcus 10.Dorsal horn 11.Ventral median fissure 12.Olfactory nerve 13.Optic nerve 14.Oculomotor nerve 15.Trochlear nerve 16.Trigeminal nerve 17.Abducense nerve 18.Facial nerve 19.Vestibulo-cochlear 20.Glosso-pharyngeal 21.Vagus nerve 22.Accessory nerve 23.Hypoglossal nerve


46 1 2 3 4 5

47 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

48 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

49 1.Superior rectus 2.Superior oblique 3.Lateral rectus 4.Inferior rectus 5.Inferior oblique 6.Sclera 7.Choroid 8.Retina 9.Posterior aqueous humor 10.Cornea 11.Iris 12.Ciliary body 13.Auricle (pinna) 14.External acoustic canal 15.Malleus 16.Incus 17.Tympanic membrane 18.Stapes 19.Auditory tube.

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